Kai Greene Trolls Brandon Curry? – Nick’s Strength and Power

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#KaiGreene #BrandonCurry #2019Olympia
Kai Greene Trolls Brandon Curry on Twitter, Brandon’s wife responds.
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apiscitelli September 24, 2019 - 6:23 pm

Hey Kai how many Olympia titles you got? ….oh right

David Chabot September 24, 2019 - 6:41 pm

I don't think Kai was posting this with ill intention. Kai Commented a few of Brandon's post and he really seemed to cheer for him. One of many example is when Brandon posted a video of a machine falling on him at the gym. Kai commented "BROOO OMG!!! THANK GOD YOU ARE OK BROTHER" . and I just checked and saw Kai comment the night brandon won on one of his post : "CONGRATS BROTHER!!!! YOU ARE PROOF POSITIVE THAT WITH HARD WORK AND RIGHT THINKING. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE."

Blake Sinclair September 24, 2019 - 9:38 pm

It's banter. People need to stop reading into everything.

Jimmy Conway September 24, 2019 - 10:03 pm

They're both a bunch of scrawny runts

brandon smith September 24, 2019 - 10:40 pm

kai is just trying to get attention…who cares. dumbass.

mco September 25, 2019 - 12:09 am

Kai is a savage lol😁

Brandon Potts September 25, 2019 - 1:30 am

I love Brandon been a fan for a long time but his conditioning was not there and the IFBB awarded the bigger guy again with the win Dexter called it out right before the show but Kai needs to put up or shut up if you are better then show us.

Bexar cat September 25, 2019 - 1:30 am

Kai quit when he couldn’t beat Phil, now trolls the current winner. Quitter Kai

Daniel Catapano September 25, 2019 - 6:09 am

Kai has all these fans, most of whom would fall over themselves to see him up there again. Yet he could care less, it’s all about money for him. Curry has 1 win compared to his 0. Let him talk from his couch while Brandon enjoys his Sandow and 400k

Mi 2s September 25, 2019 - 8:20 am

When a good body builder (kai)doesn't get a deservesd Olympian…

SUNIL KUMAR September 25, 2019 - 9:13 am

Before kai Brandon is a kid

Manrocco Manrocco September 25, 2019 - 9:40 am

At least brandon now is mr O compared with you coward

KD 161 September 25, 2019 - 12:18 pm

I love ❤️ my boy Kia but Brandon has an O you have a 0 in the Olympia so unless your out there hitting mandatory poses to be judged I can’t respect the trolling bro u scared of failer you retired healthy out of frustration 🤷🏽‍♂️ are u shittin me

The Pondering Minimalist September 25, 2019 - 3:31 pm

Kai greene a keyboard warrior. Brandon curry the reigning Mr O, that's the story..

WinnerTV1 September 25, 2019 - 5:49 pm

Jealous as fuck, because he was always yelling and crying like a little baby that he could not win the Mr O and now he thinks a weaker bodybuilder than him won the show but indeed he did not show up. Haha.

Jason Harbison September 25, 2019 - 6:35 pm

Guy doesn’t compete because he can’t beat Phil so now he trolls Brandon? Shit move man! At least Brandon can actually hold his sandow in his hands

rosei10 September 25, 2019 - 7:37 pm

Who ever thinks this is a troll from Kia needs to chill out. Kai congratulated Curry and showed a pic, let me add not a photo shopped comparison pic of recent Curry and the best Kai. It was a pic of them doing a pose together at show way back. So please stop creating beef when there is none. No need to read too deep in a harmless tweet.

TheGangstaz3000 September 25, 2019 - 7:37 pm

Always liked Kai but that was a bitch move!
Don’t be bitter get on the stage Bruh!

Ernie B September 25, 2019 - 8:53 pm

I have to say that Brandon Curry from 2011 is a ridiculous comparison for Kai to make. The improvements Brandon has made since then are nothing short of amazing.

1950 Mr Universe __________________ September 25, 2019 - 9:00 pm

Kai Greene all talk no action. Show up or shut up.

