The Key To Staying Motivated In The Gym. – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

(0:14)- My childhood growing up & when I started of lifting
(1:42)- Getting bullied at school and channeling my anger
(2:10)- We all had a little kid big belly!
(2:22)- Me when I was 12 and skinny!
(3:20)- When I started lifting, there was no YouTube.
(3:57)- The point in my life where fitness became more of a passion instead of a release for anger
(4:22)- Motivational videos & music are great, but what do you do when those are not enough?
(5:24)- You need to be able to look inside yourself
(6:05)- What is my core reason?
(6:35)- My core reason as a kid
(6:44)- My core reason as an adult
(8:19)- What is YOUR reason?
(8:42)- How I reconnect with myself when I am feeling overwhelmed
(10:12)- Why do you need to keep digging until you find your core reason?


Motivation for me is much deeper than just looking at photos or videos of people who inspire me. When you’re younger or just starting out this may seem to be enough. But as you begin to make gains, it takes more inspiration to fill that same cup that once seemed to spill over with drive and the willpower to reach your goals.

What I have learned is that without a truly deep “core” reason, we often falter and have a hard time staying focused. Short term goals are great but if you don’t have a long term goal to accompany them, you may find yourself lost once they are completed.

In this video I talk about my goals and what kept me motivated as a young boy and how that motivation lead me to find my core reason which keeps me on track now as an adult. I hope that after watching this video you’ll be able to look deep inside and discover the reason you need to keep yourself on track so that you can continue to make gains with your fitness goals as well! #HTH #SHFAthlete

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侯竣譯 September 15, 2018 - 8:03 am

I was bullied since I was a kid. Workout helps me to rebuild my confidence and body shape. 🙂

Kail Mariño Méndez September 15, 2018 - 11:37 pm

Thank you! 😉

Victor September 16, 2018 - 10:27 am

I have 2 reasons: 1 – it keeps the bad thoughts away (as others have pointed out). I cleared my mind, it works kind of like meditation to me. 2 – training never lies. 100kg is always 100kg, 5, 10, helps are always there. The world is too full of bs and in the gym when you are working out there is none of that, it is just you, you know? It makes my body strong? Sure, but it makes my mind even stronger! 👊💪

manticora avatares September 16, 2018 - 11:39 am

I want to be bigger and picked on in school as a kid as well and..wanna be able to protect my future family (I'm 20 btw so I got time)

zachary garland September 17, 2018 - 2:25 am

I have a question. Always been on and off at the gym for different reasons mainly work or other sports. But recently I've been off from the gym because a good friend of mine became a douche about the gym. And it's people like him that I don't go to the gym like he will look at someone doing something wrong and laugh. So I got scared and stopped because I didn't want to embarrass my myself at the gym. Is there a way to get that out of you and into motivation? I loved going to to the gym and always have but. Its people like him is whats stopping me.

Dan Jxxx September 17, 2018 - 3:06 am

Thanks Much Scott !
Like you I started at 12. Peaking in my 20's with a universe forced decline from about 28 till currently now aged 33.
The last year has seen the greatest decline in motivation as if there was this spirit that was so powerful in the exercise game and inhabited my body from 12 and has now left.
Stress in every facet of life doesn't help lack of sleep also is a motivation spoiler
Hormone management plays a major role but finances don't permit.
Have always prided myself on being natural when most weren't and still to stubborn to try it.
Should I drop my possibly irrational fears if 💉 can give me that feeling of spirit I once had ?
All these questions at this stage, just wondering when I 'll wake up one day, after it pumping iron like a big dog unable to get enough !
I 'd go six hours back in the day and be forced to leave the gym when every muscle in my body would cramp up excruciatingly upon walking !
I want that internal fire 🔥back….

Dintyboy September 18, 2018 - 5:48 pm

For me it’s mostly confidence. That’s all part of looking good for me.
I bounce between you and Cavalier to learn. Thanks Scott.

Manny Ortiz September 24, 2018 - 7:36 pm

This is an inspirational video Scott, I liked it. My reason tho is a lot less thought out, it helps me get and smash out the p****y better than ever before.

DA CO November 9, 2018 - 8:30 pm

Scott Herman used to take my lunch money in school….. Dick >:P

Jason Griswold November 22, 2018 - 5:30 pm

Hi my name is Jason Griswold today is Thanksgiving Day 2018. I’m so thankful for @ScottHermanFitness these past couple years. Scott has really help motivate me and is teaching me so much for fitness, strength, and workout full range of motion etc… I never really had a fitness lifestyle other than mandatory military evaluations for 25 years in the Navy. Starting At the age of 50 I am now more fit than ever before over the past few years working out routinely. Starting at 50 I was border diabetic but no more now. Thanks so much!

