What’s in my grocery cart?: Tiffany Talks – TiffanyRotheWorkouts

by YouTube Team

Let’s go grocery shopping! I’m taking you with me to the grocery store to see what kind of foods I eat and why. I will tell you what I feed my kids and we will compare organic vs non organic choices. Feel free to ask questions in the comment section and check back for my healthy meal plan which will be available soon.

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Julius Cesar February 28, 2018 - 7:03 pm

i love your pearly white teeth.

Roxana Torres February 28, 2018 - 7:09 pm

Tiffany Saludos desde Honduras eres mi inspiración💗💗💗

Paola Cadena February 28, 2018 - 8:42 pm

You are beautiful Tiffany!! 😘😘😘😘

Angel Rooker February 28, 2018 - 9:49 pm

Wash all your fruits and vegetables. According to the CSE, washing them with 2% of salt water will remove most of the contact pesticide residues that normally appear on the surface of the vegetables and fruits. Almost 75 to 80 percent of pesticide residues are removed by cold water washing. It also states you need to wash organic as well they're being dug up from the ground, rodents, other animals urine…Clean everything! Use white vinegar/half water

Sofondra March 1, 2018 - 12:35 am

Great video … keep us updated as you make changes or find new items…Thanks

LBX Fitness March 1, 2018 - 1:11 am

HA, HA, HA, lol.  Yes, this is true.  I didn't like them at all and love them now, especially if I make them as baked fries and I only eat sweet potatoes plain, lol.  This was an AWESOME video.  Thanks.

Safaa Mosa’s March 1, 2018 - 6:46 am

🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍏🍎🍅🍅🍅🍅 I put tomatoes just one on salad 🥗 because I hate water on it
Thank you Tiffany for showing your shopping vegetables and information thank you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tonya Childs March 1, 2018 - 8:10 am

Hey T! Why am I up at 3:07am in the morning watching this video? Because I loved it! I thought it was interesting to see what you like again helps us to know you better. You crack me up you are spicy your personality; you reminded me I need to go back and get some things that I forgot today food shopping for myself. I have been eating better and working out with you and doing believe it or not yoga…you have recommended I try it for my tight hips and flexibility. I am down three pounds I'll take it! Still working on it drinking lots of water and reducing salt intake and I never thought about the spaghetti sauce now you going have me looking at the labels lol…loved the lipstick ( what was it?) I think you should continue to do this and yes you should show some cooking it doesn't have to be fancy we are all home cooks so go for it I'll be watching T.

Zahra’s Inspiration March 1, 2018 - 10:22 am

Is it true that the secret of a youthful and soft and hydrated skin like yours is the food ?

Sandy Ramos March 1, 2018 - 3:26 pm

Great video Tiffany

Zara X March 1, 2018 - 4:28 pm

Your videos are so helpful. You're truly a great motivator!! I can't wait to follow your work-outs and food plans. Lots of love, Tiffany <3

Hanen B March 1, 2018 - 8:31 pm

why do not you want to answer me … I'm a fan of you .. I just wanted to know that there is an exercise (a single video repeat every day) to lose the belly or not ?? I send a lot of messages on your facebook even I leave comment on your videos BUT you do not me anser… Thank you

Beautiful Innovations March 3, 2018 - 2:17 am

loves Tiffany she's absolutely gorgeous totally in shape and inspiration

JuleZ B March 4, 2018 - 1:09 am

I’m watching this after getting home from the grocery. I can say I’m on track with my foods 😊. Thank u. Would like more videos like this. 💕

tanji2936 March 6, 2018 - 8:31 pm

Great vid! I love to cut my sweet potatoes up (like thin chips) with cinnamon and bake them. I also eat my peppers like that, they're so sweet. Thanks for sharing 😊

Sandra Walker March 12, 2018 - 8:37 am

I'm Alot Like You you never did say what kind of pasta sauce on U got. But whatever pasta sauce you chose has sugar in it anything in the bottle and you should know there's anything in a bottle or jar has sugar in it you can't go around it

Vanessa Arroyo June 5, 2018 - 2:06 am

I love your channel, but as an environmental scientist, I am sad to see people continue to overtly promote this pro-organic sentiment. If your problem with non-organic foods is the pesticides, sorry to break it to you, but there ARE ORGANIC PESTICIDES. Being organic does not mean that it was grown without pesticides or that organic pesticides are any less dangerous.

marigold beam June 16, 2018 - 3:02 pm

As close to its natural state as it occurs is how we should eat food. Thanks for promoting organic and healthy foods Tiffany. A lot of companies, like Monsanto, are making billions out of frankenstein food which will kill us slowly, or in some cases fast.

Kim London November 26, 2018 - 4:25 am

Pasta sauce. I don't do jar sauce… if you try the way i make it. Consider it. It really doesn't take long. Its fresh tomatoes, basil, garlic, and saute with oil and red wine vinegar and spices of your choice.. I'm also a busy mom. But, i make my own sauce. Make extra, and freeze some for future
