Proving The “Natural Limit” Is WRONG | Examining FFMI (Ft. Eric Helms) – OmarIsuf

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Team3DMJ July 17, 2018 - 12:33 am

Hey everyone, Eric here. Thanks for watching and all the comments. I’ve heard the myth repeated a lot that testosterone levels were higher in this era and therefore it was like these folks were on steroids and natural athletes today can’t hope to come anywhere close. Let’s set the record straight, we have data on 1980’s men having slightly higher testosterone than today, but not on any era prior to that. Think about it, testosterone had not been identified in the early 1900’s and late 1800’s so how could people do blood draws and analyse the testosterone levels of men from this era? Also, even if they had higher levels, similar to as men did in the 1980’s, this would amount to about a pound or two of muscle mass, and less than a single FFMI point increase on average. Feel free to read the research and also check out the analysis on Weightology by James Krieger where he examined the relationship between testosterone and muscle mass showing that for every 100ng/dl increase within the normal range there is an increase of baseline LBM of .6kg. The difference between today and the 1980‘s is pretty small, maybe 15% on average (so maybe you’d see a 100ng/dl increase if you were high normal today vs then) and likely due to lifestyle changes. So if you are an active, exercising, healthy individual lifting weights, you have good reason to believe this wouldn’t apply to you. Also, don’t look back on this era with rose tinted glasses and think they were somehow special. Life expectancy was decades less, the Great Depression occurred as well as WW1, the industrial revolution, and we spent multiple hours more per day doing housework, manual labor, and poverty and malnutrition rates were much higher. Things to consider next time you hear someone make such obviously false claims before repeating them, I’d probably question their motivations as it’s like trying to find any explanation of how physiques like these aren’t possible today despite a complete lack of logic, or historical backing.

Mitch Brannon May 6, 2019 - 9:51 pm

I think (may be wrong) that they didn't train chest because pectoral development was considered "effeminate" in those days

Daniele Pauli May 21, 2019 - 8:45 am

Natural Limit. Really. Like no one can bench natty over 200 kg. Stupid people make stupid statements. STFU and try it out. Over 20 years plus. Then make a statement.

Wetpig July 3, 2019 - 2:12 pm

6:45 look at his bone structure, those wrists are huge. Bone size helps immensely.

94ロビン July 22, 2019 - 5:37 am

What if the picture you showede were time travelers and they actually took steroids. They just went back in time to prove to the old world that theyre natural 🤔

OldNatty August 26, 2019 - 4:46 am

So are you guys going to give us an answer or just play the same internet game?

If there are any nattys out there that want specifics on getting big, strong, or cut I'll tell you how w/out the youtujbe drama.

Nuno N October 25, 2019 - 6:48 pm

Thank you for inviting captain america for your show.

Stud_monkey_fitness December 6, 2019 - 10:06 pm

Hey. Thank you for making this. I don’t do any steroids. But my FFMI says 28. I’m 5’ 10”, 255 lbs, and at 17-19% BF. How am I supposed to tell people I’m natural?

Stoner Gains January 22, 2020 - 2:22 pm

I am natural and look like that so …idk , tired of being attacked for being natural, I call them out for lying about using steroids, and they always turn around and basically say it takes one to know one…makes me wanna slap a bitch, United States Marines don't need steroids

Stoner Gains January 22, 2020 - 2:29 pm

I feel like I'm the only bodybuilder in my town , I really have to change gyms , no one can keep up or wants to, I kinda want a training partner , as a tool , to help us both push eachother to get more out of training , Vegeta would have never gotten as strong as he did if not for kakarot …am I right ?

Stoner Gains January 22, 2020 - 2:33 pm

It comes down to truth , a lie can be different every time , but the truth can only be the truth. And if they are using their lies to benefit, or influence people than that my friend Carries no honor .

TricksnTraps March 4, 2020 - 2:38 pm

started my journey last year october. I can say that it feels good just to lift. I feel great! Wish I had done it sooner.

Fitness & Music June 11, 2020 - 3:24 am

Omar, you're such a MORONNN

Fitness & Music June 11, 2020 - 3:32 am

I mean…. You missed by FAR ALL of the bodyfat percentages… Even so, there are ALWAYS genrtic freaks, 25 is an AVERAGE idiots….

