The DUMBEST Exercise Ever (KB OR NOT!) – ATHLEAN-X™

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There are dumb exercises and then there are really dumb exercises. In this video, I’ll be showing you a kettlebell exercise that takes the cake for being the worst exercise you can do especially if you care about the health of your wrists, shoulders, elbows and forearms. Everyone’s favorite tool “Jesse” is back to show you exactly how to perform this disastrous exercise for maximal damage.

It is important to point out that in winning the title of worst exercise, the use of the kettelebell was not exclusionary. This one gets grouped into all exercises whether they use a kettelebell or not, that shows you how useless it really is. It does underscore the importance of learning the right way to perform an exercise however.

You see, the kettlebell clean is actually a great exercise for the upper body and is a very athletic and explosive exercise option. The kettlebell can be used to naturally perform the movement if you understand how to properly manipulate it in your hand instead of flipping it around like you are performing in the circus.

In order to properly execute the kettlebell clean you want to try and keep the bell as close to your body as possible. Think of it as if you are zipping up a jacket when bringing the KB from it’s beginning hang position to the top. If you improperly perform the exercise you will wind up putting a tremendous amount of torque on the elbow which can either tear an ulnar collateral ligament or at the very least cause tendonitis in the elbow.

In addition, the force of the bell hitting your forearm on the way down is enough to cause damage to this area and certainly enough to discourage anyone from using any sort of heavier weight to perform the movement. Bottom line is, this is a great exercise often demonstrated poorly by those masking as fitness professionals. If only body type tests were certification exams to be qualified to teach others how to be healthy, strong and fit.

That said, there is a very teachable moment here that comes from the performance of this horrible exercise. That is, the much more common way that people succumb to elbow tendonitis in a much more insidious way from their training. This has to do with the pain that people often feel at the inside of their elbows when trying to curl, row, or do pullups. It all has to do with where in the hands the bar is being placed when gripping it for each exercise.

If you grip the bar too far down in the fingertips you will find that this will quickly lead to overload stress on the inner elbow where the common attachment is for the flexors of the forearm and fingers. Instead, you want to get the bar down into your hand more by first placing the thumbs on the bar and getting it to rest deep in the crook of your palm before wrapping the rest of your fingers around. This one change will dramatically decrease the pain you ever get and fix this once and for all.

If you are looking for a real science based workout program that doesn’t just rely on pubmed studies to sound official but is based on real world application in the gym in less “controlled” funded environments, be sure to head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. Start training like an athlete and start building muscle faster and more safely than ever before.

For more videos on the worst exercises and the biggest exercise mistakes to avoid, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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XWai Z July 8, 2021 - 1:23 am

Kettlebell Curls are killing your gains

Gurdip Sidhu July 9, 2021 - 7:05 pm

i feel bad for the person that couldnt tell it was sarcasm

FreexiPXP Beatz July 10, 2021 - 8:11 pm

1:54 Jesse just flexed his pecs 😂

Paul Steer July 10, 2021 - 10:33 pm

Surely next: the Athlean X Movie… 🤣

Brandon Chan July 10, 2021 - 10:45 pm

that's why they call it a dumb-ell

Viral Headquarters July 11, 2021 - 2:34 am

I can't believe just how much v-shred has copied you. It should legit be illegal if it's not already. His intros, his thumbnails, the names of his videos, and so on and so forth. It really pisses me off.

Bart Brzenk’s forearm July 11, 2021 - 5:16 am

I never understood why I got that elbow pain when I armwrestled. I didnt know that was from overworking your fingers. I dont get that elbow pain anymore though since ive long been strengthening my hands and now do pull ups and chin ups with 4 fingertips and armwrestle with no pain. Also in armwrestling theres allot more to nor getting hurt, know what you’re doing and stay safe!

rodrisa57 July 11, 2021 - 5:19 pm

Jeff is the best! Vshred is garbage! Never knew vshred had a channel until I saw all his annoying bs ads. I've been an athlean x subscriber for years, never needed any other channel. Love how jeff puts the science into fitness!

TheLittleTwo July 11, 2021 - 6:29 pm

I pointed at his arm and said “the femur” bro I can’t

TatoBoiii July 11, 2021 - 7:38 pm

Ok I mean cool and all but unless its an inside joke id be super concerned if your Femur was in your arm

Red Cyric July 12, 2021 - 6:07 pm

As usual thank you so much for everything!

