I Ate Everything I Wanted On Vacation… What Happened? – Stephanie Buttermore

by YouTube Team

Body Analyzer 60% off link ▹
Code:sbuttermore (at the top of the screen after you click the link)
▪️Tracks body fat, muscle mass bone density and water weight.
▪️Programs up to 8 users
▪️Has male/female Athlete or non-athlete settings.

Women’s Specialization Program ▹
▹ USE CODE: VACATION to get it for $29.99 (will go up to $39.99 after 48 hrs)

Supplements I Use ▹
(code: STEPH for a discount)

Follow me on Instagram! ▹ @stephanie_buttermore
FOOD IG▹ @StephsHollowLeg
My Last Video▹

BUSINESS ONLY EMAIL: sbuttermore25@gmail.com
Music ▹ Blue Wednesday

FAQs ▹

1.What is your ethnicity?
‣ Mom is Thai and Dad is Canadian..Eh?
2. How tall are you?
‣ 5’4″
3. How old are you?
‣ 28
3. What is your PhD in?
‣ Watch my PhD Day in the life video ▹
4. Is Jeff my boyfriend?
‣ Duh
5. Is that your real hair?
‣ Yes
AYOOO!! My name is Stephanie Buttermore and in a few words I am a fitness enthusiast but a scientist at heart!

Just obtained my Ph.D. in pathology and cell biology with a research focus on the molecular mechanisms that drive ovarian cancer


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Stephanie Buttermore November 10, 2018 - 5:19 pm

Hey my loves!! Hope you find this video helpful! I have a few videos already planned but comment below what you would like to see from me! It helps me so much! Love you!! 😘

Cup of Jae February 20, 2019 - 7:32 pm

i genuinely love the message in this video. Enjoy your life, stay active – even if it's walking, and don't micromanage your enjoyment.

Dev Marquez February 21, 2019 - 8:26 pm

Thank you Stephanie… today is my cheat day and I almost didn't want finish it out because of being scared of weight gain. This really calmed me down.

amina aml February 24, 2019 - 3:05 pm

JCML March 4, 2019 - 3:55 am

Which gym did you go to in Hong Kong?

Merkitten March 12, 2019 - 2:35 pm

This is super helpful cos I travel one or two times a year for 2 weeks a pop, and I always get worried about gaining fat

Tracy March 15, 2019 - 11:08 pm

I just came back from a vacation and this is pretty comforting. Thanks for making it! 😊

crystals March 16, 2019 - 2:45 pm

Thanks for this ! I'm going on holiday soon too, so it was a much needed video 😊

Lisa Affeldt March 18, 2019 - 4:03 am

Great information that many woman need to here, relax enjoy and get back to healthy living when you get home.

lynn Amel March 19, 2019 - 1:36 am

Thank you for being so detailed. This helped me a lot !

Henry Grand March 20, 2019 - 8:04 am

I lose water weight when I fly 🙂

Cynthia Landrau March 21, 2019 - 8:43 pm

Awww, I love this! I have lost 23 lbs in 10 weeks! So I have been working SO hard & plan to continue to do so. But I'm going to MEXICO in a month! And I was kinda nervous, but I feel better now! Lol

Mii-chin 14 March 28, 2019 - 5:43 pm

Thank you so much for saying this! Have been on a "diet" or healthier lifestyle where I consume less calories for almost a year now and lost roughly 5 kg. I've also been more active (not going to the gym…) during the day and feel like I've reached a better point in my life. However, like most people, I fall into the category that if I overeat for a few days I suddenly gain a couple of kg but after watching your video I feel like It's ok for me not to care as much about that when I go on holiday to China in a couple of weeks (though I will be gone for almost 2 whole weeks ^^"). So again, thank you for making this video!

cynthia April 5, 2019 - 11:02 am

I love you. You're so pretty and kind

Marta April 7, 2019 - 9:40 am

I love u! You are so positive and thats stunning! <3

yingying April 10, 2019 - 11:39 am

how much do you usually eat in a day?