Micah Sedillo August 17, 2020 - 6:38 am

I spoke to my father who worked out a lot his whole life. He was a massive guy in his prime. I got his stats today and from the info i gathered his ffmi at one point was 28…so ya .. maybe he was just a genetic freak or maybe its not a set fact for the natty limit of 25

Alchemy August 19, 2020 - 10:57 am

I am not sure that this analysis is complete and appears to make some rudimentary assumptions. If we look at the size and definition of the average muscled man (strongman, bodybuilder etc) of the so called pre steroid era, we can see that they are far smaller than the body builders of today. Far smaller. So to make a case that they are huge etc (which comes across to me that way) is not reasonable. Eugene Sandow was often touted as having 18 inch biceps, when more realistic measurements from real casts of his arms and other sources put his flexed bicep at closer to 15.5 inches to 16 inches. His weight was touted as 200 Ibs but evidence came forth of his lean weight being in the region of 160 IIbs.
Experiments with synthetic testosterone may have been going on well before the release of the drug into the medical field.
Also the suggestion that lifting heavy weights is the only way to get big is not supported by the evidence of history or science. Large body movement exercises of numerous types (obviously involving resistance in most cases) produces muscle growth. Even body weight exercises promote muscle growth.
It is not necessary to go to a gym to build muscle. My most impressive physique was when I was in industry shifting a lot of materials all day long. A good proportion of us (I was naturally muscular however) had great physiques without the need for a gym. Later as a pen pusher I used the gym regularly but was never as ripped and even though I could focus on specific muscle groups I could not see much evidence of any major increase in muscle size. I was bulkier but less lean. I never used any form of PED.
What is highly prevalent these days (and many a case, documentary and expose will reveal this) is that the black market for PEDs is enormous and the biggest market is for the casual user – not competitive athletes, but of course the smaller group of competitive athletes are not out of suspicion as many an expose reveals) is Steroids and PEDs.
Making a case more and more for the larger than life Natty being just that becomes more and more preposterous. Starting from the premise "he/she must be natty because I have no other evidence to say otherwise" is naive to say the least. Accusing all people with some decent development is also not fair, but to assume that every one is natty until busted is just not a truth based mindset.
I could say so much more but have run out if time. Least to say that as a person who has worked as an investigator and in the science field most of my life, also having family who own gyms etc and had intimate discussions with experts in PED use and its study, it makes more sense to say "which one is truly natty" rather than take the opposite position. It is rife and making some people (the providers more so than the recipients) rich. Let's cut out the pretence please.

Marcos Batista February 27, 2021 - 7:36 pm

I have the secret to get hugeee ( duck eggs ) . 😂

ScycoSnake April 2, 2021 - 12:36 am

Thing is though ffmi doesnt take into account hormones, androgen receptor sensitivity and density, myostatin, shbg, etc.
I got my testosterone tested at 1,622 ng/dL natural
DHT was 1,486 pg/mL
Pretty sure I can get quite a bit above 25 ffmi. I dont have any clue how my androgen receptors are but having high test usually upregulates them quite a bit

ScycoSnake April 2, 2021 - 12:38 am

You realize that there werent many industrial endoctrine disruptors 100 years ago like there was today? That hacksmith guy I bet had over 2,000 ng/dL of testosterone

Richard Gomez June 3, 2021 - 10:06 am

5'8 205lb 20% bodyfat 17 inch arms 17 inch calfs natural ( for 4 years) did 1 cycle 8 weeks test deca no pct quit the gym for 1 year and workout at home for the past 3 years

Kilani Rides February 6, 2022 - 12:48 pm

I got a inbody test twice in two days and the results came in and i don’t believe it, it gave me a fat percentage of (%12.4) first day and (%13.3) second day.. and I weigh 100kg and I’m 186 cm tall , im completely natural and i look like i have 20% body fat i can send pictures

Ira Bel February 21, 2022 - 8:42 am


Mrgzombie March 5, 2022 - 8:28 am

Love the videos helps people to understand natural potential and stuff like this.

It shuts the idiots up who think any amount of muscle needs roids thats for sure lol
