What I WISH I Knew Before Losing Weight – OmarIsuf

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OmarIsuf September 25, 2019 - 4:39 pm

13lb down in 6 weeks. It's time to get spicy.

Dylan DiPowa September 27, 2019 - 10:01 pm

I’ve dropped from 86kgs to now at 82kgs, it has been maybe over 10+ weeks now, managing to hold onto all of my strength gains except for my bench press and ohp.

onezerotwofour September 27, 2019 - 10:39 pm

Feast famine split.
I can go a while without eating, but having infrequent large meals that are satisfying are the way to go for me.
With that said I've never really felt like I had to lose weight being 185lbs at 6ft.

jhayzz21 September 28, 2019 - 4:44 am

omar holy shit you’re looking real good and buff

papaspaulding September 28, 2019 - 6:48 am

Ive always just knocked off around 50-100 grams a day from my carbs for a week or so if i notice im getting a bit too much body fat in places, usually works well as that way im not losing any strength and still putting on muscle whilst getting rid of excess fat slowly. ive never in in over 10 years of training counted calories, only macros

DuudeWhatDoesMineSay September 28, 2019 - 8:55 am

I just do aggressive cuts and try not to get emotionally attached to the weights in the gym. Lost as much as Omar in the same time. But plan to lose double the amount on top of that. I'll be done some time before Christmas… Hooray…

Markus Marcinkiewicz September 28, 2019 - 10:42 am

Just go on maintenance for half a year. After that go lean bulk. 0 muscle loss and nice gains.

Ian Brown September 28, 2019 - 10:57 am

Slow loss with intermittent fasting over the winter. Eat and train hard through spring and summer and fall. AND eat your fkn vegetables x3. Vegetables fill you.

I came out of summer thinking I was 185 lbs. I stood on the scales weighing 181 lbs. The difference was "more veggies".

Also, if you've got a bit of chub on ya, you'll find that aggressive dieting won't affect your strength so bad. So diet a bit hard at first, but be less aggressive as you lose fat.

As an older person (58) I find that the vegetables tend to give me energy; probably a hormonal thing at my age. Broccoli for estrogen control, and a lot of root type veggies for hormone balance and macros (beets, carrots, ginger, garlic ect) I whip my veggies into a slurpy so that I can consume a lot in a serving. One good sized serving in a day. I eat a dozen whole eggs every day for the cholesterol. Apples are my main fruit. Avocados are great to mix with your veggies too.

I can lose weight at 2700 calories a day. It's slow and steady. But trading a bit of walking for food will get your macros up too. An hour of walking can get you a good sized serving of veggies.

Veggies are as important as protein shakes.

Tony Seccia September 28, 2019 - 12:44 pm

As someone who cut weight when younger for wrestling and do cut weight for MMA, everyone is different. I try to stay lean all the time so its easier to make weight, I walk around at a pretty lean 155-160 LBS and cut to 145 LBS. The easiest way to cut though – for weightlifters, do cardio after your workout (everytime, do sprints, running, or treadmill speed interval runs for long distance. Also swimming, row machine, and bikes are good cardio). Do supersets of pullups, pushups, or leg raises after most of your sets as well. Slightly reduce your caloric intake and a good ratio of macros in my opinion is 40/40/20 P/F/C. Do two days with your reduced caloric intake amount, and one day at a baseline caloric intake of maintaining your natural body weight. It helps to have a nice cheat snack on your maintenance day, provided you make sure you add the macros to your caloric intake amount as to not go over. (Most I've lost in a day is 9.8 pounds but most of it was water weight of course)

Charlotte Katakuri September 28, 2019 - 2:42 pm

Snake Juice fasting.

Blazhe Stoimenovski September 28, 2019 - 5:51 pm

deamnn Omar that back though massive!

Batje Vier September 29, 2019 - 3:38 pm

Lost 110 lbs so far, started at 416 lbs at 1st of May, now reaching the end of my 2nd cycle. Gotta love this method, especially for morbid Obese ppl this is way more motivating than tgoing 1 lb a week, fck i dont want to be dieting for 3.5 years.
Also need to give some credit to lyle McDonald with his pioneering work on rapid fat loss in the rapid fat loss handbook (which you van Read online for free). He goes deep into diet breaks aswell as giving extra supplement advice and training intensity during the cut phase.