Bruce December 3, 2018 - 5:45 pm

I literally do it just cuz I can’t let my friends get bigger then me lmao

Theodorejmh January 1, 2019 - 3:54 pm

eats a slice of cuecumber
alright. watched a fitness vid and ate healthy. its a start.
goes to freezer to get ice cream
hmmm.. well. its mango flavor so once again. a step in the right direction.

Theodorejmh January 1, 2019 - 3:55 pm

keeps staring at his huge shoulders wondering wtf he did to get that

arthur bell January 4, 2019 - 11:34 pm

Cheers pal I like to help without being an expert pinkie off, shoulder blades pinched Tec but I try n tell them to watch yourself for proper form 👍

Semiko Tyrell March 28, 2019 - 10:49 pm

My name is Semiko I lost my grandmother last year and I want to get fit so I can work and help my mother out and get a girlfriend

Chibuzo Omega Findoro-Obasi May 22, 2019 - 8:41 am

Just right now And Today Scottie Herman My reason why I am going Gym Is for myself and for Chris benoit (Wrestler) , to be able to accomplish a phiysque like his.

Make myself proud abd Chris benoit proud by joining professional wrestling and earning and winning championship belts

Feel Good about myself but my main issued I seem to shake And feel pain while lifting the weights..


nick adz June 11, 2019 - 1:26 am

I grew up listening to orgy candyass

LordFuse June 15, 2019 - 1:45 pm

My reason is because im not happy with how my body looks. I want to get fit, be in a good shape, get more confident and overall be happy with myself.

TheDpandolfo86 June 16, 2019 - 11:16 pm

My name is Dom and I have been fat my entire life. I've always been the big guy, Big D was my nickname. But im not just fat, I'm obese. Atleast according to BMI. I am sick and tired of being the guy, girls just want to be friends with. Im sick and tired of be made fun of for being over weight. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am finally living on my own free from influences and now is my time to change. I can blame nobody but myself and I will accomplish my goal. Currently I am 290lbs down from 325lbs. I set a goal for 240lbs and i will achieve it.

Bean-Charlie Artz July 17, 2019 - 8:24 pm

I also wanted to be a super hero I want to be ready in case someone needs my help

Matthew Alexander July 22, 2019 - 4:07 pm

I remember working out to Orgy’s “Candyass” too

Jacob Coryell August 6, 2019 - 3:46 am

FYI the modivational video for me is Rocky IV Hearts on Fire training and bro you are a superhero

T Todorov September 25, 2019 - 9:40 am

Everything, that a man does in his life, does it for a woman.

PIMA20132770579 October 30, 2019 - 3:43 am

Get to the point asshole. Had to turn it off. We dont need to know your whole life

Shaneen Lim November 2, 2019 - 6:08 am

I still havent found my why

Beth Scott December 11, 2019 - 5:35 pm

Jesus just get to the content please

Galaxi January 6, 2020 - 5:57 pm

Boring 🙄

Bedoor Al q March 11, 2020 - 10:13 am

thank you i just always feel like its too late 🙁

Double A Ron April 26, 2020 - 10:48 pm

Scott I think you’re a superhero for sure

VitalV2 June 18, 2020 - 4:33 pm

My personal motivation that I found after many hours of meditation is that I love violence and mayhem. When or if it comes for me or I initiate it with some piece of shit, I wanna be ready to kill the other person, brutally. So I train with resistance, martial arts, guns, and other various weapons, especially real sparring. Also I just wanna get stronger.

Also as a secondary motivation I need to be able to protect myself and others. That is not my core motivation though. I like hurting other people that I dislike, it excites me.

Anyway yeah… at first I thought I trained for reasons of protecting others, and I do need to be able to do that. However when I think back in time to my street fights I did that just to hurt other people. I enjoyed hurting other people and beating them half to death when they pissed me off. I did not like being hurt so I decided to get strong so that I can fuck other people up better and be less likely to get hurt.

David Cissell August 19, 2020 - 3:33 pm

This guy is a such a douche bag lol he is so obsessed w himself I can’t take him seriously lol

Justin Lemieux May 7, 2021 - 8:07 pm

Great video. Especially since many of us are trying to get back after Covid. Thank you
