My Struggle w/ Hypothyroidism Update VLOG | Medication & Tips + BTS POPSUGAR – Love Sweat Fitness

by YouTube Team

VLOG Thursday! Totally overdue update on my hypothyroidism. The symptoms are pretty crazy (weight gain, hair loss, fatigue, etc) & my medications keep changing. Giving you all the deets on what I’m doing right now to deal with hashimotos hypothyroidism. Comment below any questions & SHARE w/ your friends.

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Love Sweat Fitness February 1, 2019 - 1:15 am

Hi girls! Are you liking the VLOGs? Any other hypo questions drop them below! xoxo

Ashley Hall March 25, 2019 - 12:13 pm

Thank you for sharing! I was also diagnosed with hypo at a young age and have struggled to keep a consistent weight

Erin Wallace April 1, 2019 - 12:38 am

Thanks for sharing! Luckily I quit birth control (on it for 10 yrs +) before I was diagnosed with hypo and didn't have any issues going off it
(minor bacne). I also took vitex and evening primrose oil to help regulate hormones. Just on a low dose of Synthroid now for my thyroid and started trying with my hubby!

Vivianna Ngo April 23, 2019 - 10:59 pm

Love you Katie!!! I love how genuine you are and you’re more beautiful for it! Yes go off the birth control! You don’t need it especially when you’re already in a loving relationship. I stopped for a long time because of health concern. I don’t want to put more pills inside my body if it’s not natural. When I stopped the birth control, my skin brakes out ALOT! And I don’t get pimples even as a teenager. But it went away and I’m back to my clear skin. The only issue is that my period was not predictable like when I was on the pill. I also love your workout videos, you made it easy to follow and fun. I want to get rid of the extra weight and bloating that comes and go. The struggles are real when we are dealing with hypo! Thank you for your videos, it really helps me a lot! ❤️🌈👍💪🌸

Caitlyn Gibson May 2, 2019 - 8:56 pm

I have hypothyroidism too, I have always felt that I was lazy for always feeling so tired. You make me feel a little less crazy that there is someone else who gets the struggle. Thank you for your updates and reminding me I'm not alone!

Delgado 7777 May 16, 2019 - 3:14 pm

Thank you for sharing this video. I was wondering how Naturethroid worked or is working for you right now? and what dosage did you end up with? I am currently on levothyroxine and liothyronine and still feeling very tired and symptomatic.. My Doctor suggested WP thyroid but is unavailable at the moment so my other option is Naturethroid. Thank you in advance!

Montserrat Duron May 26, 2019 - 12:06 pm

Thank you so much for amazing content on hypothyroidism!
I have been struggling with hypothyroidism since I was sixteen years old now I am twenty-five and recently my meds are changing. Going through all your old videos I feel like we have a lot of things in common and I hope you can answer a couple of questions for me because I’m really curious. All in all, I am now going to start the combination of T4 and T3 meds and I am a little scared. Why you stopped taking those? Also,why nature thyroid medición?
I hope you can help me out a little I feel like I’m freaking out but I really need to start making some changed because I haven’t feel myself for some time now.

Peter ZAPANTIS June 2, 2019 - 11:04 am

You guys are the best Love your Greece and Aspen videos

T.T. Kodra June 4, 2019 - 6:10 am

let me start off by saying, you are so fridges adorable. Just love your energy. Another thing, I know this video was posted a few months ago. I was actually born without a thyroid. Which makes me hypo. I was also on birth control, only for about a year and a half. Went off of it because I hated it. Ever since I did, which was about 4 years ago. First off it took me almost 5 months to get my period after going off of it. Now I get my period every 90 days:( Huh the struggle is friggen real. I use to get them every 28 days like clock work, and now its not just not there. Been seeing a acupuncturist, and she thinks it might have something to do with my blood sugar. Wants me to do the diabetic paleo diet, and wants me to get my blood work done. I think its PCOS:( One day I want to have a baby, and its hard to have one when you don't even ovulate:( I work out, I drink as much water when I can, I try not to eat a whole lot of sugars or refined carbs. Which is just putting my body under even more stress. Any suggestions would be great<3 And if you have gone off your BC yet? And if so, have you also been experiencing the same thing?

Andrea Howard June 16, 2019 - 6:33 pm

I was on the birth control pill for 10 years and it wrecked my health. The birth control pill can deplete zinc, selenium which is much needed for thyroid conversion, also Vitamin B6, vitamin C and E and folate, can cause leaky gut and mess with your gut microbiome, and it can shrink your clitoris by 20%!!! You also don't ovulate and you lose your progesterone. Not worth being on it and it also destroys your libido and make you go off sex. The only benefit of being on it is that it will prevent pregnancy. Don't be afraid to come off it, I got started eating healthy foods and took vitex to increase my progesterone levels.

