Insane Bodybuilding Transformation: Surviving Stage 5 Kidney Failure – Nick’s Strength and Power

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#MariusDohne #Transformation #Bodybuilding
Marius Dohne is an IFBB Pro Bodybuilder, diagnosed with Stage 5 Kidney Failure in 2016. Battling to regain his health and his physique.
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tommy t July 12, 2019 - 11:41 am

So what was the fix? Kidney transplant? Dialysis? Hopefully he appreciates his second chance and temptation doesn't get the best of hin.

tsietsi motloung July 12, 2019 - 1:35 pm

I saw him at SA bodybuilding show last year i was nearly in tears, a very good hearted God fearing man he is… But seeing him now he is doing much better and thanks God for saving his life and kidney transplant from his younger brother and very supportive wife… God bless you Marius

tsietsi motloung July 12, 2019 - 1:38 pm

People keep saying its steroids, follow him on Facebook or Instagram to understand what caused his kidney problems he said it was high dosages of CREATINE OVER THE YEARS

June E. Bug July 12, 2019 - 2:22 pm

Jacked Bill Burr

EARL DAVIS July 12, 2019 - 2:35 pm

Great story. I have no more excuses.

Travis Somaroo July 12, 2019 - 3:58 pm

AWEH! if you're a south african watching this!

German Bacon July 12, 2019 - 4:36 pm

Never forget hydration while in Creatine!

aries xxxiled July 12, 2019 - 6:25 pm

The last line off his testimony :

ScoutAn01 July 12, 2019 - 7:01 pm

Roids will kill your kidneys

Lucio Innocenzo July 12, 2019 - 8:04 pm

This only shows how powerful steroids are. That transformation for a natural would take years. And don't tell me "muscle memory", muscle memory my ass, in the before picture there are no deltoids, in the right one there are big ones.

Guillermo Platero July 12, 2019 - 8:18 pm

He must of had a kidney transplant because if your stage 5 your kidneys are gone they are gone tou can't do anything unless you get a new kidney I know what I. Talking about I'm stage 4.

Instagram: ravinaahmed July 12, 2019 - 9:39 pm

1:35, is that you Bill Burr on the right?

Wataboutya July 12, 2019 - 9:46 pm

Many would have just given up, but there are those among us like this gentleman, that is blessed with the will to fight and not surrender. My hat is off to him!

P Davis July 12, 2019 - 10:59 pm

But what did he do to reverse the effects of the kidney failure?

JazzedHellcat July 13, 2019 - 1:30 am

Dont abuse steroids is the main message here!

News that matter July 13, 2019 - 3:22 am

Listen brothers. I dont gain anything from saying this. Monitor your kidney and urine output every 6 months. Even if your heavy your kidneys get thrashed. So imagine if your in gear.

BrotherSkrill Rc 4 Fun July 13, 2019 - 5:06 am

Ya ok dont use drugs aka steroids hgh insulin and about 100 other inhancements it's a no brainer fuking a it's pretty stupid to be sadden by peeps that use all this gear and wonder shy they have health problems yes I'll make the argument your kidneys failed your hearts failure your whole organ shut down wow! Who fiqured hes just buying time its inevitable

Eliot Slater July 13, 2019 - 10:35 am

So did they manage to heal his kidney ? Or was it a transplant?

iZen13 July 13, 2019 - 5:00 pm

Very motivating

Tib Syy July 13, 2019 - 5:27 pm

Looking healthy and being actually healthy has nothing to do with each other! You can be in contest shape and being sick or you can gain 10% bodyfat look not that avesome but your lab tests are great. Let's not confuse the two.

KenpachiAjax Gaming July 13, 2019 - 7:11 pm

Even before watching the video I just wanna ask it is because of creatine.

Devendra Kshatriya July 13, 2019 - 7:14 pm

A fighter and a Legend. I could not have imagined the transformation in 5 minutes.

Believer July 13, 2019 - 8:44 pm

Tooo much roids… Jeah..

Maybe Maybenot July 14, 2019 - 6:49 am

Dumbass gets a lucky break.

Swansea 77man July 14, 2019 - 2:45 pm

It doesn’t worth it the most precious thing ever is health vanity and money doesn’t equal health

spook show July 14, 2019 - 8:12 pm


Metabolic Doc July 15, 2019 - 1:30 am

Great feature. I see many men suffering from early to advanced kidney disease. Sad reality. Dr O

Broughton 90 July 15, 2019 - 9:56 am

This might be a stupid question but Is it possible for this kind of thing to happen just by taking a 10 week course of test

EuropaWill July 15, 2019 - 3:48 pm

He transformed his body no doubt, but what about his stage 5 kidney failure? Is that also reversed?

Kelly Kizer July 16, 2019 - 2:11 am

The gears dirty stay away from it.

ERICK SCHULTZ July 16, 2019 - 4:52 pm

Great feel-good story Nick! Thank you for sharing this. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure and sometimes a video like this helps bodybuilders think about the cost versus gain ratio in all we do to create the physiques we aspire.

Dex July 16, 2019 - 7:51 pm

Anabolic Doc loves your content and approves NSP.

Just an Average Person July 16, 2019 - 8:27 pm

For his sake I hope his current physique is natty and he just has that residual muscle from past steroid use.

Anabolic Doc July 16, 2019 - 8:44 pm

It’s great to see Marius looking healthy, but I think there’s more to this story medically, so I made a video about it:

tim b July 17, 2019 - 12:00 pm

this man obviously had a kidney transplant and will be on anti-rejection meds the rest of his life.

LMAN July 18, 2019 - 1:05 pm

Well done brother. happy you ok

prasanna kumar July 27, 2019 - 5:07 am

George Farah warned him when Marius wanted to work with him. Watch George Farah & Kai Greenes Seminar in Ireland (topic starts at 34 mins)

Jason July 29, 2019 - 12:35 am

A lot of drugs. People that abused their kidney should get a transplant.

Climbaholic July 29, 2019 - 1:21 am

With a transplant kidney and a ton of drugs. Don't do steroids kids.

too much July 29, 2019 - 1:39 pm

Just shows how fake those physiques are. Not really a positive story more a warning to and how dangerous being an idiot can be. Knew he has serious issues but continued back on the juice in spite of his health. Brought it all on himself. Glad he is ok but if he makes the same mistake again then he can go f**k himself

J Dineen July 29, 2019 - 8:05 pm

Nick, I'd like to hear you interview a kidney doctor about this

Kivesh Nundhlall July 31, 2019 - 7:23 pm

Your intro to all videos is no good bro, be original and stop showcasing ads of supplement companies

Rocko99 Rocko99 August 1, 2019 - 7:25 pm

But I thought it was all genetics and hard work?

Yushamen Thari August 4, 2019 - 5:04 am

1:43 look at the amount of bobz he carries.