Don July 13, 2021 - 1:38 am

the Kettlebell Clean is how Michael Kidd-Gilchrist ruined his jumpshot

svpjef July 14, 2021 - 8:43 am

i have never been more proud to be named Jef.

Rocky July 15, 2021 - 9:58 pm

V Shred Rocks!

As in dumber than a box of rocks!

Leachey July 17, 2021 - 10:33 am

3:17 Ik I’m being annoying but it’s actually the ulna and radius and femur is your upper leg bone and tibia is the lower leg bone that connects to the tibiarlus anterior 🤣 gcse student btw

J A H July 18, 2021 - 4:41 pm

Jesse wouldn't watch that

Press X to doubt

Large Arj July 19, 2021 - 11:32 pm

Yes, that guy is a joke. It was funny when he tried to repeat Jeff’s vids. Then he tried creating his own content…after a lot of us called him out. His own content will injure you!

Morishima Haruka July 21, 2021 - 7:59 am

if you actually listen to vshred you deserve the injuries afterwards

eyasu hewan July 26, 2021 - 10:22 pm

V-Shred/Jesse: femur and tibia; me: *internal screaming*…. RADIUS AND ULNA

Comrade kitty July 27, 2021 - 7:19 am

Tibia and femur in the arm as a health care worker I'm crying 🤣

petrosinella August 5, 2021 - 8:39 pm

Very helpful, thank you for this! I've been going to a toning class, and none of the instructors discussed the proper way to grip a kettlebell/barbell.

Kat Enhydris August 6, 2021 - 11:28 pm

Jessi got the exact Vshred Hat and Hairstyle. Vshred is joke, seriously

nonya biz August 19, 2021 - 4:16 am

Ive seen more than my fair share of moron "fitness" experts in my time. Most of them are found at gyms that include "fitness experts" to train your body with a program "free" when you join there gym. All its gonna do is send you to the hospital. Case in point one time I joined a gym seeking fitness help for my bulged disc in my lower back. The first exercises they wanted me to do were sitting hamstring stretches power cleans and heavy squats. Another "so called ph therapist" had me on leg press machines.

Roberto Perez August 20, 2021 - 1:46 am

I seriously thought he said Steven Crowder. lol

germanic2002 August 30, 2021 - 6:16 pm

Go Jeff

AYANGHAT BEHERA August 31, 2021 - 9:28 am

Thanks for the video coach today i injured my elbow while working out and after watching this video i found out what was my mistake.

Ethan Michell August 31, 2021 - 11:34 am

Athlean great job. Too many stupid people on the internet.

Armando Felipe September 3, 2021 - 7:30 pm

There is not a single misleading or "bad video" on this channel, no miss information, just pure knowledge "Jeff" I thank you for your time and integrity in educating thousands out there. You are a true teacher who teaches from the heart. I always learn a thing or two : )THANK YOU. your loyal follower..EA

Haze September 10, 2021 - 12:53 am

this hurts to watch

AL-Man September 11, 2021 - 2:23 pm

I saw a 6-digit code on his T-Shirt and it took me a while to realize it meant 24/7/365

John Kramer October 17, 2021 - 7:07 pm

hahaha.. thanks for making this so entertaining.. RIP team V-Shred.. lol

John Kramer October 17, 2021 - 7:14 pm

If you watch the last 1 min of it when he ends it by saying "All right, see you soon" i am sure he missed adding "I am so done with this guy's s**t spreading the misinformation and f**ing with others health with me having to pick up the pieces".. 😀

Bullshizle October 26, 2021 - 10:07 am

Now I just have more respect for them ! :O

lennert cornette November 1, 2021 - 12:09 pm

1'40" :')

Sameer Abdullah November 9, 2021 - 9:33 am

Self inflicted BJJ kimura🤕

DrawEasy Now November 28, 2021 - 10:44 am

I'm currently trying to lose Weight (I'm thirteen) and recently I have been doing Vshred's 12m fat burning exercise now I'm starting to rethink myself is The video OK to do and lose weight and or are there any better videos out there? This is the link to the video:

Bryce Beckett December 11, 2021 - 5:55 am

Does Jeff have a personal Patreon? I just have so much appreciation for what this man is doing.

R Kennedy December 19, 2021 - 3:50 pm

How about the turkish get up? Is it prone to shoulder impingement or other injuries? Is there any physique benefit to it or is it strictly functional?

Zeruiah Zeruiah December 29, 2021 - 6:07 pm

Jessie intros are the best! 😀