Sarah Davidson James August 3, 2019 - 9:56 pm

I literally just got diagnosed with hypothyroidism this week (which is actually how I found your channel and am now catching up on your videos) and its beens really nice to see a positive and healthy and fit role model! Its definitely nice to finally have some answers to what has been going on with me, and to finally confirm that this wasn't all in my head, but it is also overwhelming to think of now learning to deal with it all. The energy has been really hard lately as I just started taking medication for the first time two days ago, so its really nice to not be alone and know that it will get better ! Thanks 🙂

Courtney Ross August 8, 2019 - 6:42 pm

Hi go to a compound phyamacy… compound T3 T4…that is what I do… I have never taken any other meds.. on this

Courtney Ross August 8, 2019 - 6:47 pm

A compound phyamacy can customize a synthetic version of T3 T4 for you, your body recognize it as your own. You are probably breaking out because of the meds and you liver is detox…find a compound changed my life ☺️

Carly September 11, 2019 - 3:26 pm

Hi! I’m 25yrs old, weigh 120Ibs and have hashimotos / hypo. I am wondering if my joint pain in my knees and feet are related. Ive jumping roping, not that vigorously, and now my knee is swollen. It seems every exercise I do my joints starts hurting :/ do you recommend any supplements like glucosamine or aminos? Thank you so much!!

Laken Conner2 September 21, 2019 - 10:01 pm

I just came across your channel because I was just diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. For the past 4 years I blamed my birth control hormones (I had an IUD) for weight gain, extreme fatigue and over all feeling like crap. I had gained 40 pounds in 4 years after being skinny my whole life (I'm 49). So I decide to quit smoking, give up sugar (started Keto diet) and get my IUD out all in a 3 month period. Now I'm a swollen (edema), hormonal, FAT mess that landed in the ER with severe muscle weakness and dehydration. I had lost 9 lbs. until I got my IUD out. That seemed to be the last straw for my body. I have not only put that weight back on but another 5 lbs. and can barely stay awake longer than 5 hours without needing a nap! I don't know yet if you got off your birth control and what happened BUT I'm pretty sure that IUD was the start of my thyroid problems! I'll look up more of your vids and see how you're doing now!! XX

Carrie Antal November 17, 2019 - 6:58 pm

I have Hashimoto's and struggled with extreme eczema for years, until I came across the Medline Olivamine products. The skin repair cream is awesome as a daily moisturizer and the one with dimethicone was what enabled the eczema to heal. Seriously look into it – not greasy, smells nice, awesome.

Nicole Hubbell January 24, 2020 - 3:32 am

I've been on 25 mcg of levothyroxine for 7-8 years and I always felt like it did absolutely nothing for me. My doctor always told me that based on my test results 25 mcg is the dose I should be at.
Losing weight for me has always been such a struggle. I was able to lose 55 pounds over the course of about 10-12 months, but unfortunately was not able to keep it all off

Zoe's nails April 19, 2020 - 12:58 pm

Im not on the pill anymore because like you I don't need it in my body, but my periods or really unpredictable sometimes 35+ days between and I cant really leave the house in the first 24 houres because im so heavy, that aside I feel better for not putting it in my body. i too have hypothyroidism. im really over weight and iv found you and you are really inspiring me. do you find sauger makes you ache more? xx

dmknight59 May 14, 2020 - 3:58 am

They sell these seat pockets that go in between your car seats that catch everything you drop down there I’ve had one for ages works great

dmknight59 May 14, 2020 - 4:01 am

I went off BC because they gave me migraines felt so so much better just was very careful and temps was successful

jacqueline killingsworth June 23, 2020 - 11:05 pm

I enjoyed your YouTube, due to my Hypothyroid

Val July 7, 2020 - 4:44 pm

I have been dieting and exercising for the past 6 years at it’s been so discouraging not being able to lose those last few pounds or get to that next level. I was diagnosed with hypothyroid this week and found your channel so I hope that might be the reason it’s been such a struggle! I’m nervous to start medication but seeing how it has helped so many makes me feel better. Definitely going to browse through your meal plans and see if I need to tweak my diet even more. Again, thank you for sharing !

Mianachely Rivera July 25, 2020 - 2:42 pm

😭 I'm so happy to find you in youtube. Can relate to everything your saying. Its been a real struggle since covid started. But hearing your story give me hope to be my inner beautiful self.

Rebekka Zander August 3, 2020 - 2:48 am

Getting my blood tested tomorrow but 100% feel that it is hypothyroidism. The fatigue is SO real.

Jamie Purucker November 3, 2020 - 7:20 pm

If you have hypothyroidism, you have an underlying issue creating the hypothyroidism. Unfortunately, doctors will not get to the root of it. There is a co-infection in the body or adrenal issues. Check your detox pathways. The body is speaking to you. Lyme disease was the cause of my hypothyroidism which in turn I had to open up detox pathways, then address parasites and lymph. Parasites house viruses, bacteria, Lyme disease, mold and up to like 3 plus times their weight in heavy metals. Please, seek a functional medicine doctor and address these problems.

Shleya Bert January 9, 2022 - 5:30 pm

Can you vlog a day in the life of hypos
