Is Coffee BAD For You? – OmarIsuf

by YouTube Team




There are FIVE big problems about caffeine.

1. We drink too much. More than ever before. The average coffee drinker consumes 2-3 cups per day. This is too much caffeine in our blood. It has too long of a half life and we build up a dependence on it. If you are grouchy until you have your coffee, you have too much of it in your body.

2. We become dependent. Caffeine can be addictive, due to what it does with our serotonion receptors, stopping caffeine intake can make you crabby.

3. We drink it when we are stressed. Caffeine has been shown to increase cortisol at rest, drinking coffee re-creates the stress conditions for the body. The problem is people consume caffeine during stressful periods…which actually ADDS to your stress.

4. We build up an intolerance. Our chronic consumption increase insulin resistance. Couple this with inactivity, poor dieting and our stressful lives; coffee can be bad for our body composition.

5. We don’t use it right. Coffee is meant to be used as a mental boost, not a dietary staple. Our high consumption renders it useless.

Its clear there are adverse side effects of chronic consumption. We need to reduce the total consumption of coffee. I’d recommend the following. Limit your coffee to one six ounce cup maximum a day. This will reduce your dependence and increase the caffeine’s uptake in your body.

For those that train hard, you can use caffeine as a pre-workout stimulant 20 minutes to exercise. The key is to consume it infrequently, only before working out and in the right doses. The dosing protocol for caffeine is the following:

As a PRE-WORKOUT boost, used infrequently, it help with focus and alertness.

1.0 mg / per pound of bodyweight
2.2mg/per KG of bodyweight

If you are 150 pounds, that would be 150 mg of caffeine. You can take this in tablet form, or in the form of coffee. One 8 ounce cup of coffee= 100-150 mg.

If you don’t drink coffee, you don’t need to start to get a good workout. And if you do drink coffee, dial it back and use it only around your workouts for a mental boost. Your body will thank you.

Topics covered: Coffee caffeine muscles muscle workout “work out” exercise exercises nutrition health diet “fat loss” performance bodybuilding bodybuilder mass gain increase size training gym gyms supplement supplements starbucks espresso motivation drive fitness “physical fitness” exercise strength “personal trainer” “omar isuf” “chef buff” youtube advice howto lol


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Vova Goshkov July 2, 2013 - 10:44 am

Hi! I'm Stephanie.I did -20 lbs in one week.Go to

LICK BALLS July 3, 2013 - 2:03 am

i think all the fucker that drink coffee dont want to see this video let theme have a fuck up body

dewitubeX1 July 27, 2013 - 6:22 am

I came here and seen you thanks to POG. chris jones and the fat nerd….they kool as shit.

Radu Elf July 31, 2013 - 11:05 am

It depends , me I am sensitive to coffee

mmakid1980 August 16, 2013 - 5:05 pm

what th

Mark McIntosh August 30, 2013 - 1:35 am

I, after way too long, noticed I'd get really irritable and stressed when i'd drink caffeine so i switched over to decaffinated green tea instead and the difference in my mood was night and day. I also noticed I was getting sorer after workouts, sleeping better, and after a few months, noticed more gains in training.

Anu Bhutra September 24, 2013 - 3:09 pm

Hi, have you seen Skinnimaker Diet? (search for it on google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Skinnimaker Diet, you will discover how to burn fat quickly.

Richard Smith October 24, 2013 - 7:29 pm

How the f#$% did heroine get in there?

thatwouldbeillogical November 24, 2013 - 7:22 pm

Does drinking too much black tea cause the same health issues as too much coffee? Cause I admit to drinking like 5 cups of earl grey a day.

MrFurley May 18, 2014 - 12:20 am

fuck caffeine i eat an apple 30 min before workout if i feel crazy i throw in a banana

Oden Knight June 8, 2014 - 4:03 pm

In a previous video of yours, didn't you say that caffeine was not good for those who want to boost testosterone?

J Croc June 17, 2014 - 3:07 pm

Chef buff, i spilled coffee on my cawk.


Nicolas DG October 18, 2014 - 8:28 pm

It depends. Caffeine is a drug that make you addick. IF your diet have no anti oxidant on it then do not stop drinking coffe. It is a good source of anti oxidants. But if your diet has plenty of anti oxidants (fruist, vegg, etc) then don`t drink it. Tea is always a better choise. It also dehydrate you,,,,,,, coffee sucks… drug addict always will defend their habits.

EbkAllDay5210 January 1, 2015 - 12:58 am

I take lipodreme (preworkout with ephedrine and caffeine in it) like once every 7-10 days . I can feel the energy and appetite suppression from one dose for like 3 or 4 days tho that shit is strong as fuck

MrSpartan92 January 28, 2015 - 12:30 pm

brah what happened to your arms? They look tiney (no diss or anything i respected you from the first video on and always knew ur 100% natural ) but your arms were far mmore developed back when i watched one of your older vids how come?

Simo Häyhä July 11, 2015 - 1:01 am

No my dad has been in prizon for 3 and a half years and drank a shot with 3 spoons of coffee Power

Andrea Mitre February 3, 2016 - 6:42 pm

No more coffee for me! I'm part of the 50% that just can't even hahah! As a pre-workout I like to use about two bags of black tea! Good-ish!

AtLes November 17, 2016 - 8:44 pm

I don't even build and you just got a sub

Kevin Smith December 7, 2016 - 10:43 am


Jda4160 November 29, 2017 - 9:25 pm

Coffee has always hurt my performance

Eline Theresia Berg December 5, 2017 - 10:16 pm

I had the 500. Like😂👍🏼

Eline Theresia Berg December 5, 2017 - 10:17 pm

I really needed this video thanks, are going to cut it to two cups then one later😉
