What EVERYONE Gets Wrong About Flexible Dieting! (Ft. Eric Helms) – OmarIsuf

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[Coaching Team] www.3dmusclejourney.com

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Brad Welbourn May 10, 2017 - 5:31 am

8+mins to say that flexible dieting shouldn't be used as all or nothing? Content > Clickbait

MoovieDude May 28, 2017 - 1:31 am

People make this shit wayyyyyyyy more complicated than it needs to be. You dont need to be a math professor to get a basic macro/calorie diet down pat.

Yalldumbaf June 9, 2017 - 6:35 pm

Well I just went over my macros by 5 grams of carbs … better eat 400 more grams of carbs lol . Sounds legit .

Gagandeep Shergill July 9, 2017 - 5:29 pm

Wow ! Great content.
Recently I was really stressed by counting every single calorie and macro nutrients ! Made me really frustrated and wanted to quit dieting as a whole. This video is all I needed, changed my mindset about dieting.

Khalea Rae Zobel November 1, 2017 - 3:29 pm

Completely believe in flexible dieting, so need chocolate in my life! 🙂 https://youtu.be/yhefIVHieI8

Mike Pawlik November 9, 2017 - 4:26 am

Hey Omar/Eric, Radu also covers this pretty nicely – the "track your calories and protein" dichotomy vs. tracking every single fucking gram to the, well, gram.

Leah November 22, 2017 - 1:47 pm

Really great info! Thank you x

advogadotribuna February 12, 2018 - 11:10 pm

I don't get why people even listen to Omar. He looks like he has 2 years of gym, and he is just retention and lots of water. No definition or pure muscle whatsoever.

Cine March 28, 2018 - 3:05 pm

in the tattoo of eric helms it's written : عز نفسك تجدها

Marcos Nichols November 19, 2019 - 1:49 pm

Yes, I too am guilty of jumping through diet plan to others as well, I do believe that I need to have tried every fat reduction program that was available, but eventually not one of them made it easier for me to lose and keep the weight off. I ended up trying for the very last time with the Fenoboci Diet Plan because my work buddy who told me extraordinary things about it and so far to date I have effectively lost 16 pounds within 3 weeks!

Devorah Hopkins December 13, 2019 - 7:30 pm

It still surprises me, how some people don't know about Custokebon Secrets, even though a lot of people get good results because of it. Thanks to my friend who told me about Custokebon Secrets, I've lost crazy amounts of weight by using it without starving myself.

Yasmine Ware January 2, 2020 - 6:35 am

How effective is Custokebon Secrets? I've noticed several amazing things about this popular weight loss diet plan.

Maisey Gerth June 22, 2020 - 5:28 am

They laughed when I told them I was planning to reduce weight with just implementing Custokebon Secrets, but after I showed these people great results after I used it they are begging me to tell them about it. Of course I won't tell them the detail about this diet plan, hahaha

Maisey Gerth January 21, 2021 - 5:14 am

It would be a shame for you not to get rid of body fat when other typical people are capable to slim down easily with Custokebon Secrets (look on google search engine).

Hadley Fredric February 7, 2021 - 12:40 am

When considering eating healthy, you have to try not to fall victim to modern day fad diets. Extreme diets are a threat for your health, especially ones that seriously restrict your every day nutritional intake. While they might generate fast weight loss, these diets will never be a long-term answer for your waistline. It is best to search Custokebon Secrets on google since it is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself.

Dian Kane February 7, 2021 - 12:41 am

Its still amaze me just how some people have no clue about Custokebon Secrets although lots of people using it. Thanks to my friend who told me about this. I've lost a ton of weight.

Noel Hudson June 27, 2021 - 2:37 pm

Guys. lost a ton of weight doesn't need to be hard (I used to think it did). I'm going to give you some tips right now. Look for a popular diet plan called Okibetonic Secrets (look on google search engine). Thanks to it I've lost a lot of weight. I probably should not even be speaking about it cause I don't want lots of other guys out there running the same game but whatever. I'm just simply in a excellent mood today and so I'll share the wealth haha.

Uriel Dudasik July 23, 2021 - 12:38 am

Anybody tried the Okibetonic Secrets (google search it)? I have heard many awesome things about this popular diet plan.

Rudy Vance July 23, 2021 - 12:58 am

Anybody know what is Okibetonic Secrets about? I hear most people lost a ton of weight with Okibetonic Secrets (search on google).

Town Skalla August 25, 2021 - 10:31 am

My cousin laughed when I told them I was gonna lose fat with just implementing Okibetonic Secrets, but after I showed them incredible results right after I used it they're begging me to tell them about it. Of course I won't let them know the detail about this diet plan, lol