Ignacio López September 29, 2019 - 7:33 pm

Will a 6 week cut reduce my calves size?

Matt Dennison September 30, 2019 - 4:17 am

Can you do this for gaining weight too?

George S September 30, 2019 - 11:52 am

Idk if I trust myself to get back on the diet after the two week maintenance. The amount of cookies, candy waffles, crackers, donuts, fries available at home with the family and at work if I don’t prepare my meals. I’d have to keep going steady.

Andy Olli September 30, 2019 - 6:13 pm

I went from 80,5 to 74kg in app. 8 weeks by going with 16/8 eating routine. Also gave up all snacking inbetween meals. I am into power lifting. Managed to maintain my total, but as moved to a lower weight category got stronger, way stronger. I did not cut calories, no. Eating one gigantic and one light meal within 8 hours window.

DRIS September 30, 2019 - 11:04 pm

1:39 1:41 3:46  … Canadian AF! As am I!

DRIS September 30, 2019 - 11:08 pm

Diet breaks are real…. oh yes… diet… breaks
are real.

Ryan Utterback October 1, 2019 - 1:37 pm

You did aggressive fat loss? Welcome to the kinobody life 😛

psychastheneia7 October 1, 2019 - 5:17 pm

Have been at a quite steady .25kg per week weight loss over the last year. Started from 87 and I am now at 75.5kg. Had a small period where I overate and messed up my metabolism but the rest of the journey has been pretty smooth. There has definitely been strong recomposition during that time.

I think I unintentionally do 2 weeks deficit and 2 weeks of maintenance. I mostly listen to my body and track and when I see that my body is fighting back too hard I try to play with high satiety or good glycemic index foods. I've never skipped dessert including cheesecakes etc. We love to cook yummy food at home and wouldn't be able to adhere otherwise. I can't do the bland chicken, boiled spinach thing that all fitness youtubers promote. We are talking about Greg Nuckols level foodie but on a caloric deficit. It's tough but easier for me than the alternative.

That slow of an approach has kept my strength constantly increasing even though I am a beginner lifter so a lot of newbie gains both in terms of size and strength and I am assuming this where the recomp is coming from. But yeah slowly and steady works great for me!

Mitjitsu October 1, 2019 - 11:16 pm

The problem with the advice this video is giving. Is that it's speaking to people who are <200Ibs. For someone who weighs 190 and wants to drop to 180. It makes sense losing a pound a week. However, if someone weighs 250 and wants to drop to around the 200 mark, then losing weight that slowly is going to be too demotivating.

Saeger Holub October 2, 2019 - 4:11 am

I watched this dude back in like 2013, and I think he looks completely identical in 2019.

ResOrbis October 10, 2019 - 11:22 pm

I personally prefer faster results. I've been using IF/OMAD; I stopped taking an SSRI and put on a considerable amount of weight pretty quickly. I got back on it, and by using IF/OMAD, I was able to drop probably ~20 lbs relatively quickly (4-6 wks).

Adam Fatka October 23, 2019 - 12:17 pm

I prefer "easy" weight loss…For me, that means fasting / The Snake Diet style eating.

infinteuniverse October 25, 2019 - 8:00 am

Damn. Wish I saw this video when I started my current weight loss. I'm about to start week 9 out of 12. 4 more to go baby. Or maybe I just do 3 more, I only need to lose 6 more lbs. Pray for me not to plateau.

ExeKuTioN Cro November 1, 2019 - 3:37 pm

But isnt there risk that the weight is just bouncing back up on the maintanance weeks ? BEcause you came from a heavy deficite, the body is more likely to store fat again.

Kenabi San November 1, 2019 - 9:23 pm

Starting the 12week fat loss programm
Beginns with the 2week maintenance

Souls Borne November 4, 2019 - 12:38 pm

I don't know how, but I've managed to get stronger while being on a pretty aggressive cut. The first 3 months I lost almost 30lbs of body fat, while also increasing my all my max lifts with a minimum of 40lbs. It might be because I haven't been going to the gym consistently for that long. I also suspect I'm lucky with my genetics, and managed to program my workouts pretty damn well, despite not knowing too much about programming. Almost at a 300 lbs bench 😀

Maymona April 18, 2021 - 1:11 pm

I love the psychological spins in your vids, very valuable 🙏🏻