Rich_LHDC September 25, 2019 - 10:49 pm

This was Kai’s opportunity and he missed it 🤣

Rich_LHDC September 25, 2019 - 10:50 pm

Brandon never really had any legs did he?

ronyboy40 September 25, 2019 - 11:51 pm

Well if you are going to compete K, you just put a big brown stain in your posing briefs for next year

Kam Zeng September 26, 2019 - 1:34 am

Green was a legend and next to the King himself also had a god like physique.
But Kai couldn’t keep up the competition and just moved on.
Feeling very Sawdy, his new competition is the Keyboard and his past endeavors.

But his nude modeling and durability test with a grapefruit had definitely made him the stuff of legends and many, many questions to come of What Kai is and capable of.

Shane Halona September 26, 2019 - 2:02 am

I just remember Kai crying…nothing else

Hair-God Gotti September 26, 2019 - 3:29 am

Asshole move . How about you post up a recent Olympia picture …… oh wait … you didn’t even enter . So you can stfu kai

carlton hale September 26, 2019 - 4:34 am

Curry has a Sandow and Kai dosen't
Nuff said
If you watch this video u will see all that poetic BS he spits is him being fake as hell!!!!! He talks about how a veteran should treat an up and comer…
He didn't practice what he said here!

madhurjya borgohain September 26, 2019 - 7:02 am

🤣🤣🤣 look at curry

Roy September 26, 2019 - 7:58 am

Who cares brandons mr o 2019 and,deserved a feature kai doesn't have on his resume to date

Mace motherfucking windu September 26, 2019 - 9:55 am

Kai green is a big black cry baby

Jason Salyer September 26, 2019 - 11:59 am

Kai who?

MovieMuscle September 26, 2019 - 11:31 pm

Brandon had a savage response to this. He sent a bag of grapefruits to Kai’s house.

Troi Fryson September 27, 2019 - 7:17 pm

I think it was a little poke at fun. Didnt really mind it. But just like Currys wife i saw the photo and saw improvement to what he has become which i find the post to be giving off. I doubt Kai meant to have it be taking in a complete negative way to be real.

pedrocols September 28, 2019 - 3:56 am

Kai is a weirdo.

skedaddle September 28, 2019 - 7:46 am

Low as fuck. He should have been on that stage or shut his fucking mouth

DJMENACENL September 29, 2019 - 8:49 am

no beef just uproar!

Jer 1967 September 29, 2019 - 6:29 pm

Why do you always start by asking us what's going on? It's YOUR video! How do WE know??!

caleb collier October 1, 2019 - 4:51 am

Well he didn’t really beat anyone worth talking about. Let’s be honest 🤦🏾‍♂️

John Endsley October 1, 2019 - 8:16 pm

Kai has turned into a loser , either compete , or STFU

Super Rocky October 2, 2019 - 5:04 am

Kai is a loser….he loss 4times in a row and gave up….he chickend out

Karemaker October 3, 2019 - 9:53 pm

Brandon Curry has an O, Kai Greene does not.
Kai Greene has a pregnant gut, Brandon Curry does not.

World's Strongest Fan October 4, 2019 - 12:46 am

Great Bodybuilding channel!
Check mine out if you are into Strongman💪🏼

Lance Skinner October 8, 2019 - 6:20 pm

Kai who???? Last current video I saw of him it looked like he ate a wheel-barrel full of doughnuts. Nobody really follows him anymore.

Dev Dutta October 9, 2019 - 5:01 pm

Nice body bro…..😎

Pankaj Gorey October 12, 2019 - 4:41 pm

You can have 20000 silver medals , but a single gold medal has more value.

Vinjo November 19, 2019 - 3:25 am

Put up or shut up Kai.

everything will be ok November 20, 2019 - 5:24 pm

I think people are overreacting… I thought the post was funny. He’s just messing with him, no big deal.

Michael Malinowski December 18, 2019 - 5:24 pm

Brandon would still look like that next to kai if they were both on stage together lol

vincent catalin December 26, 2019 - 8:14 pm

curry was the most unnimpressive Mr Olympia in the last 15 years but the judges had to work with what they had for 1st plc. He was lucky that Heat ans Shawn were not compeeting. Last year he got 5th.

Jay Way January 13, 2020 - 1:14 am

Sounds like a hater to me.
