I Hate Ab Workouts (5 REASONS NOT TO!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Never hate ab workouts again, train like an athlete…

Do you hate doing ab workouts? If so, you’re not alone. In fact, lots of people either half ass their ab training or avoid it all together because they simply hate training their midsection in their workouts. Most of the time, the excuse that they take too long to train is used. This doesn’t have to be the case however, at least not if you train them properly. Others will say that they don’t like the burning feeling they get in their abs when they work them. Maybe so, but you can actually train them in many indirect ways that may lessen this feeling without sacrificing the results you see from doing that.

In this video, I show you 5 great tips for getting you to start loving your ab workouts (and the results you see from doing them). You can start by incorporating some overhead training. As soon as you lift your arms over your head during any lift, you demand more stability from the muscles below. Most of the time the majority of this support and stability is going go come from your legs, however if you take them out of the equation, your abs have to take over the work and help out big time. Watch as I show you a few ways to do this in the video.

Next, your conditioning can be tweaked to include more carries. Farmers walks and carries are one of the greatest ways to work your core, if you remember to make one very important change. You want to carry around unequal weights in order to really target your abs. By holding dumbbells of significantly different weight in each hand you force your abs to have to contract to stabilize your trunk and keep it vertical.

For a unique challenge, try hitting your abs with staggered ab workouts and training. During your traditional strength training workouts, perform a set of ab work during your rest periods between sets. In other words, if you are working your legs and performing squats…take your rest between completed sets as an opportunity to do a set of an ab exercise. Keep doing this throughout your workout and by the time you’re through you will have completed your ab work without having to spend any additional time.

Another great tip for sneaking in your ab workouts is to include explosive ab exercises in your training. Explosive ab exercises tend to be more fun than those that are not as dynamic. Let’s face it, crunches alone are boring. Grab a medicine ball and slam it around a bit and you’ve got my interest. Start including more explosive ab workouts into your ab training plan and you’ll instantly be more interested in your six pack pursuit.

Finally, if you learn to integrate your ab training into the workouts and exercises you’re already doing you’ll be way ahead of the game. In the ATHLEAN-X Training System available at you’ll see that we put the core at the core of every exercise. By changing the way you perform your exercises, we are able to make sure that your core and abs get worked in everything you do. This type of involvement not only helps you to get better abs much faster, but you’ll develop an impressive and muscled athletic physique along the way.

For more videos on how to get ripped abs and what ab workouts to do at home or at the gym to get a six pack, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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Bill Lawrence August 11, 2017 - 2:39 pm

LOL don't quote me sir but I swear you said top 5 reasons and held up 4 fingers. LOL! Just messing with you.Thanks for the videos!

Tau Ceti August 14, 2017 - 12:28 am

3:45 Sitting shoulder press – abs

Clover August 20, 2017 - 6:07 pm

the burn is different from arms

Johan Eriksson September 25, 2017 - 3:54 pm

I don't work on abs since my floor is filled up with silverfish, atleast in my basement…

Aber Forth October 3, 2017 - 6:46 pm

Why would you want a longer restperiod if you train heavy?

Siebie Superville October 25, 2017 - 1:22 am

This guy is the truth…

61lastchild November 5, 2017 - 8:21 pm

Ab straps or not? Jeff do you use them, recommend them?

Davis Duruin November 11, 2017 - 11:16 am

Jeff i work 9am-9pm 7x a week, what is the best time for me to workout? Should i train every day? D best channel btw. I subs.

•Nadhirah.Leo• December 20, 2017 - 1:34 pm

Hi. I dont know if its related or not, but i would really like to know your opinion on vibration plate. Eg working out on vibration plate. Does it really work and burn more calories? Please advise.

The Hand Turkey March 3, 2018 - 12:46 am

I love ab training I love the burn because the tells me I’m going somewhere plus I feel awesome

thomassmyth65 March 21, 2018 - 10:30 pm

Zercher sqauts give me a great burn the next day in my core

the lone wolf June 11, 2018 - 4:53 pm

I personally love to train my abs…bt I just wanna point out that at the beginning of my training days I really hate it…the frst point jeff showed I followed that before bt the problem is u fet tired to do the next exercise that you were planning to do…

Khashi June 24, 2018 - 4:56 am

neighbors will hate those medicine ball workout 🙂

Supa Saiyajinn October 2, 2018 - 9:23 pm


Chad Wynn November 15, 2018 - 3:16 pm

i've been getting bad cramps i my abs lately, is there something wrong?

Steelman Community November 17, 2018 - 10:22 am

I agree with the contents in the video but it's not so relevant because the biggest mistake of people who try to get 6-pack is the nutrition, so if they want it they have to know what to eat exactly

Howl January 8, 2019 - 8:38 pm

Are there any more fun exercises like that ball side to side slam, because literally every other ab workout video on youtube ive found is crunches and shit like that, its so damn boring i just cant do it anymore, i need fun exciting movements, any suggestions? please, my core is so weak and i need to work on it, but i wont if it means doing these depression inducing exercises xD

Julianna Lin March 17, 2019 - 9:08 am

Thank you- even girls like me hate abs and definitely you covered the top 2 reasons why I used to avoid them until the past month when I realized how weak I was in the core.

Albert Vasu March 25, 2019 - 1:52 am

I love doing ab work in between sets….it saves time especially for a High school Student like me

lambdashift aka David Heikkila April 8, 2019 - 2:45 am

Just do calisthenics or free weights, they work the core.

XpViaッ December 12, 2019 - 4:04 am

Shit gets on my fuckin nerves i cant keep my core tight without running out of breath feeling light headed and legs hurtinh tryna hold them up

Sanjay Arumugam Jaganmohan January 13, 2020 - 5:28 am

It's like Jeff can read our minds…

Michelle Martinez January 25, 2020 - 5:09 am

Hates ab workouts… Gets suggestion for video of guy kicking ass on ab workouts. ??? 🤔🤨

Gaming Sernik March 5, 2020 - 2:07 am

I lost hope I had abs but only a 4 pack I been working out my abs for 2 years 😢😡

becky 22 May 31, 2020 - 11:12 pm

Great ideas thank you!

B Barnett June 6, 2020 - 1:10 am

Just can't believe how many lill' nuggets of new techniques & gear Jeff comes up with, simply amazing after all (my) years!!
Now, where do I find a medicine ball with handles…and a brick wall to throw it against?! Damn details…

Beefy Beings November 17, 2020 - 6:00 pm

I hate them because the pain is like no other muscle group. Also, I can't breathe while doing my abs.

Sujay Sathya December 2, 2020 - 2:35 pm

thank you so much for this video

Denzel Rooke December 13, 2020 - 12:06 pm

I won't lie I thought I was gonna be told why I shouldn't do em from the title… But now it seems I need to…

Phil C March 2, 2021 - 6:42 am

The resistance band changed how I look at ab/core training

mchsll April 1, 2021 - 1:15 pm

I feel suffocating when doing that but still gonna doing though i love pain

Khalil Kafieh April 19, 2021 - 1:46 am

I hate abs because every ab workout seems to kill my mid back. What am i doing wrong?? I try to to keep strict form.

Edgar Mendez July 12, 2021 - 10:35 pm

My problem is a grinding noise and a grinding sensation when I do v crunches (I think that’s what they called) or any ab workout that includes a crunch type of move. But that’s where I feel the most burn. I don’t feel any burn on the boring back pain free workouts. In fact I find them boring like I’m wasting my time.

Pattycake October 4, 2021 - 1:16 am

Can you also do the sitting position for the tricep extension to engage the core?
