Want A MASSIVE Chest? You Should Be Doing Dips (Like THIS) – OmarIsuf

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OmarIsuf July 23, 2020 - 6:57 pm

Someone: How's life going for you Omar?

Me: 1:28

Jem July 25, 2020 - 1:57 pm

dip is the worst exercises possible for chest except dumbbell pullover.

Jarezz95 July 25, 2020 - 3:36 pm

Need more peachbois shirts

Larry Quicksave July 25, 2020 - 5:59 pm

Gyms in uk is now open wahey

Jesse Collins July 25, 2020 - 6:47 pm

The people that actually had porn hub loading up probably not only crapped their pants but no longer feel alone when you said that.

fire trails July 25, 2020 - 7:28 pm

every time I do dips, my sternum feels like it is going to rip apart. I get a crazy pump, my pecs get insanely fatigued so basically a really good workout in general but I can't do it often since the pain builds up.

Balanced & Healthy Lifestyle July 25, 2020 - 8:25 pm

I have never laughed so hard…'I'm fukking crushing it bro '..lol

Martin Wood July 25, 2020 - 8:48 pm

Thank you Omar, I've been out of training far too long, I love dips, your explanation really helps 👍

Tyler O'Shea July 25, 2020 - 11:19 pm

Quick summary at 6:01

Carpenter Sig July 25, 2020 - 11:29 pm

Looking jacked! Good job!

Roushrsh July 26, 2020 - 12:36 am

For me it's my right shoulder. After a shoulder injury (also after failing a 320 bench many years ago) pain now builds up there during dips. A sharp burning sensation in the front delt/start of bicep/where the pec connects area. Been years now, I can do every movement but the dip, which was my favorite excercise.

gxtmfa July 26, 2020 - 2:40 am

I don’t have a gym, but the corner of my kitchen counter is usable for a dip.

Positive Warrior July 26, 2020 - 7:58 am

Omar is a true student of the barbell and one of the realest on YouTube fitness.

Danny Gallagher July 26, 2020 - 8:02 am

Wtf is that track at the end. It fucking WHIPS

pseudogenesis July 26, 2020 - 10:26 am

I don't have a dip station and I find that the traditional advice for at-home dips (i.e. using 2 chairs) is really hard on my wrists. Do you have any suggestions for an accessible at-home dip setup that would let you grip parallel bars?

Antonio Castaneda July 26, 2020 - 11:19 am

On pushups scapular protraction and serratus anterior engagement is recommended, like a pushup-plus, to get full range of motion at the top of the movement. Why would this also not apply to the dip? It seems like dips on gymnastic rings include scapular movement. How do the ring dips and bar dips compare? Which are better for shoulder health?

JK SG July 26, 2020 - 3:44 pm

Anyone else feel it like crazy in there front delts?? The day after especially

Frater Rex July 26, 2020 - 4:39 pm

Front lat spread on point 2:56

JDBarraza July 26, 2020 - 8:21 pm

I'm in the gym doing dips right now. Had to stop and comment cuz I realized I wasn't doing dips with my shoulders down and back like this before. Now that I am, I feel it way more in my chest, and my shoulders don't have any pain when dipping. Thanks!

liummnoor July 27, 2020 - 10:12 am

Come again? I got a bit distracted akhi. What a naughty tank top. And so are my thoughts. #mensnipples😋

Tin July 28, 2020 - 11:59 am

i only have gym rings at home and can do bodyweight dips do you advise me to add more wieghts with them for progressive overload? or is it enough

Roof1975 July 28, 2020 - 2:02 pm

I still remember the tip on one of your videos from Alberto, about rolling the shoulders back and get them out of the motion. Still recall certain tips that just stick with you!

End Boss July 28, 2020 - 3:04 pm

Isn't going past the 90 degree angle going to completely fuck up your shoulders?

