What I Learned From Being OVERWEIGHT – OmarIsuf

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OmarIsuf June 28, 2017 - 2:51 am


I've gotten fat two times in my life (with very misguided bulks) to know that I never want to do that shit again.

Besides never recommending a dirty bulk, I break down in this video the less talked about parts when it comes to being overweight (the lethargy, body image stuff etc).

Who has done a dirty bulk before?

Dingo August 4, 2017 - 11:17 am

I dirty bulk every time. I diet down for a few months, just as I finally look good for about a month I eat some cake or something and then all of a sudden I'm smashing a 400g jar of Nutella every night after dinner. I'll gain about 1 kg a week until my pants don't fit which prompts me to diet again. I haven't made progress in years because I gain weight too fast to grow any muscle then and any muscle I gained I lose when I diet too agressively because I've got the shits that it happened again. I've followed this pattern for about 4 years now. I do have muscle but not 8 years lifting worth of muscle.

GodZarek August 9, 2017 - 1:18 pm

I've been big and or fat my whole teen life pretty much . Idk where to start when it comes to cutting . I'm 6'0-1 and I stay around 230-240 with a 20-25% body fat . I feel like I'd feel weird and uncomfortable if I dropped down below 200lbs . I haven't weighed less than 200 since I was 13 🤷🏾‍♂️

Michael Ruther August 15, 2017 - 2:29 am

I was 6'4" and was 300Lbs (137.077Kg) and in 1 year I lost 80Lbs (6.28Kg) but as of now I have lost a total of 110Lbs (49.8Kg) and it was not fun being my heaviest. The only good part was leg day was "easy" as my legs got training from holding up my  upper body which already weighed so much to begin with.
P.S. I did get good calves even from it though, but I still need a better core.

JordyLad96 August 16, 2017 - 1:35 am

lmao i have 2 duks by the time i'm done with breakfast and morning coffee.

John Mackenzie August 22, 2017 - 8:38 pm

Problem with bulking naturally is that with the 3000-4000 calories you are suppose to eat while only training 2 hour a day is you only get fat. On the juice totally different. You can't compare the two. It will take u 10 years of training that juice could do in a year. That the hard fact Natty's..

Seth Ven September 7, 2017 - 1:01 pm

24. Heaviest I've been was 120kg.

I stopped running 10km/day, but my intake stayed the same.
I was introduced to fast food, and I stopped cooking my own food.
My social life killed my lean-life.

I ditched my social life, now I'm back to my original 6% body fat, 10km/day routine.

Moshie September 21, 2017 - 2:51 pm

270 LOL been 25 years for dirty bulking lol… trying to lean out is soo hard. im 188 right now and trying to get to 165-170 lol I totally agree with omar its not fun.. Lol if u wnna see my progress, check out my IG:upliftedbyweights lol not a plug just saying if u were curious..prob arent but yee ahha

Tim B October 15, 2017 - 5:18 pm

I like the damn video.
Ive become fat and need your help

Christopher Wood October 22, 2017 - 9:10 pm

Bulking is just another word for getting fat. Once you cut your calories you are back to square one. Anyone who says else wise is delusional.

angrybonnerman69 November 1, 2017 - 9:03 am

i went from 190 to 236 in like half a year.

Ari Lehtiniemi November 3, 2017 - 9:06 pm

I'm on Atkins and it doesn't seem to work that well, I think I'ma try rotation diet the next…meaning drastically changing your carb intake on a day-by-day basis while keeping the weekly calories low enough to be on a caloric deficit. Eating next to no carbs (and low fat) on light or "cardio" days and much more on heavy days ie. weight training days, one of which will be an actual cheat meal day. all this low/high carbs days rotation should prevent your metabolism from slowing down while on a caloric deficit. So, rotation diet and manipulating the macros. If you happen to eat a lot one day, you will take it back the next day or two. Or if you know you'll be eating a lot on some day, you'll make up for it beforehand by eating very little a couple of days prior. Carbs are for fuel, so eat them only as needed. You will be on a big caloric deficit on "cardio" days and you will slightly more than you burned on heavy days, so you will have glycogen to fuel heavy weight training and have a bit to spare so you could add or at least maintain muscle.

Kevin B November 9, 2017 - 11:00 am

Dat Lee Priest dreamer bulk.

Gabriel Ramos November 10, 2017 - 11:35 pm

Wow 220 pounds soooo fat 😂😂😂😂 hey I'm 340 bro I'm a fatass

Norman Weiß November 18, 2017 - 12:29 pm

ähhhm u know that ur body consits of morethan just muscle and fat right ? u werent over 30% bodyfat belive me mate

Venkat Vijaykumar November 23, 2017 - 7:58 pm

Yo Omar! 22 years old and been lifting for the last 5 years, made all kinds of mistakes along the way. My fattest was 30% bodyfat and it ruined my self esteem. I got leanish and then fat again 4 times during these years. Right now I'm about 17% bodyfat and recomping, on my way to being the strongest and sexiest I've ever been in my life!

