by YouTube Team

This one’s all about how to get your period back if you lost it with the science explained by an expert in this field 😀

Hey lovelies! This video has been requested for a long time so I hope you can find it useful. Today I teamed up with High performance and Eating Disorder Specialist Dietitian Renee McGregor (BSc(Hons) PGDip(Diet) RD PgCert (Sportsnutr) SENr) to provide you all the information you need to know as to why you might have lost your period and some steps you can take to get it back (:
Renee’s new book, Orthorexia, is out now which also goes shows that we don’t need to feel bad about eating every type of food (chocolate, cake or salad etc.) out there as long as it’s in moderation (:

If you’d like to find out more about her then please check out:

And if you need support because you think you might be struggling in your relationship with food then please check out the charity ABC:
Or if you’d like to support the charity:

Papers for reference:

Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner eBooks £3.99 each on my website with nutritional info included for all 40+ recipes and vegan options too!
Renee’s Instagram:
My camera – I use it for every shot in my videos



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Natacha Océane December 3, 2017 - 6:05 pm

Hey!! This video has been highly requested for a long time now but I took my time to make it because I really want to provide you with the most up to date information from an expert in the field, Renee.

Like I said, I had previously lost my period for 6 years and have now got it back and hope this information can help if you have lost yours too ❤️

Love you as always,
Natacha xxx

stjerne October 2, 2020 - 9:28 am

6 years holy moly ravioli I haven't had mine in 7 months! I thought u would say 4 months, but when I get my period I get a cold

Friar Cole October 13, 2020 - 8:25 am


Adrina Esther November 1, 2020 - 8:56 pm

Oh dear, I hope this helps me😭 it's been 3 months I haven't have my period and it started when I gain my weight super fast, after I realize how much I weight, I instantly restrict my diet in really strict ways with under 600 calories intake and exercises 40mins a day, I thought that would help but unfortunately I'm still missing my periods.

Sonicz Forever November 18, 2020 - 10:18 pm

That info is correct, I need to eat a huge amount at higher weights for my running. It stops more easily if its in the high range. I'd stomach issues and have to drink some calories. Appreciate what your trying to do my shape is directly between these 2 thumbnails never lost it. This is so women who are not curvy natural ie athletic or more square body shape won't have to worry. I was healthy for 4 years.Was like the lady on the left, that wasn't great. I had major set back this year. I'm a healthy body fat, bmi normal body fat albeit on the high side which can disrupt hormones but gp unconcerned and supposedly ok bloodwork. They are now gone after 4 years well. Maybe after really poor sleep or going to bed late. Pandemic I'm disgusted in that. I was really really unhappy with how tired I felt. Perfect bloodwork and I lost them.

Zorana Zdravković November 19, 2020 - 9:38 pm


Some Idiot November 20, 2020 - 6:46 pm

What if we’re at normal weight and we don’t wanna go back to being at an unhealthy weight? I never wanna see myself the way I was ever again.

Victoria Hoathova November 20, 2020 - 7:32 pm

That dog is me

Crystal Rose November 23, 2020 - 7:41 pm

I took this advice to eat more calories thinking eating nutrient dense food and more of it would help me get my period back …
now I’m just fat with no period. Making situation worse.
All the doctors just say that it’s PCOS and throw me on the birth control pill making my health even worse nobody can help me I feel like everything is horrible now because of this lack of menstruation. I’m only 27. I

Kansyy December 8, 2020 - 3:28 pm

Maybe this sounds terrible… I started having my period at the age of 9, now I'm 11 and I haven't had my period for months (I'm so freakin' confused and worried abt that). Maybe the reason for all of that is I have ED, I'm really worried that my family will know about my TRUE situation… ITS hard..

Thanks for this video, but I'm not sure if I can do that or not.

Unnur - January 26, 2021 - 11:58 pm

(Sorry if this is long)
I’m 16 years old and 10 months ago I lost 10 kg really fast and was eating only around 500 calories a day and exercising 1,5 hours every day. I lost my period very quickly and haven’t gotten it back since. I was never overweight but was always kinda chubby so I don’t want to gain weight to get my period back because I don’t want to look like I used to. I’m not even close to being underweight though, my BMI is like 19,6. Is there any other way to get it back other than gaining weight?

Edit: AAAAA I GOT MY PERIOD BACK AFTER A YEAR AND A HALF. We don’t train gymnastics in July so I wasn’t exercising much and I was also eating a lot because I went on a holiday and I got it back 😁

Emilly Zalayet January 29, 2021 - 9:14 am

Can you get your period back just by gaining muscle?

Natalie Ayala February 9, 2021 - 3:57 pm

Is this the same for irregular periods? I technically get my period but its super long in between like 35-60days in between and always different. Years ago I would skip 3 periods or 5 periods. At first taking a prenatal vitamin would force my period to start. But I never work out and when it first started I ate very unhealthy and I have cleaned up my diet and due to stress and eating low calories I did get very thin but I was always within BMI and body fat was around 22%. Im only 5ft tall about 118lbs now and I eat 1800 to 2000 calories. I do eat carbs now just questioning if enough. I did notice that for a month I was doing green smoothies and I started craving oatmeal instead. I have listened to my body and am eating oatmeal everyday going on 2 weeks now but my period is still late. I dnt fit much into this overexercise undereat scenerio but still having similar issues 😳 so lost

CMY_05 February 20, 2021 - 4:31 pm

I am so afraid of gaining weight I've tried so hard to lose it I even developed binge eating disorder 😔😔

Samar Yimer February 24, 2021 - 4:00 am

Hey natacha. I really want to ask you something. I exercise about 6 days a week between 40min to 1.5hrs and i have lost 7kg within this past 5 months. And yesterday my dad cheked my blood pressure and my heart rate was 43bpm. And he was litterally shocked and told me to decrease my workouts to 3 days a week and eat more. But i am a little bit afraid to do that. And also i have lost my period it has been almost more than 2 months. So could you tell me what i should do? Btw love you😘

Imelda Ram March 9, 2021 - 8:42 am

I don’t know what to do. I was so fit, muscular, and felt healthy, but I didn’t have my period for 6 months. I took a break from my extreme workouts and dieting, and my period came back. But now after 6 months of not weighing myself, I just noticed I gained 20 pounds! I also have a bit too much excess fat on my body.

