Overtraining, Under Recovery & Overreaching – OmarIsuf

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kevinmeagher55 February 21, 2014 - 5:37 pm

Wait…why do people listen to this guy? Does he bench 500 or is he secretly jacked? 

Does he have a great exercise science degree or work at an amazing strength and conditioning facility….my guess is NO to all of those questions. 

thejorddougie February 22, 2014 - 4:46 am

i used to think going to the gym 3 times a week was enough now i go every day and i dont need to recovery because i recover when im asleep plus i dont use protein shakes at the moment

Brendan Broas February 22, 2014 - 6:15 am

…..just support super fast

jason genova February 22, 2014 - 8:49 am

Overreaching?? U said its for Olympic athletes and professionals… And I bet you more than half your audience now is going be like " oh Omar am I overreaching cuz I go to the gym four times a week ".. you just gave them another reason to put there tampons in

matej tiric February 22, 2014 - 11:24 am

this guy has some serious issues.cant he see himself

Asualtedpeanut February 24, 2014 - 12:02 am

your just a rip off mike chang. Transparent personality

JoJo the Jute February 24, 2014 - 3:27 am

this is the first time i've seen this guy haha i like how excited he is when he speaks, subbed. also saw your transformation vid. thanks for sharing! i wonder if i should make vids just to personally see how far i can change.

DonJonaaas February 24, 2014 - 3:54 pm

Sorry i don't take training tips for a guy that's smaller than me

Soul Machines February 25, 2014 - 8:46 am

MOST average looking person out there and he's (guessing its a he) has a fitness channel giving advice, lmao, its stouges like this that given BB and PROPER PT a bad rep. If only going to gym for a week and doing some PT course online could make everyone a PRO. lol

James Smith February 25, 2014 - 9:54 am

You would think that with all the HGH that Omar does he'd be bigger and more cut. This video he looks like an average everyday guy who goes to the gym 2, maybe 3 times a week. You need to up your game Omar.

Nick Honey February 25, 2014 - 12:25 pm

Look up over training on Wikipedia and all your questions will be answered. It's not going hard in the gym. It's when you don't allow your body time enough to recover between workouts

Owain Cai February 26, 2014 - 8:38 am

what's all the people abusing Omar?  He obviously knows what he's talking about. You don't have to look like a gorilla to be able to lift a fuckload of weight, look at Frank Yang before he decided to get huge (check his training mixtape).

p3nguinish March 7, 2014 - 9:50 pm

Great video and presentation, thanks!

foukosima March 8, 2014 - 8:44 pm

I woke up one day after working out a week straight ,without breaks In-between and I couldnt lift 10kg is this overtraining or smth?

qt pie May 18, 2014 - 2:40 pm

The body adapts.

Kristy Feeley April 1, 2016 - 9:55 pm

Omar I love your videos and appreciate your content so much. I can't afford a trainer right now, but I have learned so much about lifting from you. You are super knowledgeable and well spoken. As a new lifter your channel is such an amazing resource. Thanks again.

Matthew Martini October 11, 2016 - 11:22 am

Hey guys, can someone please tell me about the effects on the body when attempting a lift like deadlift and not being able to budge the bar..does this still fatigue the cns? I tried a pr
and tried a few times but couldn't move the bar and then the week after my strength was significantly lower.

Naved Khan September 30, 2017 - 9:25 pm


T3hTroll October 11, 2017 - 6:24 pm

A good example of this is when I had to change the duration of my cardio. I do stairs, before max incline walking on the treadmill for 12 mins each.

For a while it made my lifts weird. Then I switched it to 10 mins each. And then I saw improvement.

During that, time i had school and work for several hours, and my cardio was done after I just lifted.

Lil Benate October 26, 2017 - 1:15 am

You're the best bro thanks!🙌🏽

Senor Mofeta February 2, 2018 - 5:02 am

Yeah, Omar, you're spot on!

Jon Italia February 15, 2018 - 4:46 am

At 5:00 the cut is made to the chase.

Jesse February 2, 2019 - 1:00 pm

The easiest way Ive found to think about it as adaptive stimuli vs giving time for adaptations to occur. You can increase your ability to sustain workload by doing extra recovery work (I.e. Naps, massage, scraping, active rest). But its very sub optimal for long term physiological changes to occur if you don't let your body respond.

Alexandria Lee February 5, 2022 - 2:08 am

This is my second time over training myself actually while I was working out I could actually feel when it happened my workouts were harder to do and my muscles look deflated and soft is this permanent? Will my muscles go back to normal?
