Walk On: 5 Fat Burning Miles Walking DVD featuring fitness expert Jessica Smith – jessicasmithtv

by YouTube Team




Mix and Match Your Miles to walk as far and as long as you wish!

Create Your Personal Walking Plan With Our Customizable DVD Menu (DVD only).

Includes 2 Bonus Routines – “The Strong Feet and Ankles” and “Strong Knees and Hips” Workout

Get almost 2 HOURS Worth of Workouts on 1 DVD!

Our Mile Markers and Countdown Clocks will help you stay motivated to move and rack up your daily step count!

Segments Include:

Walking Warm Up (5 Minutes)

Mile #1: Brain Booster (15 Minutes)

Mile #2: Belly, Buns and Thighs (15 Minutes)

Mile #3: Power Posture Walk (15 Minutes)

Mile #4: Turbo Charged Walk (13 Minutes)

Mile #5: Boogie Down Walk (15 Minutes)

Cool Down (5 Minutes)

Bonus Workout #1: The Strong Feet and Ankles Workout (15 Minutes)

Bonus Workout #2: The Strong Knees and Hips Routine (15 Minutes)


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T Richards May 16, 2015 - 7:59 am

I don't know if anyone as ask this question, but do you plan to put this on iTunes.  I would rather not have another DVD.  I love all the works I have done with you and I appreciate you giving us so much for free!  Thanks!

Michaela Vogt May 16, 2015 - 10:21 am

Thank you so much for this great workout which I have just downloaded, your work is amazing. These are the workouts I sincerely admire and love… they give joy and strenght, thank you so much, YOU ARE AMAZING, keep on doing these workouts please please please. Tons of regards from your German fan Michaela 🙂

M K May 16, 2015 - 11:28 am

Comes in just right! It rains badly and I cannot walk outside, so..I'm downloading the video now!
PS: Did the workout entirely and loved it! It is the first time the promised milage in a walking DVD corresponded to the actual! (NB: other DVD's I bought were from other instructors). Mile one is such a fun!

Fatoumatan Fofana May 16, 2015 - 12:24 pm

Very very good programs

TwinMom3 May 16, 2015 - 3:09 pm

Omg I cant wait to try this!!congrats Jessica!!

cristina May 16, 2015 - 4:14 pm

I've done miles 1 and 2 this morning and I loved every minute! The Brain Booster section was great fun.. argh! those thumbs and pinkies going in all directions! 🙂 Cannot wait to do miles 3, 4 and 5 tomorrow! Thank you Jessica!

Christine Bristow May 16, 2015 - 4:35 pm

Is this available in the UK yet please? I would like to buy it, thank you

aricvilla2002 May 16, 2015 - 7:04 pm

Whats the duration time of each mile?

Nola Naye May 17, 2015 - 12:15 am

i have all the walk videos…looking forward to adding this one!!

Joan Ude May 17, 2015 - 9:04 am

I did all 5 miles walks this morning, Jessica. They were such fun and yet a good workout for the whole body. Still working on the thumb and little finger brain exercise. Thanks again for coming up with more new walking routines.

Dana Benic May 17, 2015 - 1:17 pm

Ordering mine right now! This looks like another great addition to my Jessica Smith collection. Thank you so much for all that you do for us at-home exercisers 🙂

Rita Galas May 17, 2015 - 8:12 pm

Just got home and my DVD was at my front door…On Sunday! I have been having several weeks of no workouts due to technical difficulties and I will be using my new DVD to ease me back on track..When I don't have enough movement, the injuries make my body stiff and sore so I am so grateful for this gift. Gonna sit down and preview right now….Tomorrow it's on to GO BODY GO! Thankyou Jessica .

Vickie Mellino May 17, 2015 - 9:17 pm

I've been anxiously awaiting this release and have ordered it from Amazon-yaay!!! I am really hoping to join the new #5MILECHALLENGE on June 1st if I can get the plantar fasciitis I've been suffering with under control. Thank you so very much!!!

Rita Galas May 17, 2015 - 10:40 pm

Finished my preview from the couch doing my best Peanut impression…It has EVERYTHING I need…Walks,brains,hips,knees ankles and feet..That thumb and pinky razzmatazz is a trip. Can't do it while sitting on the couch,it ought to be hilarious trying to walk and do it at the same time…I will get it though..Thankyou my dear. .GO BODY GO!!!

