My Motivation to Work Out; The Real Reason I Eat Healthily & Exercise + How to Get Motivated – FitnessBlender

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Kate Li August 6, 2016 - 9:31 pm

my motivation is that if i do not stay active and healthy, i would just give upon myself, then i would be in a negative continuous loop forever, you know, being lazy, unfit, eat junks and drink coke &feel so bad that i would eat more junk. So to prevent that from happening, i stay healthy everyday

Bilal Bhatti August 28, 2016 - 12:48 am

Real talk, my genetics alone make me susceptible to diabetes and heart problems. When I was at around 200 lbs, I've noticed that my blood pressure was in the danger zone and the doctor's said my cholesterol was an issue. I was an active person before, but just really bad eating habits.

Once I decided to start treating my body right to good food and a healthy lifestyle, my blood pressure is now low in the best sense possible and I am healthy all across the board. I don't have the perfect body. I still have a little gut, but I feel so much better about myself! I love it!

Kathleen Woll August 30, 2016 - 10:52 pm

I have NEVER thought about it in this way.. I'm honestly so lazy now since I've graduated highschool and college.. I LOVE playing soccer and still do on a daily basis in highschool and now that my school career is over, I've lost my motivation.. Maybe this will help me! I really hope so because I'm tired of being lazy! I do have a wedding to plan so maybe that can be my main focus!

Kate K October 5, 2016 - 4:24 pm

I hope you guys visit NYC or anywhere North East for meet and greet one day so i can give you both a big Hug and Thank you for your kind words and amazing videos. 🙂

marcheline717 October 26, 2016 - 12:50 am

You inspire me so so so much! 🙂 Hugs and lots of love from Poland 🙂

Cecil Costanza November 9, 2016 - 2:38 pm

Thanks for the Videos guys. It's inspiring to listen to some rational thinking.

Erdbeershake007 December 15, 2016 - 6:59 pm

I get motivated by scrolling through the comments section of your videos

Maria Teresa Coello December 17, 2016 - 4:20 am

You are such a good role model, And your videos are great!! Thanks for sharing.

Eliot Sanford February 15, 2017 - 9:19 pm

Great points. My doctor motivated me to get healthy, or get on meds. I opted to get healthy. Thanks for sharing.

eliqueen89 March 2, 2017 - 7:24 pm

You're the best, really! You motivate me every day with your story, with your tips and your videos.

Pankaj G March 15, 2017 - 6:59 am

Am addicted to workout since i found fitnessblender <3

Stephanie R April 24, 2017 - 10:16 pm

Awesome tips Kelli! Appreciate all you do!!

Valeria Tsygankova April 29, 2017 - 5:14 pm

"we're talking about our lives here" amen

Anna LaPella May 2, 2017 - 1:17 am

I started working out to improve my health and happiness and it worked for a couple months. I like to workout through youtube videos and, because all the videos are directed towards making u look better, I've started to feel more self-conscious about how I look even tho my appearance is way sexier than it was before

The Freeze Dry Queen June 16, 2017 - 9:57 pm

I work out, and eat healthy to be a good example for my kids, and to be able to play with my kids. I workout to be a good wife. I workout for my mental health, and some days I workout just because I know I should, but don't want to. Thank you fitness blenders! I workout with FitnessBlender because they are encouraging, kind, and effective!

Sana Ullah July 8, 2017 - 6:04 am


Trust issues August 8, 2017 - 7:47 am

Your thumbnail picture is so cute

anna kosa October 17, 2017 - 9:05 pm

Thank you for this and all the other videos! So great to hear real words <3 I just got back into exercising and just earned my workout complete after almost convincing myself that its too late to work out today because of blablabla,I ate my veggie dinner and then got myself to do it ,so happy that I exercised!! Now my well deserved post workout smoothie and a good book:)

Annie October 29, 2017 - 6:16 pm

I love that! I workout and eat healthy because I want to take care of the one body God has given me and to steward that gift well.

Laura Gutierrez December 3, 2017 - 3:48 am

Love this message <3

Nikki McCulley January 31, 2018 - 11:47 am

I stay motivated by wanting to get better (stronger)….  Also by watching you guys!  I'm already way better than I thought I would be!!

basak kosanay February 1, 2018 - 8:22 pm

As always, I again appreciate and agree with all the things you have mentioned here my dear Kelli. For me, the key to have a healthy life style is to find the most effective and SUSTAINABLE way to eat and exercise and to adapt it to your daily routines without doing all those things in just a period of your life. My personal motivation is to feel to good, strong and effective as a young human being – to sum up, to reach my ''potentially best-self''. I am 21 years old and I always had a sensitive digestive system and I suffer from serious back and neck pains due to bad posture and lack of exercise in the past. I never had a problem about my weight (thanks to my metabolism and my mother's amazingly heathly diet) but as I grew up I realized that if I don't be careful about ''what I eat'' (not necessarily on ''how much I eat'') my body struggles really hard to function both mentally and physically. Thus, also thanks to your amazing videos and guiding, I both do have an effective and SUSTAINABLE exercise program and a diet that I mostly concentrate on the ingredients and how less-processed the food is. LOVE YOU GUYS!!

