SHF Sunday Update: New Year, New You! Back from FL! New Article! New Routine / Exercise! vLog! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team


Easiest Bodyfat Measuring Tool! – SKULPT AIM:

High Protein Food! – Pasta, Oatmeal, Granola, and Snack Bars! –


FX-SPORT Headphones (Wireless & Waterproof!) Use code SCOTT20 for $20 off –

Bar Grips, Wrist Wraps/Straps, Fractional Plates & More! – IronBullStrength – 10% off coupon code! “MS10” – CLICK HERE –

Online Coaching (Custom Routine & Meal Plan)

Fitness Genes – Maximize YOUR Genetic Potential! – CLICK HERE (30% Off) –

THYNC – Want To Sleep Better & Focus More During Your Workouts? –


(0:22)- Great to be BACK!
(0:40)- First time meeting Erica’s Family and going to Disney World!
(4:08)- Saturday Exercise Explosion!
(6:22)- Tuesday Tune-Up!
(7:24)- New Article! “BACK” In The Gym!

(8:03)- Fan Art Winner!


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ScottHermanFitness January 13, 2014 - 5:27 am

I hope you are all ready to kick it into HIGH GEAR for 2014!!!

Kadeem January 13, 2014 - 5:31 am

Lets do it!

Gandum January 13, 2014 - 5:32 am

your girlfriend brazilian or portuguese?

Nelby January 13, 2014 - 5:36 am

Going to Fitcon 2014?

Frenchy8329 January 13, 2014 - 6:13 am

whats ur take on the paleo diet??

Markus Johansson January 13, 2014 - 6:15 am

You should go to FitCon 2014 Scott! (saw it be mentioned below) It'll give you more recognition and get more subscribers! Would also be cool to see you with others like Marc Lobliner (TigerFitness) The HodgeTwins, Chris Jones and so on 🙂 Would be a great time atleast ;), but its all up to you, no pressure…..

CallGary January 13, 2014 - 6:36 am

Funny how I was so stoked back in Dec to realize that school was going to be over so that would mean more dedicated lift time but it was just the opposite. Once finals was over and the holidays came I only went to the gym 1-2 times a week b/c everyone wanted to hang out, eat, drink, party etc haha. But now that everything was calmed and schools almost back in session it's back into the same groove again. Training 4-5 days a week and back on that gym grind 🙂

Chris N. January 13, 2014 - 6:50 am

I never liked IIFYM, I just make sure I have a high protein diet. I don't drink protein shakes either, just eat 3 to 5 eggs postworkout. If u need protein shakes to supplement your diet, then in my opinion your diet needs to be changed. A little off topic lol

WhisperOfDeath2 January 13, 2014 - 9:03 am

Kostas Kroustaloudis here! Hey, man thx for the shoutout.
Btw, IIFYM is complete bs indeed. It does not take into consideration the thermal effect of foods and the micronutrients you get from quality foods. You also feel so much better. Like a well-oiled machine in comparison to a rusty old machine. 😀

daniel lopez January 13, 2014 - 9:10 am

Does doing high intensit cardio makes u lose muscle?

tomzablee January 13, 2014 - 9:53 am

He seems like a nice guy

drtran101 January 13, 2014 - 10:30 am

You should do more workout plans that involve anime or video game characters like the older videos. Helps me get motivated when I do em. I suggest Ryu from Street Fighter but do whatevs. More routines like the lower body circuit would be greatly appreciated!

Daniel Alme January 13, 2014 - 10:49 am

Hi Scott. are there a chance that you will poste more workout videoes? Not workout with tips, but a pull, push/ leg workout and so forth? Love thos videoes from the past, and think that there are more hermanites here who would love to see some workouts were u ealy pull o push heavy weights! 🙂

Yoav Malinovsky January 13, 2014 - 11:35 am

do i see trx ?

Electric Water January 13, 2014 - 12:00 pm

hey scott bom ver que você tinha um bom tempo e que a sua outra metade voltou para casa com você ha cuidar👍

423junin January 13, 2014 - 1:49 pm

Yep. Brazilian here watching you!! hehe:D

Dustin Younker January 13, 2014 - 4:04 pm

Are you going to be at the Arnold this year?

Brian Schmitt January 13, 2014 - 4:43 pm

Thanks for the shout out Scott! 

TheJohne09 January 13, 2014 - 5:54 pm

 Is there a name for the music that plays at 0:12? wanna put it on my gym playlist

Barista Paul Copaceanu January 13, 2014 - 7:17 pm

Great video Scott ! 
I hope you had a good time with you girlfriend. Also you gave to us very important informations !

Supisici January 13, 2014 - 8:12 pm

Hey Scott. I really want know what your favorite oblique exercise is! Do you think that you can build really nice obliques with side bends? I really like them because they train my core entirely but I also want that good feeling in my obliques!

Dionisis wcyd January 13, 2014 - 9:52 pm

hey scott i went through a LOT of your videos even the ones you made 3 years ago and there havent been many changes to your body apart from getting leaner and still looking quite big as before! do you think your body has reached its maximum potential?

Paul Albertson January 14, 2014 - 12:37 am

You are so personable Scott, that I think even if I were not interested in the subject matter, I would still be a dedicated fan.

Patrick Smith January 14, 2014 - 3:29 am

You slim down a lot from vids in the past

MattsVlog January 17, 2014 - 9:55 pm

Hi Scott. I hope you can help. I was doing seated dumbell curls and i was pushing for the last rep and I hurt my back. Could this be down to not have a straight back or doing too many curls????? 

Ernie Tromp January 19, 2014 - 2:34 am

yo scott are you planning on comming to Aruba?

ten forty seven January 22, 2014 - 11:18 pm

Dude ur kick ass…. Do u ever try any body weight exercise like muscle ups and stuff and if u do can u make videos about it ?

J Rod January 23, 2014 - 2:18 am

Thumbs up for harry potter

Zulu_Echo_Airsoft February 20, 2014 - 11:34 pm

Hello, so i made up my own weightlifting schedule and i wanted to know your thoughts on it and i need help determining how much weight to do and how many reps. Here it is
Monday: Back and Legs
Straight Leg Deadlift
Calf Raises
Behind The Neck
Bent Over Row
Reverse Butterflies
Pull Ups

Tuesday: Cardio and Abs

Wednesday: Chest and Shoulders
Dumbell Incline
Hang Clean
Front Shoulder Press
Side Shoulder Press
Upright Row
Rotator Cuffs
Push ups

Thursday: Cardio and Abs

Friday: Arms
Alternating Dumbell Curls
Wide-Grip Curls
One Arm Preacher Curls
Hooked Drag Curls
Close-Grip Bench
Bent Over Tricep
Tricep Extension

LifeAsJenny September 12, 2015 - 4:08 pm

I really liked your video.
