Tiffany Talks.. open discussion on domestic violence! – TiffanyRotheWorkouts

by YouTube Team

Tiffany has an open discussion with Dr. Nakiba Jackson about how to love yourself enough to take actionable steps to free yourself from domestic violence.

If you are suffering from domestic violence.
1. Know you are worthy of not being hurt
2. Talk about it to understand that you matter
3. Get a plan to safety
4. Seek support
Contact The Liberty House at :

They are a 24 hour domestic violence crisis hotline

Check out Dr.Nakiba Jackson’s vlog called Freedom Fridays on YouTube.


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Eddie Smith October 26, 2021 - 6:10 pm

You sure find enormous energy to do so much very powerful motivator !!

Darsella Biles October 29, 2021 - 2:02 am

Hello Tiffany,

I wish this topic could be given at every age appropriate level and at every job. Domestic violence or abuse occurs with being forbbiden to work, via the use of technology (telephones, cellular devices, automobiles, alarms, gadgets, mail, food, housing, utilities, hygiene items, internet, stealing of funds, blocking from resources, mail, support, or compromising data….obstruction of justice, it effects every aspect of your life…emotions, mental, and physical components….yes even spiritual! It occurs so often by friends, family, strangers, staff, and religious leaders, it is a complex subject to deal with, I hope her change in environment and community support her endeavors and she heal as well as others…from one victim to another or shall I say survivor! Her daughter was her strength and gave her mother insight, the determination to change, and act responsible. I wanted everyone to know that there are different forms of abuse and it is not words or physical all the time, eventually it becomes mental or it is some of the items I listed previously. I just want every one to be informed and enlightened.Thanks for bringing awareness to the subject and addressing some key questions as well as concerns. We will heal and thrive together!
