What’s the best way to lose belly fat? | What are the best belly fat burning workouts? – jessicasmithtv

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Workouts to lose belly fat: What are the best belly fat burning workouts?

Excess belly fat isn’t just something to worry about from a cosmetic perspective, but also for it’s impact on your health! Belly fat, also known as deep visceral fat, surrounds your internal organs and can put you at higher risk for diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart attacks.

The first and most important factor in burning belly fat is what you eat. Eating a healthy diet that has the right amount of calories for your goals, activity and body is important to reducing body fat and preventing it from forming. Since everyone’s calorie needs differ due to their activity level, metabolism, etc. you may need to observe what kind of eating plan works best for you. Notice if you gain or lose weight when you adjust your portions, cut out packaged foods, eat more fruits and veggies, etc.

Some research even suggests that eating more healthy fats (like those found in olive oil, avocados and pine nuts) can help prevent belly fat accumulation. If your goal is to reduce belly fat, aim to eat a balanced diet that allows you to lose weight without sacrificing your energy level or health.

Skip the fad diets and avoid falling into overly restrictive plans that may create nutritional imbalances or push you to the point where you just want to give up and binge. My motto is everything in moderation!

When it comes to belly fat burning workouts, it’s important to note that you can’t spot reduce (AKA do hundreds of crunches to get rid of belly fat). You can, however, strengthen your core muscles to help your body appear more drawn in at your waist and build more lean muscle mass throughout your entire body to help burn more calories around the clock.

Some studies have also shown that high intensity cardio workouts (like HIIT) seem to have a greater impact on belly fat reduction than more endurance focused cardio, but I believe it’s important to balance your workouts in order to avoid overtraining (which can actually cause weight gain if you aren’t careful!).


My final thoughts on reducing belly fat: This is an important goal because excess belly fat can truly be detrimental to your health. But instead of focusing on looking good in a bathing suit, find a more personal reason to get motivated to get moving. Improving your health, having more energy for your kids or preventing the heart disease in your family may be the inspiration you need to make lasting changes to your lifestyle that can help you not only look better but feel better too.

Keep an eye out for Peanut the French Bulldog in this vid!

Please leave me a comment below and let me know your thoughts. Or, leave me a question and I may answer it in an upcoming Q & A episode!

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YogaMom July 16, 2014 - 3:09 pm

great common sense!
I lost 20 lbs over about 6 months by cutting out sugar along with continuing my regular exercise. I was a sugar addict but had an otherwise healthy diet (no processed foods, lots of fruits and veggies). I substitute with stevia and/or xylitol so I don't miss sugar at all. Sugar seems to make weight settle around the midsection, especially after age 40 🙁

sbh discdog July 16, 2014 - 3:28 pm

Jessica, I have a hard time training my abs.  I have a blown disk, and two bulging disks in my low back… Permanent and chronic.  I also had a hysterectomy 10 years ago which wrecked my abs.  What is the best way to strengthen my abs without aggravating my low back?

cherimac325 July 16, 2014 - 3:33 pm

My tip is to eliminate more processed foods. I do indulge in them (totally agree with everything in moderation), but eating more real foods has helped so much. Oh, and moving with you and Peanut, of course.

Rhonda Ellison July 16, 2014 - 4:52 pm

I m an apple shape but I have really broad shoulders what would you think would be the best why to work on the mid section and maybe slender down some in the shoulders?

jessicasmithtv July 16, 2014 - 7:22 pm

Hi sbh discdog! Please stick with your doctor's guidelines with what movements you should avoid, but you may find you do well with our standing abs routines like this one: http://youtu.be/aZ-RKEM43hw

runner khan July 16, 2014 - 11:04 pm

AWESOME ADVICE!!! and I am with peanut on this one 😀
 cute frames Jessica. <3

qtbeddecor July 17, 2014 - 3:44 am

I guess Peanut's advise is to get rest, and less stress. Thanks for Q&A Wednesdays. 🙂 

Sherry G July 17, 2014 - 4:14 pm

Wonderful info. Moving with you and Peanut, and changing my eating, has reduced my belly fat. I track my eating with a calorie counting website, and try to eat more healthy. I also have treats in moderation, and weekends are my treat days. Peanut is the cutest apple shape around! Thanks for the video!

missellenmiller July 19, 2014 - 10:16 am

Hey Jessica! I am loving your videos and have been trying a few out to find ones that keep me motivated! Is there anything specific you would recommend for people looking to not work their thigh and other leg muscles a ton? I have big leg muscles from years as a dancer and while I know you can't spot-tone I don't necessarily want to keep developing them– just want to stay healthy! Thanks so much!