Dylan Mckerley December 5, 2017 - 8:41 pm

i think the best way to bulk is to eat 150/200 more calories than you need and workout until you stop gaining fat and start to loose it then increase is that much again untill you max out

Brian Smith December 20, 2017 - 6:05 am

2 shits a day man i take like 4 and im not dirty bulking

Yamilah J December 31, 2017 - 8:22 am

My brother is trying to “bulk” and his ass is just getting fat he’s eating all the food in the house saying oh it has protein and doing 20 minute workout I think he eats around 4000 calories a day he don’t go to the gym he does home workouts honestly I am so done with him he go around the house saying oh I got gains honestly I think he gained 10 pounds in a month 😒😒😒

Chadlord January 3, 2018 - 8:57 pm

Bear mode>chiseled body. Js.

yy g bh February 15, 2018 - 6:30 am

I have been lifting for 7 months

Ma Ann April 25, 2018 - 8:43 pm

I needed this, im in the middle of my "bulk" , i've been getting really demotivated, depressed, and less social. I gained 2 kgs in 2 weeks, hahahah. It was going good first, then it became horrible for me. This came at the right time.

Peter Medenwaldt June 2, 2018 - 5:52 pm

Went through the "dirty bulk" phase in my 6th year of lifting in an attempt to get bigger.. Highest weight was 199.8 lbs, felt like crap, couldn't sleep, no self esteem, and now in my cutting phase it's been an absolute struggle to get the fat off. But down to 180 with abs starting to peak through again.

Ralph Warom July 19, 2018 - 4:04 pm

……Dude, you werent that fat.

Annapoorna Rasam July 25, 2018 - 4:54 am

Fat is good if you are endomorph (Naturally fat). People like Louis cyr, Brian Shaw etc are fat yet very energetic and athletic.

But if you are an ectomorph then being fat will make you slow.

Antonio Montgomery July 28, 2018 - 1:50 pm

Lmbao 2 shits a day then I lost it when he stretched his arms out "logs"

Antonio Renteria August 4, 2018 - 5:21 am

Got up over 260 after I stopped playing hs sports, and over 290 after college. I’ve been 200+ since I was 14 though

samie ahmed August 30, 2018 - 1:34 pm

100kg at age 16 nw I’m 68kg

dilfo snaggins September 2, 2018 - 4:43 am

Bruh what. I'm 120 5'9 all muscle and look completely different, way fuller and muscular vs you at 140 5'9

Jesse Gilbride September 6, 2018 - 8:00 pm

@OmarIsuf, how'd you lose the weight?

Rodger Pruitt September 21, 2018 - 11:09 am

Perma bulk crew checking in

Du Ardo September 28, 2018 - 12:55 pm

We got it: overweight Omar = long hair
lean Omar = short hair
Jokes aside, awesome video, bro. Watching this on Sept/18 and everything you said is so real…

BinksEdumacation December 23, 2018 - 11:05 pm

Am I the only one who doesn't think he looked fat in any of his fat phases. He just looks pretty healthy to me

Kenyan kook February 4, 2019 - 8:20 pm

96kg at 18-19 now im 77.6kg lean at 20

Nhan Do May 29, 2019 - 3:42 pm

Hey does anyone say you look like Joji ? Or it's just me

bread eater October 28, 2019 - 6:32 am

I have been Training for 3 years now and only piked up the intensity in the last 1,5 years. I started because I was fat. Well over 30% actually. But I made it and continuously lost fat and it is all in the diet. I did hours of cardio when I was fat. EAT YOUR VEGETABLES, EAT YOUR VEGETABLES, EAT YOUR FUCKIN VEGETABLES!

Ciaran M April 30, 2020 - 11:50 pm

I dirty bulked and I agree with Omar. Don't do it. You don't really gain much more muscle but you have to spend so much longer cutting.

Andrei Fasola August 1, 2020 - 9:36 pm

OK, ok, I'll put the ice-cream back in the freezer.

ScoobyDont10 December 14, 2020 - 6:32 pm

I never found success trying to force weight gain when I was slim. I had to wait for my age to go up, 32 now, then it became far easier to transition 20lbs of weight that is fat into muscle. I didn't change my diet except for cutting out the excess snacking, but I just focused on weight training 3+ days a week. I think some people want to change their body when it just isn't ready to change. I've done nothing different from when I've done 6 months of constant weight lifting in past periods, 5 or so of these in the past 12 years.
