STRENGTH: Total Body Workout with Dumbbells and a Resistance Band, Single Set, Full Body Exercise – jessicasmithtv

by YouTube Team

Let’s strengthen your entire body in less than 30 minutes! The theme of this workout? LESS is MORE and staying CALM and STRONG! You can be focused and intentional and work your muscles hard without a thousand different moves, or moving at a hectic, hurried or overly intense pace. 🙂

In this session, we’ll work all the major muscle groups with moves like split stance squats, single sided one arm bent over rows, single arm front deltoid raises, single arm rear deltoid raises, chest presses, alternating resisted oblique reaches, kneeling biceps curls, quadruped triceps kickbacks.

Add intensity by using both a band and dumbbells (if possible) and/or increasing your weights, or go lighter or use bodyweight only if you are just starting out — just listen to your body and make the workout work best for you!

EQUIPMENT: Dumbbells (one heavy and one light-to-you set of weights) and/or a Resistance Band (I’m using a flat, medium strength 6 ft band), a mat




If you tried and enjoyed this video, please be sure to like and share it! And be sure to leave us a comment below and let us know if you did the session. We love hearing from you!

Thanks for moving with me today! 🙂

Feel free to keep moving if this got you ready for more – check out our playlists here on our channel (thanks for remembering to SUBSCRIBE and hit the notification bell to receive all of our new updates!) for tons more options.

Connect with us after the workout for more fitness, tips, motivation and more!



Get Peanut’s “I Don’t Sweat I Sparkle” T-Shirt (all proceeds are being donated to the ASPCA and the French Bulldog Rescue Network in her memory):


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Music For GYM March 9, 2022 - 11:08 pm

Seeing Chris wearing a tank top in the thumbnail you know that the road to Olympia series will be happening soon👀

Good Dog Concept Training March 10, 2022 - 4:12 pm

Are you doing any new videos for to purchase

Silvana Monteleone March 11, 2022 - 12:43 am

Happy you're back😊 you are an inspiration!

Archana Sharma March 12, 2022 - 3:33 pm

Did this one today and totally love it! Loving your new workout videos ❤️

KTs Monthly Workout Challenges March 13, 2022 - 2:03 am

Doubling up with the band and dumbbell was fire! Totally felt it the next day!

Celeste Rode March 13, 2022 - 3:00 pm

Black pants , cant see you very clear 😕

Judith Marrero March 13, 2022 - 6:38 pm

Jessica I love your work outs. This one is amazing. TY.

KCorrine March 14, 2022 - 3:14 am

Your new workouts have been so fresh! This one was great because it can be done easily when traveling (with just the band) and it really ramps the burn using both bands and weights. I also liked that there was one set of each. I love variety and it is also nice to know that you only have to do each move once (per side). Thank you Jessica!

pthaloblue100 March 14, 2022 - 5:16 pm

I didn't expect that adding the band with the weights would make such a difference but wow, that was so much more intense and effective! Thanks for the great workout Jessica.

Shy C. March 15, 2022 - 10:22 am

Finally able to get to this. Wow. Bravo to anyone who was able to do weights and bands…sheesh. I did most of it with bands and OMG I think I found a deeper burn with just the band. Love this workout, I usually use weighs so it was nice to switch it up. Love you Jessica

Kelly Pantaleoni March 15, 2022 - 1:42 pm

Jessica this was awesome! Just enough burn and I feel so alive now! Thank you💖

Janie Oliphant March 17, 2022 - 12:12 am

Thank you Jessica for this awesome workout. You are helping us to get and stay healthy. Love your positivity and calmness!!!

Martha Bleiweis March 17, 2022 - 2:55 pm


Sadie Harrison March 20, 2022 - 3:32 am

This one blew my friggin' mind! Like the dual resistance band/weights use made this intense, made the de-centric motions so much harder. During the pulses, it felt like time was slowing down and it made my arm muscles especially burn and feel warm. By the time it got to the cooldown stretches, I was like, 'Wait we're done? How are we done already?' This was a great burn, really enjoyed the strength/resistance combo!

Leslie Book March 21, 2022 - 11:02 am

Loved it, will these types of exercises be in your new video?

Garlic Girl March 22, 2022 - 12:27 am

Hey, I have been with you for years and always waiting for you to return. It was worth the wait. What a great workout and what a great realistic teacher. I wish I could hug you.

star star March 24, 2022 - 10:57 pm

I loved your workouts in the past but I feel like your latest are way too slow.

Cara J March 25, 2022 - 1:49 am

It has been a long time since I worked out with you (new vids). This was great. I've missed you. ☺️

DW Booker March 26, 2022 - 1:14 am

Ooh, single-sided work! You do great single-sided routines, I'd love to see more of 'em. GREAT music on this one!! And the pace–like, if I'm tired, I can still do this but feel like I got something done.

No Name March 28, 2022 - 12:22 pm

I really felt the burn in my triceps with this one! For a few days actually using a 15lb weight.
