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ScottHermanFitness September 6, 2020 - 9:09 pm

If I'm really being 100% honest here guys, until I started making videos like this over a month ago I really had no idea just how bad YouTube Fitness had gotten. I mean I knew it was getting trashy, but it's about 1 gazillion times more toxic than I realized.

It's really sad and the anger you hear in my voice when I talk about stuff like this is coming from a place where I see so many people unknowingly being lied to and lead down a path that is going to do more harm than good. Right now it seems like a lot of these younger dudes are trying to "NORMALIZE" TRT, like it's the new cool thing to do if you want to take your gains to the next level.

They are trying to make you think "DOCTOR PRESCRIBED" = "100% OK AND SAFE!" when in reality as soon as you jump on TRT you are on it for life and things will NEVER be the same.

Do you guys think this is ok? Do you think these dudes in their 20s – 30s with normal T-LEVELS should be jumping on TRT because they're "tired" in the morning? Doesn't it seem insane that we are normalizing this behavior?

m ARC March 27, 2021 - 2:12 pm

My god man your neck looks like it's going to explode. I get it's a put on but even as fake anger it's waaaayyyy overdone.

Bryant C March 31, 2021 - 4:39 pm

Reason why Scott plays call of duty getting headshots at 11:00 at night. It's for camo grinds.

Chainy Rabbit April 11, 2021 - 7:29 am

What's wrong with not being natural?

Gajuc #27 April 12, 2021 - 11:12 am

Scott,youre gona bust a vein

Gajuc #27 April 12, 2021 - 11:16 am

If i had to take 1000mg of T just to look like him Id shoot myself

Cody April 13, 2021 - 6:19 pm

How to beast target market for his youtube videos feels like it's for lazy 18-24 yr olds….

He is a tool though because he talks about dating apps and other gay shyt

Juan Valencia April 14, 2021 - 1:07 am

TRT has a better body comp than Scott No homo

Elevory April 17, 2021 - 4:37 am

Interesting to see how many commenters get triggered about their precious TRT. Never touching the crap.

tommy Dawson April 19, 2021 - 1:50 pm

How to have your pecs naturally Scott?

Andrew Bayram April 19, 2021 - 2:20 pm

You need a proper diagnosis by a proper competent Doctor (Endocrinologist). The biggest problem is that there is another step before you go full blow steroid cycles, and that is hormone optimisation.
The upper limit to 'natural t levels can be as high as around 1000ng/dl. So you get your hormone levels done and to simplify, your testosterone level is say 600ng/dl so you decide to optimise and raise your levels to 900 ish even though your levels are in the normal range. There can be other compounds involved.
The guy in the video is getting a little confused. Stop shouting TRT when it isn't. Stop, being confused and stop confusing others. Just call it out for what it is, cycling or optimising not TRT. Anything approaching 200mg a week is questionable as representing TRT.
I'm on TRT, I'm 55, I average about 60-70mg/week if you take away the ester. My levels were consistently 150ng/dl before and it was shit.unlike in the USA I had to jump through a lot of hoops and have multiple periodic consecutive blood tests and other things to get a diagnosis. In the USA there are a lot of easy ways to get testosterone preparations.

Shiba Strong April 27, 2021 - 2:26 am

Best Video ! Keep them coming.

Randy Singh April 27, 2021 - 7:18 pm

You owe David an apology. He's been nothing but honest – and is a far better role model than you are. Glad I don't subscribe to you.

Finn Bell May 6, 2021 - 5:27 pm

Bro do you even lift

Gat May 9, 2021 - 5:31 pm

13:20 i saw that frame

Hungry Bird May 11, 2021 - 8:29 am

Dude you made so many good points . Well done .

Field111 May 13, 2021 - 12:18 pm

Doesn't matter what HTBs test levels are his videos are shitty and pointless.

Natural For Life May 20, 2021 - 2:54 pm

It's since of pride to me at 67 and not on TRT with a less than medium range of T-levels and still look really good. I've been putting in the work for over 46 years now. The gym is the fountain of youth.

Poose McPoose May 27, 2021 - 6:31 am

Being gullable is their fault. Believing gurus is a choice not a magic trick. Magic being an illusion so it's still not real. I listened to this guy for 2 minutes untill his sales pitch came then turned off he's a contradiction. Stay off your phone in the gym works better than any YouTube video advice. Top quote xmen are now mentally weakx. That's why they train. Hopefully you grow while you grow.

Super FK Gang May 28, 2021 - 7:03 pm


Josh C May 30, 2021 - 7:05 am

Nah Bro your not crazy, I'm Crazy!

Joseph Cisneros June 12, 2021 - 6:28 am

Calm down, dude! 🙄

zakfitz10 June 14, 2021 - 5:44 am

You made alot of bold claims in this video that show true ignorance on the subject of TRT, hormone optimization, and what constitutes "need."

I sincerely hope this video came out BEFORE your interview with Derek and you took some time off camera to learn.

There are definite side effects and those need to be taken into consideration…but its not ours to judge whether staying on TRT forever and dealing with those side effects is important only once your hypogonadal or if you're at 500 and want to be at 950.

