The “Anabolic Window” – Does It Really Exist? | ARE YOU MAXIMIZING YOUR POST WORKOUT MUSCLE GAINS? – ScottHermanFitness

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What’s going on Nation! Today we are going to answer a question as old as time. Is there REALLY a 30 minute Anabolic Window and is my workout pointless if I forget my protein shake once my workout is over? Some people say yes and some people say no and that a nice high protein meal 2 – 3 hours after is just as good or better. So who’s right? Well, instead of listening to gym bros talk nonsense out their asses how about we do some research and put this myth to bed?

Before we get to the question at hand though, we first need to answer another question. How is muscle actually built? The truth is that the process of muscle-building is the result of the following equation:

Muscle Mass = Total Protein Synthesis – Total Protein Breakdown

In simple terms, protein synthesis is when amino acids are bound together, triggering a genetic response to build more muscle mass and protein synthesis is usually elevated after a high protein meal and after your workouts.

Protein breakdown, on the other hand, is when amino acids are leeched off your skeletal muscles and this can happen either because you’re in a state of catabolism (not getting enough calories) or because you just worked out. Remember when you are training you are literally breaking down your muscles (to a degree).

These two processes, protein synthesis and protein breakdown, are constantly in effect and the NET result between the two, determines your muscle building results. If the total protein synthesis is greater than the breakdown, your muscle mass is bound to be increased.

Now with this in mind it would seem that the easiest way to combat protein breakdown would be to focus on increasing protein synthesis. This is because, for the most part, protein breakdown only becomes an issue if you’re in a calorie deficit or training fasted. But even then, supplementing with BCAA’s throughout the day and around your workout can help eliminate the problem or at least minimalize it as much as possible.

So if we are going to focus on protein synthesis for muscle growth then we need to know when it is elevated the most and the answer is when a new stimulus is introduced. This new stimulus can either be in the form of an intense workout or a high-protein meal. Now let’s take a closer look at both.

Elevated Protein Synthesis from Training
Exercise induced protein synthesis elevation occurs every time you work out a specific muscle. So let’s say you are training chest today. The protein synthesis for that particular muscle will be increased, according to research, for 24 – 36 hours after your workout. In fact, the peak levels of the protein synthesis will be at around 24 hours and then it slowly fades away. Now if you’re a genetic freak it might carry on for 48 hours, but that’s extremely rare.

So what this basically means is that as long as you’re constantly consuming enough protein and are in a calorie surplus every single day, you’re already taking advantage of the “Anabolic Window’ which at this point should seem to you more like a huge bay window as opposed to a small basement one that most gym bros would try to have you believe.

So the next time someone tries to tell you that you are losing your gains you can inform them that a protein shake immediately after your workout is no different than having a high protein meal 2 – 3 hours after, as long as your total macros and calories are on point and if you need help figuring out your macros you can use my free calculator and my custom meal plan app on my website

HOWEVER, now that you’re armed with this new information you might now be starting to realize why training each body part two times a week is more optimal for muscle growth than bro-splits. You can still train and see results with bro-splits, but full body workout programs like Push, Pull, Legs allow you to target every muscle group twice a week which means that as soon as your elevated levels of protein synthesis start to die off, 36 hours after your workout, you’re immediately boosting it right back up. This way there is an elevated level of protein synthesis throughout the entire week and a constant cycle of TRAIN, EAT, & BUILD MUSCLE.


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ScottHermanFitness February 16, 2017 - 7:34 pm

aaaand here come the #gymbros comments 😀 —- FREE MACRO CALCULATOR:

Moose92411 April 28, 2018 - 1:27 am

Minimum of 4k likes… hah! 9.8k right now. You're crushing it, my man!

Cuzjudd May 1, 2018 - 6:29 pm

Sorry Scott but Troy is destroying you in muscle building. Are you gonna catch up?

Andrew S July 3, 2018 - 5:02 am

fuck u

Juan C. July 28, 2018 - 12:58 am

Nothing like a nice steak after a tough workout. 🐷

Karim K August 3, 2018 - 10:23 am

I couldn't put my finger on exactly why, the bro splits given to me by my roided to the teeth gym bros don't work for me, until I watched this.

Ih Goo August 15, 2018 - 10:09 pm

I try to eat right after if I can't I don't care but I eat heavy breakfast

Krish Patel September 24, 2018 - 8:16 am

"total protein synthesis vs total protein brhekgeahrgjk uhhh total protein breakdown" hahahahahhahahahha

Brian Jiren September 26, 2018 - 9:25 am

Looking handsome

Brian Jiren September 26, 2018 - 9:26 am

Love the hair looking handsome

SIMON Gill October 9, 2018 - 6:51 pm

I always add Acetyl Carnitine in my preworkout stack alongside the usual stuff such as Creatine. I find it effective due to the fact that I am able to use fat for fuel which is glycogen sparing and means that muscle breakdown is cancelled out .

Bruce December 6, 2018 - 4:02 am

But before we get STAHDED

Frank Zach January 1, 2019 - 9:15 am

Great content

Signal15 January 13, 2019 - 7:08 pm

Anabollocks window

Rockhead Gary February 10, 2019 - 6:03 am

A well balanced diet, water and proper rest post workout is needed to build muscle. I believe it was Athlene X that said the last couple of meals before your workout is likely the protein source for the anabolic affects post workout due to the time it takes for the proteins to be digested and broken down.

christopher lithgo May 9, 2019 - 6:41 pm

Great advice as always, thanks Scott

Rafael June 29, 2019 - 5:18 pm

If it's real I must have missed it a thousand times.

Batos July 6, 2019 - 1:00 pm

I like the way he ignore r in random words
Especially the word baaaaaaabell

Evan Hanchar August 23, 2019 - 8:26 pm


Raj Pranjal August 24, 2019 - 6:13 am

This hairstyle looks better on you

DStork August 27, 2019 - 1:15 am

You kinda look like Homelander

rambo john September 9, 2019 - 4:28 pm

On the contrary if you take protein shake immediately after workout, the amino acids digested will be used up to maje for the depleted glycogen stores, which is the priority of the body. Hence the amino acids will be used to form glucose by neoglucogenesis. Hence, IT'S A COMPLETE WASTE TO TAKE ANY K8ND OF PROTEIN SHAKE IMMEDIATELY AFTER WORKOUT, at least for the next 20 minutes.

Edward Brown March 6, 2020 - 1:37 am

Great video. Alot of info..everyone needs more of this stuff to understand..thanks

Terence Hill July 16, 2021 - 3:05 pm

So what now? Quote: "Protein synthesis peaks at 24hrs after training" – That means when I eat 2-3hrs after workout – I actually actually either eat for today's training below peak, or for yesterday's training after peak…Jesus

Greg Borowiak November 23, 2021 - 6:03 pm

Good content.. also I love this shirt.