I want to lose fat again, but I don’t want to lose my period again or go in these super extreme diets again.

Any advice?

For reference:
I still have a lot of muscle, I am 5’5.5, and currently I am around 140 pounds. My highest weight! I can see my muscles in my legs and stomach, but there is quite a thick layer of fat on top of my muscles. I am also 14 years old.

(Also, I was 12 years old when I lost my period.)

Julia March 27, 2021 - 6:30 pm

My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me and since then my eating disorder resurfaced and with the stress of everything. I have gone 3 months with almost no period. It lasts like a day with 2 days of spotting. I used to last a full 7 days. I am so distraught by all of this. I need to eat and take better care of myself so I can get my period back.

Michelle Harry March 30, 2021 - 4:24 pm

Am so happy to share this testimony on how I got cure by dr iyare, since 2018 I was having irregular menstruation, I have been to so many hospital several occasions without solution, I have even gon to the hospital to wash my womb and yet nothing happened, one morning I was in my office and tears was coming out of my eyes, and that was the morning my husband told me that it is time for him to get married to another woman because I have not be able to give him a child for 6 years so I was in pain, and my colleague saw tears running out of my eyes and she was now asking me what happened I now told her what I have been passing through since 2018, and she introduce me to Dr iyare a herbal doctor and my life got transferred and everything is fine and okay with me now, my irregular menstruation started coming out normal, thanks to God and to Dr iyare I will never stop telling the world about you, contact Dr iyare on Email; via WhatsApp or call +2348034268578

Marija Pečerskaja April 7, 2021 - 5:50 pm

Hey! Guys, and what to do if menstruation still do not return? I eat well, workout doing every day (but I love to do them), someone can tell me how to return the monthly but not to gain weight? I have a good weight and I did not hurt anorexia, but I just don't want to gain weight. But I want to return the monthly time (without pills).

Sanjana Gaonkar April 12, 2021 - 6:53 am

How much rice to consume for weight gain

grace April 13, 2021 - 2:28 am

i’m so scared now, i guess i eat a little less than normal now but it’s not drastic at all and i’ve lost my period for like 4 months after having it regularly for over a year. i’ve always been under weight naturally but i had my period before. now i’m scared to start eating “normally” i guess which doesn’t seem normal to me anymore. i just don’t wanna gain weight lol. but i just don’t wanna have bad cholesterol and bones :/. i’m gonna try tho, i hope i can get it back 🙂

Amelie 9341 April 24, 2021 - 7:49 pm

Thank you

Jess May 16, 2021 - 11:11 pm

None of these videos are helping me. Please if someone sees this and knows what I'm going through please comment cuz I'm so fucking scared. When I was around 10-11 I got my very first period. I have always been overweight my whole life but I didn't think that was a problem. After my first period ended I gained quite a bit of weight fast, and ever since then I havent gotten a single sign of my period, No bleeding, no spotting, nothing. I am now turning 18 in a few months and still there is nothing. I have severe anxiety so I absolutely hate going to see doctors. I've been trying to google my situation but have found nothing. Am I going to die? Is there something seriously wrong? Is there a way I can lose enough weight do my period will come back? I have an appointment in November for a gynecologist but I don't want to go cuz of my anxiety. Can somebody please help me I can't stop crying I'm so scared I'm going to die or not be able to get pregnant

Jarriman Hulianna May 31, 2021 - 8:49 pm

I’ve never wanted something back so much tbh

Nina Mahdi June 23, 2021 - 3:18 pm

Omg I'm so worried about my period I hope I get it back 😫

Michaela Bevillard July 1, 2021 - 1:01 pm

We stan you, Renee, science, and women's reproductive health!

Krishna Patel July 18, 2021 - 1:02 am

I have lost weight but my BMI is still normal and I don't get my periods anymore. I did diet and workout but I am still not lean and have fat.

Lara hönnicke September 15, 2021 - 12:01 pm

I got my period back after 8 Months. I'm more than happy. I never thought that I would miss the feeling of beeing on my period, but I really missed it.

gotta Figure It Out October 3, 2021 - 6:59 pm

Menstrual periods are a curse since the garden of Eden. I never long for a curse so losing my periods means I'm blessed by God, praise Jesus Christ.

Annie'spigeons November 1, 2021 - 2:55 am

Lost mine for half a year because of an Ed and being underweight/weight loss… just got it back!! Very painful, cried a lot, but I know this is one step closer to happiness and healthiness!!

Astrid De Coster November 19, 2021 - 1:20 pm

Hey Natacha, I have a question for you. I've been struggling with getting my period back for a while now, and I'm really working to get it back. But did you also felt that your mental health was not optimal that time? I don't know if there is like a link between mental health and losing your period… Thank you!
