Is steroids more dangerous than alcohol? @Tiger Fitness & @Mike Rashid – Mike Rashid

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About Mike Rashid:
Mike Rashid King is a professional boxer, entrepreneur, fitness & lifestyle enthusiast.
He began boxing as an amateur at age 12, and stopped at age 21. Picked up the sport again in 2017, and turned pro as a heavyweight a year later in 2018.
Mike has also competed as a power lifter, and played many sports over the years.
Mike is into optimizing his life, by means of stressing the body and mind, and learning to deal with the stress properly.  He meditates, trains, and uses the sauna daily.
Mike runs numerous companies, The Ambrosia Collective
Snack House Foods
And is a partner with Trifecta 
(The fastest growing meal delivery service in America)
He also runs a very successful online training business and a 30 day transformation challenge monthly in which he helps people get in the best shape of their lives:

Mike considers himself to be a ‘conscience capitalist’
His business ventures are not directly associated with how much money he can make— what motivates him is how he can make a long term difference in others lives and within society.

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Mike Rashid


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Jerome Copeland September 28, 2022 - 1:16 am

Slim natural is the only way to go! Other than that you are on drugs period point blank end of story.

Og T Ravage September 28, 2022 - 1:30 am

Steroids should be legal.

Achampionsworld September 28, 2022 - 1:36 am


Let’s Go, Brandon! September 28, 2022 - 1:54 am

I put the bottle down for 8 months last year, fell off and now I’m trying to get my shit back together.

THANOS September 28, 2022 - 2:19 am

3:50. My take on why we care about preserving human existence after we're dead: I wouldn't say only humans have empathy. Animals want the same for their own. It's why you have to be careful around wild animals when they have babies with them. All life at the cellular level is trying to replicate/spread it's information. That's what cells are trying to do their whole life. We are doing a more complex version of that. The internet was literally invented for scientists/military to send information more efficiently. And we're only getting more efficient with shorter form content (tiktoks, memes) and higher resolution videos that contain more data. If we don't go extinct, we WILL find a way to spread even to other planets.

Drayson Jonesgreen September 28, 2022 - 2:27 am


Richie Rich September 28, 2022 - 3:50 am

After reading this honestly steroids cause relationship problems I’ve lost friendships over it and almost family 😔

Ray House September 28, 2022 - 4:04 am Reply
Bizzare77777 September 28, 2022 - 8:33 am

LMAO! If it was anyone else, Mike would've ripped him to shreds after making that comment about mankind needing to be told they will go to hell if they do wrong.

Jake3xbanger September 28, 2022 - 9:58 am

Did Mike loose weight?

King David September 28, 2022 - 12:38 pm

In all honesty I believe it all depends on the person. Too much of anything is bad for you, if you over use steroids it can hurt or kill you same as alcohol. Again this is just what I believe.

Marco September 28, 2022 - 2:28 pm


Subzero September 28, 2022 - 2:47 pm

I love them both! Alcohol and Steroids not Mike and Mark…well no I love Mike and Mark too just not the way I love alcohol and steroids. Phila vs Pragma.

Julian Kaye September 28, 2022 - 2:57 pm

Jesus Christ is the only way😇💪❤
May God Bless you both!!!

Jay September 28, 2022 - 7:39 pm

Mike bouncing the weight off his chest 0 reps

Jay September 28, 2022 - 7:43 pm

Mike used to be a clean rep type now he bounce the weight off his chest smh

Romain Kollar September 28, 2022 - 8:01 pm

Great to see you training together. Always good content! 💪

Bogdan Torque September 29, 2022 - 12:20 am

I couldn't get addicted to alcohol
I know it takes away from physical and mental gains so I naturally reject it

Sir' Pi September 29, 2022 - 12:25 am

Hello, Mike Rashid, I've been reading consecutively, thoroughly, and had been thinking illustratively about Spaceships as a Commander for a Milky Way Galaxy. If I were a Mr. President, I'll think you should fight demonstratively, Jake Paul, Mr. Professor of Plant base solutions. You could change a Chief Engineer's perspective, and I would love it to really happen historically.

D SINKZ September 29, 2022 - 12:42 am

Both are as dangerous as each other,,I hope people can stay away from them,,there's an alcohol shop in every corner killing millions
A good topic to raise👍

Ervin Coles September 29, 2022 - 1:12 am

I’m sorry but there’s no reason 2take steroids plain n simple ppl say I live in the gym n I didn’t get dis big without commitment dedication that’s so true but these guys leave out the shooting up garbage tho….. but they die young it definitely wasn’t from lifting that’s the truth most of its from heart attacks right??? Ppl don’t want to work hard they want instant results that’s y they take crank…. It should be against the law like every other sport if it’s in ur system u cant perform o I 4 got there wouldn’t be bodybuilding then n wrestling

Entertainment September 29, 2022 - 6:41 am

All Bottoms are not the same. Some ppl had to share a room with 3 brothers like me, had to wear each other clothes etc.. And some bottoms are I had $2000 to start, or my parents gave me $5000.

Steve00 Alt September 29, 2022 - 2:20 pm

I dont care what anyone says alcohol destroys everything inside and outside of the gym and everyone around you and eventually death. Alcohol will make you do stupid things hitting yourhead off a curb or driving. The world would be a better place if alcohol was harder to get yet regulated. But in saying that Jesus is the king of kings he is the beginning and the end you should be doing it all for him, not for man. You will give account to him and he will be the great judge.

Dabid Eallis September 29, 2022 - 3:56 pm

In UK they sell pasties called gingsters pasty. .. there high in fat
I did 6 weeks in dbol and got bloods liver was fine
I ate a gingsters pasty every day for 4 weeks. My liver count was triple…

Conclusion meat pasties are worse than steroids on liver.

Elias Craig September 29, 2022 - 5:19 pm

Actually liquor is more healthier than fast food..

Naseem Sharif September 29, 2022 - 5:45 pm

The meat industry uses more steroids than athletes and bodybuilders do

Bob Bill September 29, 2022 - 6:20 pm

He avoided the the gay question lmao

C.Del1988 September 29, 2022 - 9:04 pm

What are they referring to as “Nectar”?

Ray Ray September 30, 2022 - 12:49 am

So you guys are condomin young adults to use steroids instead of putting in the hard work is like telling kids is ok to use drugs smh two adults talking like by the looks of it they don't Wana be men enough to say they are addicted to steroids and they don't know how to stop or they won't look how they look for you tube followers cut the bs you both are hook on steroids

Albania September 30, 2022 - 6:45 am

Yo Mike just wanted to know if you take any steroids?? Just out of interest

Craig Lewis September 30, 2022 - 12:44 pm

They both looking like the on their off cycle right now

Craig Lewis September 30, 2022 - 12:48 pm

Steroids is usually only a danger to the user. Alcohol can be dangerous others who don’t even use it as Mark pointed out at the start of the video

MoreInvestment Group September 30, 2022 - 1:54 pm

These 🤡🤡🤡🤡 are trying to justify steroids GTFOH. Put in the work and whatever your body turns into… thats what it will be. Look at pictures of ex bodybuilders after they stop using steroids 😯 Heart transplants, back surgery (can't walk) liver transplant. All of this to look fake swoll.. 😆😆😆🤡🤡🤡