Daffy Dill April 7, 2018 - 3:18 pm

I work out to be able to DO the things I want to do — hike, travel, , think clearly, learn new things, keep up with children and enjoy the later years with my active outdoorsy husband. At 50, the "bikini body" mentality is long forgotten, and I'm so glad to kick that to the curb. This imperfect, self healing body is a miraculous gift that brought two wonderful people into the world after all! I love it for that maybe most of all (totally worth the stretch marks). Getting older is not for sissies. It's tough, and you need to be tough to make it through. I'm watching friends and family suffering and dying from preventable illnesses connected to their lifelong, steady diets of questionable eating habits and sedentary lifestyles. We make the rounds to visit people in hospitals, rehab, and funeral homes every month these days. Some years ago a close family member finally ate herself into an early grave after many years of dieting and bingeing (she was not much older than I am now), and her steady decline from the fun, busy, creative person I remember from childhood to the food obsessed, bedridden woman shackled to dialysis and online shopping was heartbreaking to watch. Chronic obesity and the multitude of related illnesses not only deprived her of the ability to care for herself, but it exhausted the finances and health of her primary caretaker, too. We cannot control or prevent everything (the death rate for living is still 100% after all), but we can at least make the effort to do what we CAN — and enjoy the real benefits along the way. We owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to do the best we can. Thank you so much for these kinds of videos. The FB workouts are my hands down favorites these days!

Daffy Dill May 4, 2018 - 2:47 pm

My family motivates me! I want to be around as long as I can be. I turn 50 this summer, and there are still TONS of things my husband and I want to do. We dream of grandchildren, travel, adventures, and helping others. Eating well and regular exercise is a huge investment that we hope will bring returns in the form the people we love. Thank you for making working out fun and effective. You and your husband are so inspirational.

Jay Grant July 29, 2018 - 3:47 am

Kellie, Thank you. Your a motivation to us all trying to be healthy. Still her in 2018.

Amanda Collins October 21, 2018 - 4:24 pm

I stumbled on you guys a while ago but still told myself I could not workout because I'm not motivated. I have been following yoga with Adriene for three years now and live pain free from lumbar scoliosis but I want to love my body so I started your videos 2 months ago. I love my workouts now and I am getting slowly better at eating healthy. It is hard though because most foods like veggies and wheat products my hubby can't eat due to his Crohn. But I am gradually eating less fake processed foods. So thank you so very much!

ugne February 28, 2019 - 5:18 pm

I love working out, I love kickboxing as well as pilates and weight training. The key, in my opinion, is consistency and the only way to be consistent with working out is to enjoy it. For example, if I feel sluggish because I did a hard workout yesterday or just had a long day at uni, I choose easier workouts. I think the reason why I am so passionate about working out is that not only I am stronger than I was before, I'm not a out of breath after doing slightly more intense physical activities- I was shocked when I realized that all of my friends were breathing so heavily after climbing three flights of stairs.

Dida Godiva March 18, 2019 - 2:15 am

My motivation was always and still to stay fit and live healthy so that when I get older in age so I don't need others to help me and I depend on myself physically and adapting healthy life style to keep away from heart daisies,though I'm in good shape.So I started 10 years ago taking baby steps by trying to eat healthy and balancing my eating habits and watching the quality and the quantity of the food i'm consuming .But my motivation recently to increase my boy strength and build some muscle , and tone up little bit :)). Again Thank you guys specially you Kelly for all the videos you posted and the encouraging and supporting system you show to your followers by keeping it really and simple.

Verbs describe us #culturacastildeviata #artgoeson August 23, 2019 - 2:04 am

i workout to feel good as well 🙂 completed 53 classes in 2 months 🙂

Minecraft BP May 13, 2020 - 10:34 pm

I absolutely agree with you Kelli ❣️❣️💗 well done for advice 🙏🙏😊😊

Praveen December 11, 2020 - 5:08 am

I like how you address not only the physical but also psychological/emotional component of fitness and health. A tremendous help. Thank you 🙂
