The WORST Gym Exercise Mistakes (AVOID THESE!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Wether you are a stepping into a gym for the first time or you’re a seasoned vet, you are going to want to avoid the most common gym exercise mistakes. In this video, I am going to show you 17 of the most common gym exercise mistakes and what you can do to avoid them. If gains are what you’re after, you’ll want to be getting them right.

The first common gym exercise mistake that you might be making is on the leg extension machine. You might be running to this exercise to hammer your legs – whether it’s because you think it directly isolates the quads or because it’s just an easy to perform exercise; I suggest you utilize your time on a safer, more effective exercises to blow up your quads.

On the flip side of the legs, you might be performing leg curls to target your hamstrings. The big mistake here is driving your knees into the pad causing an over activation of the hip flexors. If this happens, then you are asking for lower back pain. Instead, activate your glutes before each rep. A better option is to perform the exercise standing or seated if you have the opportunity.

Probably the most popular gym exercise for building muscle is the DB bench press. One of the biggest mistakes that you can make when performing this exercise is to forget about leg drive. By not utilizing your lower body through each rep, you are missing out on an opportunity to move heavier weight which we know can be used to build more strength and size.

Sticking with the chest, the pec deck is another popular exercise that beginners and veterans will find themselves performing to build a big chest. A big mistake that I often see when people perform this exercise is the idea that you are supposed to “hug the tree”. By performing this motion, you are incurring more work to be done by the shoulders instead of the chest which is the muscle group you are trying to target in the first place. Instead, think of driving your back into the pad and squeezing with your chest.

The next common mistake I see is when it comes to the skull crushers. Instead of using your head as the target point of the rep, I would suggest getting the bar back overhead in order to increase the stretch on the long head of the triceps. Doing so will give greater muscle activation, leading to more muscle growth which is what you are seeking in the first place.

If you have been watching me for any length of time, you know what mistake I am going to call out on the lateral raises; pouring the pitcher at the top of each rep. By letting the pinkies raise higher than the thumbs as the arms go up, you are introducing internal rotation with elevation which is a recipe for shoulder pain and impingement.

The leg press is one of those gym exercises that I see misperformed all too often. One of the biggest mistakes I see is the foot placement; always far too high on the plate. This can cause a positioning of the body that forces the low back off the back pad of the machine which is not something that we want. Instead, bring your feet lower on the plate.

The seated DB press is one of the most commonly perform shoulder exercises that I happen to think is riddled with mistakes. While seated, it often happens that as you fatigue through the set, in order to press the dumbbells up overhead, you are drive your back into the seat. The major problem with this is the fact that it disrupts normal scapular movement through the range of motion. Instead, you would want to keep your back off the back of the seat in order to keep the scapular rhythm in check.

When it comes to building triceps, you will almost always see triceps pushdowns in somebody’s workout or program. Why? It’s a great exercise! The only problem is the way that people sometimes perform it. By not letting the wrists go into extension as you press the bar down, you are sacrificing an opportunity to for full elbow extension to make sure the triceps are doing the most work possible. So make sure that you are letting your wrists extend with each rep.

Be sure to watch the entire video to see the rest of the most common gym exercise mistakes and just how to avoid them to make sure that you are getting the best and safest gains possible.

If you are looking for a workout program that makes sure you avoid any and all gym mistakes while helping you to build muscle, head over to the ATHLEAN-X website and use the program selector to find the workout program that fits your goals today.

For more videos on what exercises to do in the gym and how to do them properly, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on YouTube using the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ January 2, 2023 - 5:40 pm

THE GIVEAWAY IS BACK – I’m giving away my brand new complete 90 Day Beaxst PPL program to 40 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 40, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached! Clicking twice does nothing. Only one entry per video. Remember to watch to the end for more workouts.

If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

Lightspeaker January 3, 2023 - 7:26 pm

What about the rowing machine?

Pasi January 3, 2023 - 7:35 pm

Dat ass doing "kick back" 🤤

rsa008 January 3, 2023 - 7:36 pm

it's time jeff cav runs for president

KodaKiT January 3, 2023 - 7:41 pm

Great to see some variation aLx
Great tutorial

Arte et Marte January 3, 2023 - 7:58 pm

I liked the lat pulldown part

mcpartridgeboy January 3, 2023 - 8:04 pm

5:10, i used to love doing that tricep excersice a a super set with a narrow grip bench too, but i pulled my shoulder out doing it, any ideas why ? im annoyed because its way better than the tricep push down using the cables, but im not going back until i know why i got injured.

