Top 5 Lower Body Mobility Exercises | CUT RECOVERY TIME IN HALF! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

Mobility work is JUST as important as your actual sets, if not more! Specifically lacking hip mobility can render many exercises like the squat ineffective or even dangerous. So what I’m trying to get at here is… DO NOT neglect your mobility drills guys!



Today we’re going to talk about some recovery tips, but more specifically how to recover faster and stay loose when it comes to high frequency squatting! As you all know I’ve been training with my FULL BODY program for a few months now and between squatting three days a week and spending the majority of each day sitting at a desk editing and answering emails and comments, my hips have started to REALLY bother me, ESPECIALLY during my warm-up sets for squats.

Now, if you have notifications turned on for my YouTube channel, you most likely saw my community post where I asked if you wanted to see more videos on flexibility, mobility, stretching and trigger point release and the engagement was through the roof! Seems like I am not the only one feeling a bit tight lately!

And in that post I linked to a complete FOAM ROLLER tutorial to show you how to loosen up various parts of your body, not just your legs. So if you missed it, I will link to that video HERE. To be honest that video was my go-to for a while now. I would foam roll my IT bands, glutes, quads inner thighs and hamstrings before squatting and in-between the first few sets until the pain was gone, or at least bearable.

So if you have hip pain when squatting all you have to do is 1 – 2 sets of 15 – 20 seconds of these 5 exercises and then repeat the same warm-ups between your sets as well. In fact, if more of you took advantage of rolling between SETS, I bet you would find that your squat strength will increase much faster for the very reason that it’s a lot easier to get deeper into a warm muscle than a cold one to help it loosen up.

Exercise 1: Glutes
Sit on the roller and move your entire body up and down until the roller reaches your lower back at the top and your hamstring at the bottom.

Exercise 2: Hamstrings
Once done with the glutes, begin to roll from the bottom of your glutes to basically under your knee cap and repeat this motion slowly going back and forth for 15 – 20 seconds.

Exercise 3: Quads
For this you’re going to basically do the same range you did for hamstrings, except now you’re moving from your knee cap to the top of your hip and then repeating again in a slow and controlled manner.

Exercise 4: Inner Thighs
This can be a bit more tricky than the others. You have to lay almost across the roller so you can get deep in your inner thigh. But once in place you’re going to move up and down the entire inner thigh in a slow and controlled.

Exercise 5: Hips
This is the most important and usually the most painful exercise for me. But what you’re going to do is roll from basically your waist to your knee all while staying vertical on the roller. Now, it might take some time to learn how to balance properly here, but basically if you’re doing it and doing it right, it should hurt.

And of course, remember to do BOTH SIDES of every muscle EVEN if the other side doesn’t hurt or doesn’t feel tight. Also, you may not have to repeat all 5 warm-ups between all your squat sets, but definitely do the one or two that’re going to be the most beneficial for you. In my case, I am hitting both sides of my hips and my glutes between every set of squats, or at least until I don’t feel any more pain.

But to be completely honest, my main intention with my community post was to see if you would be interested in learning about a new therapy ball I’ve been using for the past month called the FLUX – Vibration Therapy Ball. Now I’m just going to just come right out and tell you that YES, this company did reach out to me to test their product. It was right around the time my hip pain was becoming a daily nuisance from all the volume of squatting 3 days a week and I thought it was perfect timing.

What’s The Difference Between This Ball & Foam Rolling That Makes It Better?


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ScottHermanFitness November 21, 2018 - 7:57 pm

Mobility work is JUST as important as your actual sets, if not more! Specifically lacking hip mobility can render many exercises like the squat ineffective or even dangerous. So what I'm trying to get at here is… DO NOT neglect your mobility drills guys!

Alpha Strength November 22, 2018 - 1:26 pm

I knew these techniques already but stil liked the video

Abdul Sami Khan November 22, 2018 - 2:27 pm

thanks your fan from pakistan

unNaturalHuman November 22, 2018 - 2:42 pm

The Natural Athlete Challenge. This is just for people who already both weight train/workout and practice a Time Restricted Eating/Intermittent Fasting protocol, from what I’ve learned from watching Dr, Rhonda Patrick on the Joe Rogan show and from Thomas DeLauer about dry fasting on YouTube. You can lose fat but there’s still a lot of cellular wall infrastructure, such as skin that your body needs to absorb, recycle and redistribute. Time Restricted eating just within a 9 to 10 hour window increases lean body mass without even working out, but incorporate that followed by a 12hr dry fast window. This helps to boost your bodies autophagy abilities, making you capable of building muscle, absorbing skin and losing fat. The body actually will use the hydrogen in your fat cells to make water. You do this 5 to 6 days per week. It takes you 4 months to grow a new skin but the effects shine through after the 2 month mark, you’ll look like your on natural roids. Bretton Oksner🌞

