Red Pill Vs Mike Rashid – Mike Rashid

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About Mike Rashid:
Mike Rashid King is a professional boxer, entrepreneur, fitness & lifestyle enthusiast.
He began boxing as an amateur at age 12, and stopped at age 21. Picked up the sport again in 2017, and turned pro as a heavyweight a year later in 2018.
Mike has also competed as a power lifter, and played many sports over the years.
Mike is into optimizing his life, by means of stressing the body and mind, and learning to deal with the stress properly.  He meditates, trains, and uses the sauna daily.
Mike runs numerous companies, The Ambrosia Collective
Snack House Foods
And is a partner with Trifecta 
(The fastest growing meal delivery service in America)
He also runs a very successful online training business and a 30 day transformation challenge monthly in which he helps people get in the best shape of their lives:

Mike considers himself to be a ‘conscience capitalist’
His business ventures are not directly associated with how much money he can make— what motivates him is how he can make a long term difference in others lives and within society.

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Mike Rashid


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Kenneth Eilor July 3, 2021 - 7:43 pm

We ain’t all doing things for the opposite sex…we have goals outside of that and that’s purely selfish for my own personal progression…I want it coz I want to cement my own existence by leaving my mark on the world…not coz it’s gonna attract a woman…

adolphus2002 July 3, 2021 - 10:30 pm

Apologies Mike I saw ur video with Melissa Ford before this.
You were real pissed of in that one.
You got something deep here.

Brian Maye July 4, 2021 - 1:20 am

How can someone bait you into drama that you walked into my dude.

J C July 4, 2021 - 3:30 am

I fasted for a wife for 3 days. I only drank water and prayed. One month later I met my wife. 8 years later were still married going strong. All praise to Jesus. The best quality that my wife says I have is that I’m a Godly person. Put God first at the center of your marriage and it will survive and flourish. The Bible says It is not good for a man to be alone. I will make him a helper.

Tiago Gomes July 4, 2021 - 1:23 pm

what mike is saying theres really some truth to it

New Age Spartan July 6, 2021 - 2:34 am

I disagree with Mike in almost every major topic, but I just can't bring myself to not like the guy. The Power of respect is real ya'll

Oodie Bro July 6, 2021 - 4:25 am

people seem to have forgotten what being a mature man simply is without slapping a trendy label on it . as you can see the red pill wannabe cult is in the comments. like robots most say the same things and act the same . Much respect to mike and the guys following their own path to success .

King7 July 8, 2021 - 4:24 am

RESPECT ✊🏾!!!!!

Erik Degby July 9, 2021 - 3:28 am

Listen to that Song by Cameo – "Back and forth" …….they said "Love has no Guarantees"

ContrarianExpatriate July 9, 2021 - 3:41 am

The problem isn’t the girls, it’s US? Those comments were right. You ARE a simp!

Derek Ware July 9, 2021 - 7:49 am

Should be titled: Red Pill vs Super Simp

28 GRAMS July 11, 2021 - 1:29 pm

Redpill is just a warning to people who are naive to what marriages could do to you. Take it how u want but just know u could get robbed for everything u worked for at the drop of a hat by an evil postpartum monster

MilesInDaCut July 11, 2021 - 8:34 pm

mike so scared of mtr 🤣😭 pusss

Floyd Lawton July 15, 2021 - 5:10 pm

It was initially about learning female psychology

Gregory Franklin July 18, 2021 - 5:51 am

I think you should actually listen to his channel. You read comments from people who don't know how to express how they feel. If anything I advise you to speak with MTR don't take comments so personal bro it's not that deep I seen you talk about this issue 3 times and you steady worried about what other people think about you. You don't think it's weird ? 6ou have been misunderstanding the movement in 3 separate videos and you still haven't done proper research? Come on bro you not even trying

harary beast August 2, 2021 - 9:30 pm

What is blue pill? We all know what red pill is what is blue pill?

C. Elle August 19, 2021 - 5:00 pm

I always find men like Mike very confusing. They date a plethora of women over the years and STILL say that they want to settle down with one woman. I understand that men are not on a time restraint when it comes to settling down, but I'm sure he's met women worthy of becoming his wife somewhere along the line.

Just as it's a red flag for a highly attractive woman to still be single after a certain age, I also believe that the same rules apply to men, especially if they're attractive with a higher status than most men.

Mikael August 24, 2021 - 9:59 pm

As far as women are concerned Taliban got they women on lock, we still trying figure this out on the west…seems like we need to take notes…even the Torah law will tell you how to deal with women and the ups and downs of the character traits of women and men…..saudi Arabia is another example of men being alpha in all things, they handle theirs…. like I said we the ones struggling thinking we doing something…we need to take notes….maybe our spiritual alignment is off🤔

India Shanté August 25, 2021 - 6:29 pm

I'm late to the discussion but I'm glad that I'm here because I like both of you guys. About to clean my house and take this all in.