FitnessStriver July 20, 2014 - 12:11 am

Hi Jessica – what is your opinion on the argument that you can't lose fat and build muscle at the same time? I have been doing a lot of research on this topic and it seems that "they" (lol) say that you can only do one thing at a time well. So if it's fat loss, focus on that and if it's muscle building, then hit the weights heavy with less reps to shape and sculpt curves. I like to do all kinds of workouts but do tend to favor circuit training – do you think that circuit training lends to more plateaus in either arena (i.e.; fat loss OR muscle building/shaping). Sorry for such a long question, I am so curious as to what you think. Thank you for your awesome channel 🙂

leigh anne July 20, 2014 - 12:21 am

Got another question for you: How do you know you are overtraining?

Monica Call July 20, 2014 - 2:05 am

Jessica, what do you do when you're post-menopausal? I never had a trouble with a pot belly until I went through menopause seven years ago. Now, no matter how faithful I am about eating clean, do HIIT workouts three days a week and doing strength training, I can't seem to get rid of my "meno pot". What words of wisdom do you have for a fifty something lady???

CathyOfNeuron July 20, 2014 - 6:32 am

Since I've cut out processed foods, eating cleanly and doing your videos I've banished 25 lbs from my little (5 foot tall) body.  Thank you for all of your free videos!

Meda Boca July 21, 2014 - 7:10 am

I really hate my belly fat 🙁 I have 51 kg …I eat healthy,I workout almost every day about an hour,cardio,cardio abs,HIIT,etc. my belly fat is stil there…..:((((

Julie Koerber July 21, 2014 - 2:47 pm

Jessica — thanks so much for doing these Q & As and for all your workout videos. Thanks to you and diet changes, I've lost 15 pounds and have another 15 to go. I so appreciate your positive energy!!!

Houra Sadeghi October 25, 2014 - 5:44 am

Okay so that kind of scared me!! I do hit workouts every day for 40 mins, does this me that I will gain weight on my stomach? by the way, I am a vegan so i do have a lot of energy, but i would still love to know what u think. thxs

Rachel Bailey January 20, 2015 - 3:01 pm

im not sure werer to start and with what program. i have alot of belly fat, from 3 csections. but mu baby is 8. I try to excercise with you videos and always end up sore and stopping cause im to sore. I last about 2 days just for 30 to 45 min. of exercise/or treadmil… But I always feel like i need to do more or it wont matter with loosing weight.So my question is what plan should I start out with that has the ability to get stronger/more intense with time? How much should i actually start wtih

TangledNana May 31, 2015 - 6:57 pm

I'm no expert, but my experience has been that losing unhealthy excess weight is comprised of (in order of importance) 80% healthy eating and 20% healthy activity. You can go to the gym and workout everyday for an hour, but if you're still eating junk: fast food, sugary drinks, excess simple carbs via convenience foods, salty & fatty snacks, you are NOT going to lose weight OR be healthy. On the flip side, if you eat healthy whole foods (including enough healthy fats) and be sure to have a slight calorie deficit, you will lose weight even if your activity level is minimal. Regular exercise (even 10-20 minutes per day) will definitely help a person become healthier and stronger.

Naturally Dunn March 20, 2016 - 5:55 pm

My goal is to lose as much belly fat and fat and fat all over for my son's high school graduation June 5th. 30 pounds off. Here I go!

Colby Johns February 5, 2017 - 5:08 pm

Ever since I saw your video on a MyFitnessPal blog for HIIT workouts I have been doing a variety of your workouts each morning 6 days a week on top of having a protein shake for breakfast. I've been eating much healthier than I have been and lost roughly 10lbs but I always end up hiting a platoue…I have about 50lbs I need to get rid of an I've struggled for years. I'm only 22. Best recommendations? I absolutely love watching all your videos!!
