******Neck Cracking Gone Wrong | Mike Rashid | Mike Monday’s Ep 19 – Mike Rashid

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About Mike Rashid:
Mike Rashid King is a professional boxer, entrepreneur, fitness & lifestyle enthusiast.
He began boxing as an amateur at age 12, and stopped at age 21. Picked up the sport again in 2017, and turned pro as a heavyweight a year later in 2018.
Mike has also competed as a power lifter, and played many sports over the years.
Mike is into optimizing his life, by means of stressing the body and mind, and learning to deal with the stress properly.  He meditates, trains, and uses the sauna daily.
Mike runs numerous companies, The Ambrosia Collective ambrosia.mikerashid.com
Snack House Foods
And is a partner with Trifecta 
(The fastest growing meal delivery service in America)
He also runs a very successful online training business and a 30 day transformation challenge monthly in which he helps people get in the best shape of their lives: Mikerashid.com

Mike considers himself to be a ‘conscience capitalist’
His business ventures are not directly associated with how much money he can make— what motivates him is how he can make a long term difference in others lives and within society.

******Neck Cracking Gone Wrong | Mike Rashid | Mike Monday’s Ep 19

Mike Rashid


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thomas francis November 25, 2019 - 10:12 pm

There is research linking cervical manipulation (upper spine) to stroke via the strain which can be put on carotid and vertebral vessels during the movements. You are right to be apprehensive Mike

el gordon 777 July 24, 2020 - 3:34 am

I can tell the mood changed when Mike got quiet, the tension was in the room

Devion Isaiah July 24, 2020 - 3:02 pm

You too big to be scared 💯 you got to let him do his job 🤦🏽‍♂️

Samantha Montana July 25, 2020 - 9:47 am

my strange addiction

Joshua Justice July 31, 2020 - 3:07 am

20:56… Chiropractor said "fair"?? and Mike said " Yeah"… So, it seemed like he was willing to try. He even smiled….

Jax2429 August 6, 2020 - 10:04 am

Did he take hours to see you?

London P August 28, 2020 - 12:02 am

I think the issue isn’t him not being open to xyz

The fact that throughout thei video he was trying to size him up constantly reiterating that he’s a “big dude” too and doing the total opposite of what he came for as well as talking about things that are way inappropriate and unprofessional. I feel like he was taking advantage of the cameras being around. As well as him trying to get up and him trying to push his head down I think is not a good thing to do and unprofessional and just rude

Tara Nicholson September 7, 2020 - 4:46 am

rise of skywalker

Sarah Collins September 16, 2020 - 8:27 am

crap guide to d&d

Emanuel Aleman September 30, 2020 - 3:43 am

A complete a**hole. Why did you go to the chiropractor if you’re not feeling comfortable. Waste time for the chiropractor and was a lot of bu**sh**t for this guy.

Blob Ho October 10, 2020 - 2:56 pm

Hi Mike I follow you a lot.

But you have a supplement lime etc. And the chiro is also a field of health there's the gimmick it's like saying supps are bullshit why waste money on.

Health and fitness needs to be open mind since your the fitness guru on YouTube.

Also chiro corrects imperfections etc. In your posture etc. You have too much muscle and was way too tense the chiro even resight Bruce Lee. Just honest opinion you weren't being open in having your imperfections corrected.

Jared Jamieson October 14, 2020 - 3:06 am

Honestly the beginning clip is out of context. Nothing went wrong.

RobotWookiee October 15, 2020 - 12:19 am

He's not a doctor, folks. Chiropractors get their "doctorates" from unaccredited schools. The entire field is quackery. Take the time to email scientists that weigh in on this stuff. Evidence, it's one hell of a thing. Cheers.

susan yu October 22, 2020 - 8:42 am


Escola de Negócios October 27, 2020 - 3:23 am

What were you doing in a chiro??

James Edward November 20, 2020 - 11:09 pm

I came here after watching Mikes newest chiropractor video because he just kept saying I don’t want anything with the neck done which is ridiculous because that’s a huge part of taking away a lot of problems. So many problems stem from the neck, he acts like a big ass cry baby. He literally talked to you about it for a full 5 minutes and you said it’s ok. There is no risk at all in having your neck adjusted by a chiropractor.

cr7 November 21, 2020 - 7:08 am

At 19:00 when he started with the whole homophobic crap thats when doc fucked up

zain ali November 26, 2020 - 4:33 am

Lol “i dont like that shit”

Brisky December 2, 2020 - 11:26 am

the chiropractor is scared to death of you

Francisco Munoz December 25, 2020 - 9:20 am

Unsubscribed ! Sensitive ass

RAW 030 December 30, 2020 - 1:51 am

Scared of some cracking but shoots roids up his ass like candy 😂

Chad Sheridan January 12, 2021 - 8:50 pm

Your a boxer and your worried about a neck adjustment . lmfao . drama king .

YUNGSILKBK January 23, 2021 - 8:31 am

Mike definitely from New York we just get defensive like this when we feel like our guidelines are not being respected😂. Mike definitely verbally said he don't want to have his neck cracked.

Kytteh Wytchwood March 31, 2021 - 7:43 am

He explained to you that he was not going to adjust your neck. At first he was pushing for the neck adjustment. but when he slowed his roll, he saw it was an upper back adjustment. So good thing you were very against having your neck messed with or he wouldn't have done his job correctly. I have watched a ton of adjustment videos on the neck. He pushed down on your upper back. He didn't twist your neck upwards and to the left. He said you would hear a loud cracking sound because it's close to your ears. Your fear misread the situation. you called this doctor a liar. He told you many times he was only adjusting the upper back. your friend here only agreed with you because he is either agreeing because you are his friend. Or because you pushed so hard that it was a neck adjustment when it was not, that he believed you. Even though it wasn't true. Next time actually listen to the dr when he tells you what type of adjustment he or she makes and don't make it about the neck. Should just get physical therapy and massage therapy done since you don't trust chiropractors.

David Morton April 1, 2021 - 11:59 pm

Well, i See there was a big misunderstanding. I also like the conclusion. But „why i don t Trust chiropractors“ is a pretty offensive Choice regarding the Fact that nobody harmed you But Tried to help with Methods YOU KNOW BEFORE YOU GO THERE. And Again: he didnt adjust your neck, ist was T1.

John Gallagher April 24, 2021 - 10:03 pm

If you're going to a chiropractor, you let him treat you fully or you don't go. If you're afraid you don't go. If a person has normal health in the spine and arteries, properly done chiropractic will not hurt you, and has tremendous benefits. You should not have gone to a chiropractor. This video will do nothing except show how afraid you were and make other people afraid.

al Sel June 8, 2021 - 6:21 pm

Just a bid black rat afraid of the tall and handsome dude. ✌🏻

Nicky Angelo July 1, 2021 - 7:33 am

Mike love to see your take on this situation now. Could see you was out of your comfort zone at the end of the video when you was going over the experience. Id love to see a follow up on this video. On what happened after you've meditated on the experience and had time to really take it all in, and weather or not you've felt like you need to relax more not resist and go back to a chiropractor or weather your choosing not to f*ck with it or if you've just choose to let it be and just moved on and not bothered even thinking about it to much.

Mary Poppins August 3, 2021 - 1:02 pm

This is gross. Dr jason has never hurt anyone and if you want to get aligned you have to get the neck done too….its part of the spine and a lot of issues that you are having….Got to suck it up man. For a boxer this is crazy….plus you overreacted heavily. But….outside of this shit and the dog shit video making a excellent doctor look bad…..I respect your hustle. Good day sir.