Sophia Sui April 17, 2019 - 11:44 pm

Awwww thank you so much!!!! Spring break starts tmr and big family dinners always freak me out because I couldn't track what i eat… thank you sooooo much for the information <3

Chiara Carissimi April 27, 2019 - 1:42 pm

I generally do not enjoy videos like these but you are such a star and I love your approach

Justin Ansako May 2, 2019 - 5:05 pm

Can I be in calories deficit but eat junk and still lost weight?

Falynn S. June 24, 2019 - 4:09 pm

I love your videos!!!!

Elisa Gianelli August 12, 2019 - 6:39 pm

@Stephanie Buttermore I like your personality

Charul Arora August 13, 2019 - 3:02 am

I’ve lost about 66 lbs in the past year and every month cheat day planning is a struggle and I feel like my old self on every cheat day. I feel fat and I feel like I could only take my cheat days on days when I’m not around people but this time you really got me thinking about what my goals are. I’m not on a contest prep and I can live a little. Thank you Stephanie for making this video. You’re very inspiring❤️ I guess this holiday, my family is finally gonna see me eat😬

Nicole Abal August 13, 2019 - 8:39 pm

Right now I’m on holidays for 8 days too and this video has helped me a lot to psych up myself that I have to enjoy the travel time as much as I can and don’t overthink about the food that I get to eat and feel bad about it, thank you Stephanie!

Nicola M August 18, 2019 - 7:14 pm

Ok, I love what you're doing for body positivity but I'm actually shocked that you think it's ok to say,"That I really needed a fake tan!" As a pale person myself I'm so fed up with people thinking it's ok to berate pale skin, to say,"I need a spray tan!", to compare us to milk bottles and just generally slag us off. If you were to make disparaging comments about other skin types the internet would come down on you! Why do people think it's ok to insult pale skinned people? It's not ok!

Roderick Aspiras August 19, 2019 - 12:45 pm

I think this video is pointless because we all know you can spring back to your desired weight since you are well trained and well disciplined. It's okay to eat whatever you want like why go on vacation and be a kill joy? Nice video, keep them coming and we will be watching.

Caitlin. Ellie December 2, 2019 - 4:20 am

My all time favourite part about this video is the compilation of your food faces 😍😍 it’s me every time I eat something incredible!

ImNotOkayAndThisIsGospelForCenturies December 29, 2019 - 10:22 pm

This helps me so much. For the past year I have trained regularly and ate in deflict with NO cheat days at all. The past 2 days I visited my family and planned on eating clean and restricting. That….didn’t happen. The family came by with cookies and bloodies and cake and sandwiches and I went IN….the next day….yep they got pizza and I ate 2 NY style pizza slices for the first time in a year. I feel like SHIIIT but this makes me feel like I can get back on track no matter what.

Awilda Garcia February 24, 2020 - 1:07 am

I'm about to go on vacation in a few months and a part of me is anxious because I do want to enjoy it but I don't want a free fall to trigger a downward spiral. I will def try some of ur advice. Thank u!!! Btw, u and Jeff are such a cute couple!

NothingToDoWithYou March 10, 2020 - 10:21 pm

you look really lovely x honestly x

Yaritza Lopez March 15, 2020 - 7:08 am

I needed this thank u

HYDROGEN N June 29, 2020 - 11:49 am

Everytime I feel depressed (like almost everyday because of the pandemic) I always re-watch your videos and I am begging you please do not stop making youtube content because in that way I wont feel alone :"(

lgamble July 19, 2020 - 2:45 pm

Can you talk more about how you get in your 10k steps? I can get in 4-5 with my morning walk but then with work and the rest of the day… not so much. A video would be fantastic!

Tyler Hernandez August 5, 2020 - 4:52 pm

Every trip I’ve ever been on I let myself indulge like when I went to Vegas or when I went to New Orleans and then I come back 7 to 10 pounds heavier and I freak out and by the next week I’m back to normal so thanks I really could’ve used a video like this for someone to tell me that I didn’t destroy my progress!

Victoria Schwerdtfeger April 22, 2021 - 12:33 pm

Love all your videos. But the important thing is: How much money did you spend for all the food HAHA!! Is Jeff always eating sth with you or only filmed 😀

Anna M April 30, 2021 - 4:53 am Reply
Stephen Bailey September 25, 2021 - 5:54 pm

Her cheat days she can eat up to 10k calories? Sounds suspicious to me 🤔
