What’s more effective – shorter, more frequent workouts or one long workout? – jessicasmithtv

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“Is it as effective to do 1 workout of 50 min or 5 workouts of 10 mins per day? Is it as effective to break up your workout into shorter sessions throughout the day?” – Petra S.

Find out the answer to this great question in this week’s brand new #QandAWed video.

Got a question I can answer for you in an upcoming episode? Be sure to leave it in the comments below!

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01sharkfin May 20, 2015 - 1:50 pm

I'm glad to hear the shorter workouts are just as effective. Injuries have forced me to adopt that type of exercise program; thank goodness you have so many 15 min or less routines! I also delve into the longer ones, but I have to do part of it, and return later for the remainder.

YogaMom May 20, 2015 - 2:19 pm

I am glad to know this….informative as always!

Petra S May 20, 2015 - 2:40 pm

Thanks a lot, Jessica 😄 👍🏻

Elizabeth Doeing May 20, 2015 - 3:58 pm

Shouldn't you be active everyday? At least 60 minutes a day

goddess026 May 20, 2015 - 4:34 pm

Thanks for answering this question, Jessica! I'd been wondering the same thing. Personally, I find working out 20-30 mins 5 times a week works best as I like to stay active throughout the week…

MissJ May 20, 2015 - 7:50 pm

Great informative video, thanks for sharing

Corinna Staples May 20, 2015 - 9:33 pm

Thanks for All your videos and all the time you share with your viewers!! You're a special lady 🙂

GreatestAndGreatest May 20, 2015 - 11:20 pm

I have a question: how can I detoxify my body from the ingredients of artificial sweeteners? I stopped consuming them a long time now but I feel my body still stores some of those components.
Ronnie 🙂

bananatheowl May 23, 2015 - 9:19 pm

Jessica, thank you for your great advices! I would like to know in another episode if it's okay and safe to work our abs everyday? And what kind of activity do you suggest for active rest days? Thanks a lot! Floriane

Jennifer Johnson May 25, 2015 - 3:23 am

Hello, Jessica and thanks for all the great workouts!  Here is my question or maybe an idea for another stretch routine:  Best stretches for the Weekend Warrior.  I work outside in the garden most weekends in spring/summer and get soooo sore.  So a good stretch to loosen up would be awesome!

Ruth May 25, 2015 - 11:51 pm

Great infö as always.  
And I love your glasses.

Nissira20 May 26, 2015 - 7:30 am

I heard that fat burning starts only after 15-20 minutes of exercise. So with 10 minutes of exercise you wont burn much

Chris May 26, 2015 - 10:38 pm

But don't benefits come from rest?

JuicyJuice1313 August 2, 2015 - 3:34 pm

How much exercise do I need to do per day ? I just don't know how to go about this. How many workouts per day ? Thank you 🙂