Uno qualunque January 3, 2023 - 8:23 pm

Sorry Jeff i was focused on the lady in black suit😋

elmachooooo January 3, 2023 - 8:29 pm

Simply the BEST!

bikerdudenc January 3, 2023 - 8:39 pm

I don’t like the offsite videos, the background noise is very distracting and annoying.

Mina Beshai January 3, 2023 - 8:41 pm

Talking about full range of motion on stair Master as the guy next to you is doing exactly what you're saying not to 😂

Duncan Edwards January 3, 2023 - 9:30 pm

At 5.33 every single one of you looked to Jeff's left.

Jeemeli January 3, 2023 - 9:36 pm

I do both squats and the leg extension and I can tell you that the leg extension is way harder in terms of how much it burns. The squats are a really hard and tiring exercise, but it still doesnt compare to the absolute agony of what its like to go near failure on leg extensions.

Blair thomen January 3, 2023 - 9:43 pm

Jeff, I know you have and still do a lot of training with athletes. Do you have a specific training routine to help aging golfers regain speed and flexibility in their swing? I just turned 50 and I have lost 13-15 miles per hour on my swing in the last 3 years.

T. Bell January 3, 2023 - 9:43 pm

I really injured my left bicep from weight I wasn't ready for on the preacher curl bar doing sets of preacher curls.

Brooke Bilker January 3, 2023 - 9:57 pm

Jeff, you've trained me well. From just the first exercise you explained, leg extensions and why to squat instead, i can tell you right now my hams and glutes ARE actually my strong point compared to my quads. I do barbell squats, squat variations, lunges, and lunge variations, but no quad isolation exercises so to speak. As far as glutes and hams go, i lift heavier on my hip thrusts and deadlifts than i do on my squats. I also do reverse planks with ham curl, Nordic ham curl, kickbacks, hypertextension. For me, i just like the way it looks better on the female body (glutes and hams more developed than quads) but mine are not so far off from each other.

Trzewikodziób January 3, 2023 - 10:36 pm

thanks, been going to gym for 2 months and ive been doing them wrong

Sean Dirawatun January 3, 2023 - 10:46 pm

Thank you! I learned a lot.

sam kid16 January 3, 2023 - 11:28 pm

17:08 Tiger Woods 😂

Sorion January 4, 2023 - 12:08 am

2:53 90 pound dumbbell bench press is very impressive

Dream January 4, 2023 - 12:12 am

Squatting in yeezys is wild 😂

SC Guitars January 4, 2023 - 12:14 am

I think this is the longest Jessie hasn't talked for… 😶😶😶

Gustav Nilsson January 4, 2023 - 12:51 am

To the point, no BS. Good job.

Du Noir January 4, 2023 - 1:19 am

Not a word from Jesse. Is it already a hell, or where am I?

Abdurahman Andijani January 4, 2023 - 1:33 am

I like the serious face of Jesse

Andrés González A. January 4, 2023 - 1:53 am

great advices and the final… the best !🤣🤣

Tommy J January 4, 2023 - 2:22 am

It's the little things that make the muscles. Great video.

Guy Blew January 4, 2023 - 2:40 am

A lot of very good information as usual, thanks.

KHADAR SULEIMAN January 4, 2023 - 2:41 am

Wonderful stuff Jeff & Jesse thanks boys and happy new year 🙏🙏🙏

Jorge Perez January 4, 2023 - 2:48 am

Jeff ,nice way to kick in the new year. Great video as always. The best content .

Adriana Martinez Nocera January 4, 2023 - 3:22 am

It would be great to have a bands workout/body weight series for carry-on travelers that can’t even bring their sneakers with them🙏🏻🙏🏻

Potato Snake January 4, 2023 - 4:18 am

that giant balls of biceps tho.

Danny Noble January 4, 2023 - 4:39 am

I do the side lateral raises sitting on an adjustable angle bench. Works well for me, cuts lower back strain but is that an okay way to do them? I do want to get what I can for my efforts. I like your videos, you explain things very clearly.
