Workout to Get Lower Abs Fast (7 MINUTES!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If you want to get lower abs fast you are going to need to do a couple of things that are especially important. First, you will need to get your nutrition cleaned up. Due to the fact that most men and many women tend to store fat in their lower abdomen it is often the last to come off and therefore requires a higher dedication to eating right to get rid of it. Second, many people don’t train their lower abs correctly or simply don’t have the strength to do lower ab workouts right.

While it is anatomically impossible to isolate the lower abs from the upper abs and get them to contract independent of the other, it is possible to influence the fiber activation of one area over the other. This is due to the fact that the different areas of the abdominals have different nerve innervation and that there is evidence to support that movements the are initiated with the pelvis moving towards the shoulders can recruit better fiber activation of the lower abdominal region.

That said, there is a big downside to lower ab, bottom up exercises. The fact that these moves require that you lift the weight of your legs makes them instantly more challenging and demanding than top down shoulder to pelvis ab exercises. What winds up happening is those whose lower abs aren’t strong enough wind up overtaxing their hip flexors and not getting enough work for their abs.

This lower ab workout solves this problem.

By incorporating hip flexor relief exercises in between the classic exercises for lower abs that involve lifting the legs, one is able to tolerate the moves better and get through the whole ab workout. In the long run, this allows you to build up the strength of your abs and get better at the workout. There are three levels of ability provided in this lower abs workout.

Beginners perform the hip flexor dominant ab exercises for 15 seconds and immediately follow this with a 15 second rest before moving onto the next movement.

Intermediates perform the exercises for 20 seconds and immediately follow this with a 10 second rest before moving onto the next lower ab exercise.

Advanced perform the ab exercises for 25 seconds and take just 5 seconds rest before proceeding to the next exercise in the ab workout.

That said, when it comes to the hip flexor relief exercises, all performers of the workout regardless of their ability level are doing to perform the exercises for 25 seconds with 5 seconds rest due to the fact that the weight of the legs has been taken out of the equation.

When the 3 minute lower ab workout is complete, take a one minute rest and then get back in there again and repeat for a second round. In total, this workout will target your lower abs better and do the job fast. You can complete this ab workout in just 7 minutes. It is recommended that you do some type of ab training at least 4-5 times per week. That said, you can train your abs daily and not have to worry about overtraining provided you are following a brief but focused ab workout like this.

The specific workout for lower abs looks like this:

1A. Figure 8’s
2A. Bicycle V-Ups (Hand Spotted for Beginners)
3A. 3-Way Seated Ab Tucks

1B. Lower Ab Swipes
2B. Heaven Presses
3B. KTE Crunches

Complete all reps without resting during your time (determined by your ability level above). Alternate between A and B exercises until all 6 are completed.

If you’re looking for a complete lower ab workout program that will get you ripped six pack abs and includes a daily meal plan for losing body fat fast, be sure to check out the Core4 Abs program at and start training your abs with a purpose.

If you want more follow along ab workouts for lower abs or just want to see how to lose body fat fast, be sure to subscribe to our channel on youtube via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ July 26, 2020 - 4:57 pm

NEW “FAST ACTION” Q&A – Got a question about training or injuries that I didn’t cover in the video? Leave yours (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!) below and I’ll pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!

Jack Tavaglione July 1, 2021 - 10:56 pm Reply
Kaja Tominec Hrib July 4, 2021 - 3:45 pm

Your hands.

Reinbowed July 4, 2021 - 6:19 pm Reply
Carter Willett July 9, 2021 - 2:44 am

1 year later

Tichina McLennan July 27, 2021 - 7:35 pm

I can feel my abs contracting after this. This workout is no joke lol 😂

Ken Koles July 29, 2021 - 10:55 am

Great thank you Blessings OOOMMM

Quinn DeCota July 30, 2021 - 6:35 pm Reply
Travis Wirth August 8, 2021 - 4:53 pm

I’m using three of these exercises with starfish crunch and X-Men crunch at the end I added five seconds to each exercise I’m unable to do a few exercises due to it hurts my lower back and tailbone. Kind of divide my own little work out

Peanut Butter August 18, 2021 - 10:51 pm

I have no idea what happened to the 4:20 guy but here you go everyone.

Thomas Wood August 20, 2021 - 5:45 pm

Great video but your dialog mixer could do with some smoother transitions between cut points so it’s not so jarring.

Carlos Lopez August 24, 2021 - 10:45 pm

Love the follow alongside, please keep doing more of them!!

Everette Billings August 26, 2021 - 1:26 am


Mihai's Tube August 26, 2021 - 1:44 pm

"Rest 1 min and do one more time" i'm stuck in this loop

ي August 30, 2021 - 6:59 pm Reply
Umang Lunia September 15, 2021 - 9:26 pm Reply
Gerardo Huerta September 16, 2021 - 5:08 pm

Love these, i use it to do quick lunch time workout!

Carlos Lopez September 20, 2021 - 10:25 pm

Can you please do a chest version like this?

Mr Claus October 18, 2021 - 11:06 am

4:15 start button

gary Lawrence October 22, 2021 - 5:20 am

Hey Jeff, Hope all is cool with family, friends, production, and Jesse 🙂 I would like to ask which would you say is more intense or more preferable for you with regards to ab workout between this one and your previous 7 min workout here:

I normally do the one I linked followed by a little break and then your 10 min workout here: I was thinking to switch the first 7 min workout to this one depending on effectiveness.

Don't Blink November 5, 2021 - 6:45 am

1 Figure 8
2 Lower ab swipe
3 Bicycle
4 Press Hill into ceiling
5 kte crunch – Knees to elbow

Jeremy Jarvis November 13, 2021 - 10:44 pm

Me too.

usman Ronaldo November 27, 2021 - 12:11 pm

I find the other workout harder and better I found this easy

Anthony Mascia December 4, 2021 - 8:57 pm

Man, you're awesome!

inFAMOUS Art December 8, 2021 - 1:46 am

Me having sore legs and wanting to hit lower abs brought me here. Thank you!

jus10mar10 December 16, 2021 - 3:53 pm Reply
Matthew Wright December 29, 2021 - 5:40 pm

Can’t get enough of these follow alongs. Thanks Jeff!