Thomas Dubé November 22, 2018 - 2:56 pm

Great tips. I am stupid and I never warm up lol

Kyle Olin November 22, 2018 - 3:38 pm

Is this why my legs fatigue just as fast w/ no weight as w/ 135lbs on the bar? I'm definitely going to try this. Maybe I'll be able to get more reps on my squat 🙂

Yamil Chamoun November 22, 2018 - 6:05 pm

Hi Scott! Great video! I would also add to use the foam roller on calves specially on top, almost behind the knee. Believe it or not that also helps with hip and lower back pain

Niclas Normann Larsen November 22, 2018 - 7:02 pm

estimated time on that full body program? 🙂

max mustermann November 22, 2018 - 7:17 pm

wtf am i seeing in the background?! 2:01 a dude benching 10kg and needs a support to not get crushed?! XD also the range of motion is a joke^^

Craig Smith November 22, 2018 - 7:54 pm

How would I buy the sidekick tool ball in the UK please?

TFOS November 22, 2018 - 9:10 pm

This man knows what my problems are lmao
From a college student, I spend most of my time either working or at a desk studying and my hips and lower back kill me sometimes

Ross Petersen November 22, 2018 - 9:49 pm

Hey Scott, around the 3:31 mark it looks like you're hips are tucking, or doing something called a "butt wink" (I think). When I had my gym manager watch my squat form while going ATG, he said that I was doing the same thing. Using relatively light weight like you are, is it ok for that to happen? Have you addressed that in any of your other videos?

AJay November 23, 2018 - 12:43 am

Another great video by scott, this video was uploaded just before my legs workout.
I'd like to see the mobility rotines video specially shoulders

StarCrusher November 23, 2018 - 7:35 am

By now you must have a ton of footage of people doing weird af stuff in the gym.

Herbert von Sauerkraut unterhose November 23, 2018 - 8:25 am

Foam rollers are too expensive for me.. I just use a meat mallet to tenderise myself

Διονυσης Κοτσιρης November 23, 2018 - 9:45 am

Really helpful,thanks Scott!

Bic Mitchum November 23, 2018 - 1:50 pm

Best intro ever

Lifestream Strife November 23, 2018 - 2:53 pm

I hear so much back and fourth on rolling your IT Band or not because its connective tissue and not muscle so you cant relax it. Thoughts?

Lionel Goh November 23, 2018 - 5:06 pm

Hi Scott, doing bench presses gives me tennis elbow. What gives?

Derrek Burton November 23, 2018 - 7:33 pm

Top notch video Scott! Rolling and lacrosse ball treatment is such a fantastic aspect of training that SOOO many people avoid or just don't do.

Personally I prefer the PVC rollers for the hardness vs the foam ones that have some give. Do you have a preference between the two or any tips in the comparison of them as to why you'd use one over the other?

Definitely interested in that therapy ball! That is bad ass!

MysticCystim November 23, 2018 - 10:08 pm

Sidekicktool doesn't ship outside US and Canada. Probably worth mentioning that!

Brian Jiren November 24, 2018 - 12:15 am


Yoski Broski November 24, 2018 - 1:09 am

Hey Scott got a question about a topic I saw from you from awhile ago, I saw you said it’s impossible to lose fat and build muscle at the same time. I saw ATHLEAN x post a video awhile ago about being able to lose fat and build muscle. Was ATHLEAN x wrong ?

TheJLAMAR23 November 24, 2018 - 4:02 pm

Man I needed to see this. I've been having an unbearable amount of hip pain lately. One hip feels out of a place but I'm so skeptical of chiropractics that I wanna do everything else before I drop that low lol

Audra Hines November 24, 2018 - 7:44 pm

Please consider doing a video ranking the different machines and cable exercises specifically for shoulders and triceps…. I use mostly barbells and dumbbells but I have others in my life who insist on machines. So which are the best ones and which are a total waste of time…… might make a fun little series😉

clever name November 25, 2018 - 7:05 am

Man I didn't like you but you've won me over dude. I've used a good bit of tips from your videos and they've helped. Not only that but I bet you're fucking nuts when you need to be, and I recently found out you like dragonball super. I am subscribing

zoovie 123 November 25, 2018 - 9:18 am

Great video as always, but can you please change the outro music. I find it pretty annoying even tho i can't help but listen to it every time

Mad Man Jay November 25, 2018 - 9:35 am

is it bad lifting weights with a hiatal hernia Scott ?