Kay Tee May 18, 2015 - 7:51 am

Got the download and tried the first one this morning.  That finger and thumb move is the hardest thing!  It certainly kept my brain occupied!  Great way to get a mile in before breakfast, thanks.  Looking forward to the next one 😀

Jessica Northcutt-Swain May 18, 2015 - 10:02 pm

AHH! I want, I want! I want them all!! I've been trying to save up some money to get all of the walking DVDs. They are definitely going to be Christmas presents if I can't get them sooner. If anyone already has the new DVD, could you tell me if you have to do all the miles at once or if there is a way to just do the third or the second, if that's what you feel like? It doesn't necessarily matter, cuz I want them (and the shirt with Peanut), but I am curious. Thanks for everything you do, Jessica! I am down over 30 pounds, mainly because of your workouts. I have 48 more pounds to go to be at my target weight of 140, which my doc says is the best weight for my height/age and I will make it, with your help. Thanks bunches!

Flannery Blair May 21, 2015 - 12:12 am

Hi Jessica! Just got my DVD today and did a couple of miles and loved them! In your Brain Boost walk, you mention that kids can do it before school, and I know that you were talking more about older kids. However, it got me thinking because my daughter loves to do walking workouts with me, but she's only 4, so often she ends up getting overwhelmed if the steps are too complicated. Would you ever be willing to do a workout targeted towards younger kids? Something along the lines of Cosmic Kids yoga, but for walking or aerobics? I know that's not really your target audience, but I know my daughter and her friends would love something like that if you ever had the time to put one together.

Anyway, thanks for the great new DVD! I'm so excited to add it to the collection 🙂

Robin May 21, 2015 - 12:39 am

I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday but I did this DVD. I planned to do the Warm Up, the first three miles, and the Cool Down. When I got done with mile 3, though, I felt so good I just went ahead with the last two miles and the Cool Down. Awesome workouts! Jessica you have outdone yourself! Thanks so much!!! I also did Day 9 of the Yoga Abs challenge with Erin Motz.

Florence deBear May 22, 2015 - 8:32 am

Jessica – is that your Mom on the right? You've featured her on your other videos. If so, she looks great. I'm getting your new video.

01sharkfin May 23, 2015 - 5:15 am

Another fun DVD, Jessica. My favorite is the power posture walk. It's so much more fun than just regular posture exercises. I always love the figure 8 arms (and chicken neck is fun, too!)

Monica Hager May 23, 2015 - 9:02 pm

It was really great to see a new DVD on Amazon after what life has thrown at me in the last couple of months. Now that I can start to have me time again, this is just what I needed. This one arrived yesterday and I immediately did the warm up, first three segments and the cool down. It felt really good to move again after missing my work outs. Your DVD's are great! Thanks, Jessica.
And your Mom really does look fantastic!

Kelli Slitzker May 25, 2015 - 12:24 am

Is this available on Amazon instant video? I really prefer it over the purple player because I use my kindle to do your workouts and that makes it easier. If it's not, when or will it be available on Amazon instant video?

SARAH NECKLES May 26, 2015 - 3:53 pm

Hi do you have a workout to strenghten the back i have a lower back problem.

catina claytor May 31, 2015 - 7:45 am

im going to add your walking workouts with my leslie sansone walking workouts and can you make a cardio walk blaster dvd

BeyDuh June 1, 2015 - 1:55 am

Finally I have been able to buy the Digital DVD of this and I am downloading it as I'm typing this.  I can't wait for it to be done so I can finally try it out…I AM SO EXCITED!!! Buying your videos are my way of treating myself…I know it sounds weird but I hardly spend on myself but your vids are worth it and are such a treat and it makes me happy 😀  So thanks, @jessicasmithtv for all the hard work you put into your free/paid videos and we really do appreciate it.  HUGS, HUGS and MORE HUGS!!