Ilhan Mert Dumlupinar July 29, 2020 - 1:13 pm

I'm only subscribing so that you make a video where you speak German only as a one million subscriber special!

Purple Circle July 30, 2020 - 7:40 am

Wow u rlly dropped 315 on your chest

ArticleReader Randy July 30, 2020 - 11:23 pm

lol'd hard at "just wear white, ya boys tan"

Jay N July 31, 2020 - 11:16 am

People really shorten their ROM that much on dips? I just never see people doing them other than myself. Gotta strap some weight on too if you can. When I started a year ago I could barely do my BW for 8 and now I do 12-15 with a 45 on there and I got myself some pretty beefy triceps now. They really are a great exercise.

Abraham Tario August 1, 2020 - 8:05 am

Cali boizzzzz here

Ben Flores August 2, 2020 - 4:43 pm

Dang this guy has over 800k subscribers and looks like crap smh.

Ben August 4, 2020 - 1:25 pm

'Ich dont think so' LOL bruno

Christopher D August 4, 2020 - 6:25 pm

Thanks so much, Omarlsuf. I just used your advice now on my Pull Up Mate, and I cannot believe the difference with dipping. Can't do nearly as many dips as I thought I could, but at least they aren't halfass anymore

Sonam Tsering August 6, 2020 - 11:25 am

I do as you have mentioned but I get shoulder impingement ?? what can I do ??

Buff Pixel August 11, 2020 - 3:05 pm

Dips are better for triceps, flat bench is the top exercise for chest

Brandon Watkins August 14, 2020 - 3:34 pm

I could be wrong but I was always told that if you wanted to activate the chest more that you lean your weight further forward and activate your core to push your legs back further. And that would emphasize more of the work out on your chest.

Rick Nash August 15, 2020 - 7:50 pm

Hi omarissoft

Tom_North August 21, 2020 - 4:15 am

0:44 – lol! 🤣

Keith Jones August 27, 2020 - 12:53 am

It really sucks bc I love to do dips but the dip bars at my gym are straight instead of angled slightly in and it's such an awkward angle that it puts too much pressure on my shoulders. It's actually more of my collar bone or clavicle area that I feel the tension bc the width of the bars is too far apart. I thought it was just me but another guy at my gym said hes pissed bc he loves dips and he has the same problem with his shoulders/collar bone feeling wierd. I used to be able to do sets of 12 slow and controlled with a 45lb plate and now I get to about 8 and I stop to avoid injury before I even feel it in the areas I want.

Alexander Daly September 9, 2020 - 10:43 pm

You just completely fixed my dogshit dips. Thank you.

Anthony October 7, 2020 - 4:16 am

That shit made me flinch wtf

Prokyn Ledabyl October 26, 2020 - 7:16 pm

Omar:Ich don’t think so
Me: Ja mein Freund 🇩🇪

Daniel Hoyling November 7, 2020 - 11:07 pm

Bro that drop looked nasty 🥵😰

Tristan Brandmeyer December 14, 2020 - 8:21 pm

Good stuff omar

Leslie December 22, 2020 - 6:31 pm

Anyone else doing weighted dips on their counter top?

BASED Abdu February 8, 2021 - 3:00 am

You go super deep

Mark Watson March 4, 2021 - 9:49 am

Ish don't think so 😂😂 a classic from the original Borat sketches

Syed Farzanul haque May 5, 2021 - 11:20 pm

this guy looks small and big at the same time depending where u look

No Fomo May 16, 2021 - 6:09 pm

"This ain't the F***** channel for you son" haha I'm dying bro. Much respect for your "put the damn work in" Philosophy.

T S June 12, 2021 - 1:18 pm

Sometimes i do dips and i feel it sometimes i do and feel nothing. I need to work on my form

D Harr July 29, 2021 - 6:51 pm

This is horrible dip form. He's working tricep mostly

Buff Smoke September 23, 2021 - 11:30 pm

Thank you very much Omar I hit 130kg pr applying your tips