Brad Rob August 27, 2021 - 10:38 am

Most red pill dudes think if u are even nice to a woman or say mam they call u a simp or what not ….

TayNofear DaGod August 28, 2021 - 10:40 am

I was bout to hate on you cause I ain’t like sumn you said but after hearing you out I think we may view some things differently but you seem extremely cool and intelligent I’m subbing

TheSuperrapper20 September 1, 2021 - 12:56 am

AMS need to sit down with this dude and school him

James Eddy B September 14, 2021 - 5:06 pm


Beautiful life ☀️🌴 October 10, 2021 - 3:30 am

Family Men are way more attractive than single dudes who bash women. Red pill guys are a turn off. When you really think think about it. Make families great again.

Kaizen Kulture October 21, 2021 - 9:43 pm

Respect. You want what you want. Always leveling up is that way

Mike Barron October 26, 2021 - 8:09 am

These people are amazing! All respect Mike!

Jesse Braswell November 15, 2021 - 7:43 pm

No matter how low key he tries to sell it, black people stay having beef. Rappers got beef, comedians got beef, actors got beef, our women got beef. We are just a broken people.

KDPRODUCTIONINC November 22, 2021 - 3:38 pm

Yo I’m only 7 mins in but the fact that he said he supports what he is doing on his channel and he loves to see young black men doing something positive…. I had to sub … much respect!!!! Even tho we may not agree on most things i still support you that’s some OG 💩 Right There FR!!!! 💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾🤝

RikXtreme4 November 23, 2021 - 12:04 pm

MTR is one of the better redpill channels that are usually cordial and respectful, does not promote resentment to women and even better makes men accountable when it comes to shooting up the club, highlighting that both men and women are responsible for creating a life. Strap the fuck up.

Demetreus D. Roby Sr. November 23, 2021 - 4:23 pm

The problem may be that your world is not indicative of the world of the average man, which means your world may be out of touch with the average reality. That being said, you come off as real judgmental of the red pill community without knowing the basic tenets. The people in the comments tend to be the fringe extreme and to judge the whole community by the fringe is setting yourself up for the smoke you got. I think you’re a genuine dude, but I think you should do more research on the red pill community before you speak as if you know it. I gave you a like and I will subscribe and try to see you for who you are because I just came across you and your content.

Tiffany Porter November 25, 2021 - 5:21 pm

Red pill have evolved into something sinister. I teach women how to run from them all. They are going to attract shallow women. Look the manosphere documentary by Reggie. This is what the black men who are in the red pill are heading.

Devon Wortman November 28, 2021 - 8:30 pm

Im definitly not in agreement with the one point you made.When you Rashad say something along the lines of, there are no objective truths. Like yeah beleive what ever you want??lol Now thats just the vibe I'm getting … For example a biological man or a biological woman is objective truth. The whole ideological stance of solipsism is a delusional irrational illogical state of mind hence its not masculine thinking. There are concrete truths period!!! Lol end of discussion.2+2=4 If anyone disagrees with that they are wrong and I am right.

Curls Of Jordan December 4, 2021 - 4:12 am

You gave yourself your full name, why didn’t you label MTR, his original name. It would have been more objective. You feel some type of way.

Johann Sorhaindo December 6, 2021 - 10:39 pm

The annoying thing about YouTube, is often this platform becomes a soap opera, literally. You’ve got a multitude of varying persona’s attempting to impose their self-prescribed “wisdom” on you. The “RedPill” phenomenon needs to be contextualized, unfortunately it’s not. Its become a spectacle, and everybody and their uncle is schooling you on the nature of females. I get it, there’s a market for this content. But it becomes repetitive and redundant, especially to men who are on the path to defined self development. Thats a lot of energy and time being consumed, by nothing other than complaining about the idiosyncrasies of the female’s nature. It’s somewhat entertaining at first, but over time I gets a bit stale.

Duma Life December 11, 2021 - 2:04 pm

All greats points! I definitely on the same boat with you the extreme beliefs that border disrespectful of the red pill philosophy. I believe in mutual respect on both parties but as a “strong man” I come from a culture that men are the leaders in the terms of taking care of there whole tribe in all aspects financially, mentally, and spiritually. A leader rather than being top of the food chain rather a leader creating the best and strongest foundation for their tribe. With this all said everyone in that tribe understands their roles. Great Video!

PJ Authur December 23, 2021 - 10:42 pm

It seems like you contradict yourself in here. The example you use with the gym, where you want to out squat arrival, and the next line you say the person I am in most competition with is myself… If the person you are in biggest competition with is yourself then you will be trying to squat more than you squatted last time not having the hair stand up on the back of your neck because you see someone else squatting heavy.
