YOU DID IT – Lucyssquad – Lucy Wyndham-Read

by YouTube Team

Yay – big high 5 to you as you completed my challenge and I am so proud of you. Lucy xx


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emzie0509 January 30, 2017 - 9:42 am

ive done thd challenge in 2 weeks, as i did two a day ! i started it late. i measured myself at start, and ive lost 2 inches off my hips and an inch of my waist. im not overweight, so have stayed the same weight ! but im really pleased. to carry on until my wedding in october 🙂

jeanette Hudson January 30, 2017 - 10:29 am

Well a month of good exercise with a really motivated person like yourself … I liked all the challenges I tell everyone I speak too, I tell them about you… Through Feb I plan to incorporate the last weeks challenge and the workouts you suggest every day to keep motivated and work towards being more super fit.. my waist and muffin top has definitely shrunk my booty has firmed and lifted also .. Even though my arms have toned Can I ask for a workout that incorporates the biceps as I am getting crepy skin there and I hate it.. What can I say but well done not for just the motivation but how kind and caring you are.. A very rare trait today!! be proud of how inspirational you are and how people are inspired by YOU!!!!

yvonneisyvonne January 30, 2017 - 11:04 am

Thank you for doing this for us! I have PCOS and thyroid issues, so I didn't see the physical transformations that some people might have. But I definitely feel like I can do more than I ever did. So this month, I'm repeating the January challenge– but doubling, when I can!

Juliana January 30, 2017 - 12:05 pm

Love your challenges so much! xxx

BrainSET Victoria January 31, 2017 - 7:53 am

Although i started this half way through i love my results so much i thought I'd share, 2 and a half cm's off my arms, 2cm's off my bust 4 cm's off my waist. I will be doing the challenge through feb too. My eating is my downfall, I will work on that in Feb. Thankyou so much Lucy ☺

Deepinder Sehgal January 31, 2017 - 7:48 pm

@lucy wyndham- Read : the first time in my life I took a challenge and completed it 😊👊🏻thanks Lucy .. your workouts are simple, affective and super body curving ❤️❤️I love them

Anni Ka February 4, 2017 - 8:36 am

Hey Lucy,
I just finished the january challenge and I'm really proud of myself that I never skipped a day!
Also a big thank you that you helped me getting through this challenge and motivated me with your great videos!
I'm doing the workouts every morning and now it's part of my morning routine 🙂 I liked the change between the hit workouts and the other workouts and they helped me feeling fitter and better in my body now 🙂
All the best wishes from Germany
Anni xx

Catherine M February 5, 2017 - 4:30 pm

THANK YOU LUCY!!!!! January's challenge brought me into a fitness lifestyle that I have been aspiring for, but never successfully got into. I get up every morning a bit earlier, put on my workout clothes, do your workout, then jump in the shower, get ready for work and go about my day. I began this year wanting to take better care of myself. I didn't need to lose weight, but I really wanted to tone up my body a bit while keeping my feminine figure (which is another reason I love your videos!) and really just feel strong and healthy. There are a few things that I have noticed about myself over the past 4 weeks. 1. Mentally, I feel much better. I was having a period of feeling down and anxious and overwhelmed (graduated college and started a new job), and I noticed that by getting up and doing these exercises, my mindset has improved immensely. I feel more positive, more confident, and all around happier! 2. I am a very small-breasted woman (we're talking A-cup), and I have noticed that by breasts are perkier! They sit a bit higher and they don't droop, they – like me mood – appear much happier! 3. My booty has gotten a bit more sculpted and I LOVE IT! Now I wear my skinny jeans with even more pride. 4 (and most importantly) I am proud of myself for taking the time to do something positive for myself (body and mind) and I honestly would not have done it without you! Your approach to fitness as a woman really motivates me to continue to stick with this fitness journey. #LucysSquad really is amazing!! I am a loyal subscriber for LIFE! Lots of love xx

invaders1989 February 6, 2017 - 8:15 pm

I'm finally finished missed a few last week but made it up at the weekend and today. Great challenge feeling better and fitter. Not a hold load of pounds but that's a diet thing more so. Thanks for the challenge can't wait for march x

LaiLaNahAr April 29, 2017 - 3:53 pm

Just completed the challenge here in metro-Detroit, Michigan w/my friend across the border in Windsor, Ontario!

S Begum May 28, 2017 - 2:13 pm

This is my second time finishing this challenge. Absolutely love it!

S Begum May 28, 2017 - 2:13 pm

This is my second time finishing this challenge. Absolutely love it!

Mizanur Rahman February 5, 2018 - 4:07 pm

Lucy thank you so much
Oh my god my whole family and friends are so surprised. I am so proud of myself but now as I am fit and I have taken the goal of staying fit.

tashalovesbeauty March 28, 2018 - 7:08 pm

Woo! Just finished and feel great, didn't really eat clean but I never planned to so still feeling good and definitely have lost a bit around the waist as my jeans are falling down! Feeling fit and ready to keep it up with your other videos 🙂

myrtO.x po May 29, 2018 - 3:10 pm

January's challenge: DONE- even though its May! I was looking for a 30day challenge to start working out and I've found this one! Its been a long long time since I've done one of your wokrouts! And yes I feel great! I have a long way to go, but still. I've lost 2 cm off my waist and hips and 1 off my legs! Even though you could say 2 cm are not much, I can see the difference and it makes me feel so much better! And its a huge confidence boost for me!

Jade Michaels September 25, 2018 - 5:53 pm

❤Oh Lucy, youtubes fitness Angel!! 😇You're adorable and so sweet. And your funny story, trying to sit still for a manicure! They're not my cup of tea either, lol. 😅I feel as if we're kindred spirits. I'm now loving workouts! I'm so grateful to you!! I've completed this challenge and I swear it was so amazing!! 💥Thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH!!! NEXT!!!🙌🏼👍🏼💞Jade

Felicia Yeo February 11, 2019 - 3:35 pm

Lucy, I just completed the January challenge a couple of days back. Love the monthly challenge as it helps me see a clear start and end. Thanks for all your videos. It helps me develop a routine to exercise regularly even if it is just 4 minutes daily as a start. Thanks again!!!

Aoife Fleming August 2, 2020 - 1:53 pm

I'm going to do this challenge every day but in August instead of January, so that I'll be looking unreal by the time I go back to school! So excited to see the new me!

rakhshanda mujib September 20, 2020 - 1:22 pm

My arms went down from 11.9" to 11.1!!!! I'm dancing.

Hilda M Rodríguez February 13, 2021 - 5:48 pm

I did it! 🙂
Thank you!

I feel more toned though my measurements seem to be the same. On the other hand it looks like I lost a couple of pounds.