Your personal line on when its "worth it" is not necessarily everyone else's. A difference of opinion on that matter also doesn't give you the right to vilify a fellow YouTuber.

As for How to Beast…you owe him an apology.

There are PLENTY of people in your industry who lie and mislead viewers…and unfortunately in this case YOU are one of them…not him.

His videos were honest, straightforward, full of warnings, and he even stated that had he known more before he might have waited before starting TRT. He never claimed to be an expert, never recommended his viewers do it, and was transparent to the point of posting blood panels on the video.

You in contrast…took an honest moment of his video where he talks about moving from subQ injections to IM, accidentally boosting his test to 1500, skewing his hormone panel, and working with his doctor to lower dosage and fix it…deliberately took it out of context, accused him of wanting "triple" test levels, and seriously misrepresented him.

Your comments, lack of character, lack of knowledge, and hatred of a man who was open and honest about taking a different path than you really showed your true colors.

I used to look up to you. I genuinely hope enough viewers see this video for what it is and either unsub and/or speak up that you make a change.

Umar Khan June 19, 2021 - 8:31 am

You did your best greg impression

peanutbutterjellytime June 19, 2021 - 7:13 pm

Vegeta took steroids when he became Majin Vegeta though…😅

Fritz Helder July 6, 2021 - 1:01 am

Why are you yelling !?

James Rimes July 8, 2021 - 8:56 pm

That Greg Ducette type of screaming 😂
Nice video man👍 I searched for it

Hello tik tok toc July 9, 2021 - 7:40 am


Mark Barritt July 9, 2021 - 9:20 am

Are people this f*cking dumb to confuse “medically supervised TRT” with safe?!? As someone in their Mid-40’s (now) I went on TRT back when I was 39, coming into them by way of noticing a progressive drop in my T levels over the last 4 years of my 30’s which bottomed out at 220ng/dL… and I still have to be monitored and on this the rest of my life. Mind you, I do have type-2 diabetes and thankfully no cardiac conditions and good lipids, I still take precautions. Y’all doing this sh%t in your 20’s are stupid af. Go to a legit endocrinologist and not one of these clinics. Or risk an adverse cardiac event. #morons

Mr S July 14, 2021 - 12:06 pm

Yeah this subject infuriates me. My wife’s little brother is around 23 watches all this garbage and is certain the only way he can keep up with everyone is to use steroids or HGH. He’s hyped on it there’s no changing his mind. But like most kids his age he just doesn’t want to put in the work. But to be fair even putting in the work doesn’t compete with what steroids will do for you. And he doesn’t really care about the damage it’s gonna do, not right now at least

Bsnype July 14, 2021 - 7:30 pm

I stared trt when i was 25 and that's because i was tested and my levels were low like in the 400s. its been known that theres been an epidemic of more men in their 20s with low testosterone hence where trt comes in.

Cabrera Fitness July 17, 2021 - 4:46 pm

I agree, it’s more rewarding challenging myself natural finding ways to push myself.

CGI CAT July 23, 2021 - 11:57 am

Man I just got prescribed TRT and I have 202 ng/ML of testosterone. What the actual fuck are you talking about. TRT is life changing for someone that low with testosterone. So cut the crap please. If you are 29 and have low Testosterone and you are hypogonadal doctor will prescribe it for your own good. Your age doesn't matter. If you have low Testosterone you should take the hormone. Doctors prescribe it for a reason. With that being said if you are average on testosterone and you want to take TRT then things will be different. These guys with average testosterone levels do not need TRT.

Dakota_Brown_94 August 18, 2021 - 8:25 pm

Imagine caring what another person does with their body. And getting mad about what other people do with their body. Fragile ego.

EskatonArt August 25, 2021 - 10:13 pm

This whole back and forth really shows who the bigger man is. Im typically a fan of yours but this was a little bit sad. David handled it like a boss.

Chris K August 26, 2021 - 3:12 am

Yo why are you yelling

Kieran Murray's Natural Strength and Fitness. September 19, 2021 - 7:11 pm

👉Unfortunately there's a lot of so called naturals out there who are taking at least TRT and claiming natty.😫

Derek Levine September 21, 2021 - 7:30 am

Trt for the win

Mark Soper November 14, 2021 - 10:59 pm

Scott I'm so disappointed in you. I'm a prime example of a person whose total testosterone is in the "standard range"….but my free testosterone in 9 pg/dl and why I'm on TRT. You selectively cut his videos into sound bites and edited out the important points where he mentioned his total T tripled because the compounding pharmacy incorrectly dosed the T. He went on to say that that level is unhealthy and his BP went through the roof and felt sick and once he got the correct dosing his T returned back into range.

qas qas December 3, 2021 - 7:17 am

This kid is mad. You can tell he hating hahaha

Colin Best December 5, 2021 - 3:59 am

This is a garbage video. Simply stating that “ you shouldn’t need to get on TRT until your 40” might be the dumbest oversimplification I’ve ever heard. Just because he has a 500+ total test doesn’t mean he wasn’t feeling side effects. He could’ve had a low free T or plenty other things.

This is truly a horrible video with little to no truth or facts.