2tvtime June 1, 2015 - 7:10 pm

Thank you so much for this workout, Jessica!  It's fantastic!  🙂

Gary Rohrkaste June 4, 2015 - 2:21 pm

I am an advanced exerciser who loves your dvds!  Because I am an aging athlete, I greatly appreciate all the unusual exercise routines you include that address much more than simple cardio and strength results.  Your agility, flexibility, brain-stimulating, and physical therapy-type moves are one of a kind and exceptional.  You clearly take a holistic approach to physical fitness, exemplifying yourself as a leader in the field.  Please do more dvds, and perhaps one that is a bit more difficult as far as getting breathless cardio in there, if possible.  Thank you!

Gill Kelly June 8, 2015 - 7:34 pm

Just purchased this today and can't wait to start it. Been working out with you on YouTube since Feb and love all the different variety of workouts you offer. Enjoyed Subscriber apreciation week although I found a couple of work outs a bit challenging but took you advice and listered to my body and did low impact versions when needed! Thanks to you and peanut for making workouts enjoyable! X

Stefanie Kucy July 7, 2015 - 6:06 pm

Jessica, is there a way you can put more of your videos on iTunes?

Suky Bee August 12, 2015 - 8:00 pm

totally love Jessica's workouts! they're at a great pace and I have definitely felt a difference! Thank you Jessica. keep up the good work 🙂

Nora Medwell October 5, 2015 - 10:31 am

Jessica, I've just completed 30 days Walk The Weight Off challenge, loved it and looking for a new one.
My question is :what/s the intensity of the % Fat Miles in comparison to the 30 days Walk The Weight Off? What's more challenging ?

Sukanya Arunkumar December 15, 2015 - 5:48 pm

Hi Jessica! Recently I bought the 10000 Steps Weight Loss and Walk On-15 Minute Fast Fat Blast DVDs. My husband and myself take turns to do this and we always have lotsa fun working out with you and your team. Each 15 minute workout is so unique and creative. It clearly shows your dedication to bring out something interesting for us and you make sure you cater to everyone's needs and preferences. Really appreciate you and your team's enthusiasm and spirit to make our days brighter!!! Thank you so much!!!

Chelsey Naylor February 24, 2016 - 9:51 am

I just finished this for the first time and I just have to say WOW!! I loved it I feel like I've really worked my body with a strong work out but at the same time I've had fun doing it. It wasn't boring and it's really made me excited about working out tomorrow!! That's never happened. I feel like my goal is possible now. Thankyou Jessica =)

Jacqueline Casey February 29, 2016 - 8:02 pm

I just wanted to say thank you so much on behalf of my mum. She is obese and has lots of related health problems, but she also has problems with her hips, knees, and back that make even walking very far difficult. She is trying to be more healthy so I bought her this DVD as I hoped it might be something not too intimidating she could actually do, and she LOVES it! Even though she can't do all the moves and has to take breaks and sit down, your DVD has not only got her regularly exercising for probably the first time in decades but actually really enjoying it! She really appreciates that there is someone else doing a gentle version of the exercise so she can just watch her, but most of all she appreciates how you are so nice and understanding and never make her feel pathetic or not good enough if she can't do something. I am so glad I found this as it could make a huge difference to her life, so thank you so much from both of us.

Karen Tannenbaum March 3, 2016 - 12:20 pm

I did this DVD in its entirety the other day and racked up about 12,000 steps…it was awesome. Loved all the different mile intervals and the time flew. Love it!!!!! Great as an add on or to use for a long walk. Especially great for days when you don't want to workout…this makes you want to do it.

Creative Vee September 4, 2016 - 12:24 am

Was this released after Transformation?

Ekaterina Loeffelbein May 27, 2017 - 12:57 am

Jessica, I am interested in buying this DVD but because I have an old injury (I broke my tailbone) still have back pain and I can't really do a lot of floor work, can you tell me does this DVD have any floor work?

Jocelyn December 12, 2017 - 6:01 pm

This was the first walking dvd I ever bought! It made me love you, Jessica! You don't yell, you aren't annoying and its fun! It made me realize that I don't need to dread to working out. 🙂

Lisa C January 7, 2018 - 1:25 am

I love this DVD and I use it on most week days to give me a break from sitting at my desk.

A1 Lucy September 7, 2021 - 11:34 pm

Outstanding stuff! Love it & use it regularly with other of your DVDs!