Raymond Valentine November 25, 2018 - 9:43 am

Scott if I do overcoming isometrics will I get the same benefits as the gymnastic rings? So if I was to a chest press OI trying to move the immovable object for a few sets, would I still be as strong and ripped as someone doing chest dips on the rings.

Var November 25, 2018 - 4:01 pm

Switching to low bar squats fixed all of my pain.

J. A. November 26, 2018 - 1:47 am

Thanks for listening to you subscribers Bro!!

Asher lee November 26, 2018 - 9:10 am

Dear Scott ,can you do videos on how to exercise all body parts and muscles without weights?

Michael B November 26, 2018 - 5:27 pm

@ScottHermanFitness your app still doesn't work man. I try to sign up through your app and it says no data found.

Christian Hadi November 26, 2018 - 5:33 pm

Plaess discrub… abut internal and external rotation… and its training about both of that bro…

Bruce November 26, 2018 - 11:22 pm

Remember guys, you gotta get them CAHHHHHHHHHBS

1995GabrielxD November 27, 2018 - 3:15 am

I’d really like if Scott can do some recommendations for people having herniated disc that’d be awesome because I am suffering from a herniated disc and whenever I do exercise, my back hurts a lot

jezuz 666 November 27, 2018 - 5:34 am

At 2min
On the left

What is dis exercise?
Dual deadlobench half rep press

ClutchThreeGod November 27, 2018 - 5:35 am

I commented on your other post yesterday and you replied. For your response my scheme is essentially 6-12 reps for 3-4 sets each exercise always focusing a lot on the ecentric portion. I dont know if im missing anything for any of the body parts I do. I just figured out i should be doing curl and or some movement with shoulder flexion to get even more bicep activation. Like I said before the long heads of my triceps are kinda lacking. Im really invested in bodybuilding for myself and want good aesthetics and you are one of the few who dont bullcrap us viewers and program customers. I dont know if theres many more people to get more credible information from. Thanks again and if you get back to me thats great, if not thats okay. We need more people like you Scott in this world!

Auren JL November 28, 2018 - 1:26 am

Hey, Scott. My legs are slightly externally rotated (so I have slight duck feet), and it messes up my balance when trying to do squats and exercises that are similar. I'm afraid to go too heavy and lose my balance because of it, I've been searching online, but there's just too much info to sift through. I'd appreciate it if you'd be able to give me some tips or exercises to correct this, I've been told it's due to a muscle imbalance, but I don't know how to go about fixing it.

ross hall December 3, 2018 - 9:08 am

I like this guy

dBsdecibels December 5, 2018 - 4:25 am

When you say "hip pain," what kind of hip pain are we talking? Joint, muscle, something else? I've been getting minor joint pain when I open my hip, essentially turning out my foot and letting the femur turn with it. Not bad, and only right after squatting, but also not something I've felt before, even back in the day when I used to squat way heavier. I've been experimenting with my leg width and foot positioning to re-assess what feels best. My last set yesterday felt best thus far, and hopefully it'll help. Interestingly, the comfortable stance seems similar to my snowboard stance, ~23" wide with 10-15 deg of "duck."

Using a roller seems more focussed toward soft tissue, and, as you described it, "warming up" to improve ROM. Not so much what I seem to be experiencing.

Doublepump December 10, 2018 - 10:05 pm

Tf was the first guy doing?

Bryson Gregory February 13, 2019 - 12:42 am

Hey, I’ve been using @healedplus for some time now and it works so well for me! I’ve improved in the gym and in school! Contact me for details and a discount code!! 🤙🏽💪🏼🌎 insta: brysongregory

TheModer8ter February 26, 2019 - 1:07 am

John 6:47 "verily, verily I say unto you, he that believes in me has everlasting life."-Jesus.  Jesus the Messiah died for the remission of sin, including yours, was buried, and rose form the dead 3 days later. If you simply believe in this to save you, then you have everlasting life.

Cody Gooding March 10, 2019 - 1:09 pm


Alisha Nell March 12, 2019 - 7:57 pm

I find your videos very helpful and insightful. Your openness and honesty is very rare on this platform. The one thing I cannot get any clarity on, is warm ups and cool downs. Are they necessary when weight lifting and what should they look like?? How long should your warm up/cool down last? And also what type of warm ups/cool downs should you do for each workout (upper body, lower body, abs, etc.) Would love if you could spell it out for all of us noobies 🙂

Andrei Adelman June 30, 2019 - 6:17 pm

I wouldn't suggest foam rolling the ITB
