How to Get Stronger in 30 Days (JUST DO THIS!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If you want to learn how to get stronger in just 30 days then you’re in the right place. In this video I’m going to show you how to increase strength and build muscle in just 4 to 5 weeks using one of the most overlooked but important training techniques you can break out in your workouts.

The concept is called compensatory acceleration training and it has been used for decades with great results. Guys like Mel Siff, Louie Simmons and Fred Hatfield have understood that science of physics plays a large part in the gains that you see from your workouts. They know that the old equation of F = M x A leaves open one of the most overlooked training elements that we are no longer going to forget about after today.

Force equals mass times acceleration. This means that when we are looking to progressively overload our muscles we have two ways to do so by this equation. We can either increase the amount of mass or weight that we are lifting, or we can increase the acceleration of the weight that we are lifting. Either one of these is going to have a increase on the force generation capacity of our muscles and create a new stimulus for overload and growth.

All too often we focus on simply putting more weight on the bar when we are trying to get stronger. This is one of the best ways to achieve this, that is, until the opportunity to continue to do so becomes harder and harder to accomplish. There are limits to how quickly we can build overall strength. Most of the time, our earliest gains in the gym come as we improve our neurological efficiencies with the lifts that we are performing in our newbie stage of training.

Once our bodies and muscles become more efficient with the weights that we are lifting, the ability to keep getting stronger gets harder.

That is until we stop and evaluate our options.

The equation above lets the smart lifters tap into the speed element of their lifts as a way to charge up the muscle gains and strength gains again. It doesn’t matter what workout split you are following right now or even what exercises you are doing necessarily. If you want to increase the work being performed by the muscles you are attempting to grow you will move the weight faster.

Now this doesn’t have to even be perceptible to someone watching you perform the lift.

As long as the intention is there to push the bar as fast as you can through the concentric part of the lift, even again if this means that bar speed increases visibly by even just a little bit, you are going to be better capable of recruiting the type ii fibers to the job at hand. These are the fibers that are most capable of increasing size and strength as they are developed. Throw in the fact that sometimes just increasing the efficiency with which these are recruited is enough to instantly unlock gains in strength that you never knew you were capable of.

Here I show you how to increase bench press strength by moving the bar or dumbbells up here as fast as you can. Again, this would apply even if I was doing something like a barbell row, a deadlift or even a lat pulldown. Speaking of deadlifts, you can see how Jesse from ATHLEAN-X has dramatically increased the strength of his deadlift by using this same very technique.

Often times we overlook the importance of moving the bar faster because the strength curve of the exercise itself lends itself to letting us coast. For instance, on the squat, the exercise is most difficult coming out of the bottom of the movement. Once we hit midway, the strength curve gets much easier and we coast the remainder of the way up to the top. In compensatory acceleration training, you would not stop accelerating even when the lift became mechanically easier.

Give this a try for the next 30 days and I promise you that you will get stronger in just the next month. This is especially true if you are not accustomed to manipulating your rep speed in your training.

If you are looking for a complete program that will build more muscle, athleticism and size in one step by step follow along system, be sure to visit via the link below and check out the All American Muscle program coming on Black Friday 2021.

For more videos on how to get stronger and how to build muscle fast, be sure to remember to subscribe to our channel here on youtube via the link below and turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ November 7, 2021 - 6:49 pm

IMPORTANT – Some are asking if CAT training negates the need for and/or benefits of Time Under Tension. Not at all. Remember, in strength and conditioning…context is everything – as are training goals! If you are attempting to get stronger or more powerful, your focus on a lift would be to accelerate the bar or weights through the concentric part of the exercise. This does not nullify your ability to control the eccentric or even intentionally slow the eccentric to even 3-5 seconds. The important element of the lift in CAT training is the explosive concentric. Keep in mind, even then the concentric doesn’t actually have to move incredibly fast to be effective at increasing motor unit recruitment efficiency and ultimately strength. You just have to consciously push the bar as fast as the weights will allow you to throughout the positive portion of the lift – with the “weights will allow you to” part being contextually important. Though lighter weights are advocated for this technique (50-80% of max), those used at the top of the range are going to move visibly slower than the lighter range – and that’s still ok. Often times chains and bands are used to help slow down the acceleration as it nears the end of the concentric range of motion to still allow high effort.

Likewise, you can still lower the weight slowly and under control – only to quickly return the bar or dumbbells back in the opposite direction explosively when doing CAT. In other words, the explosive concentric does not preclude you from performing a slow or slower eccentric.

All said, this again is a strength building technique (the topic of the video) that has the ability to drive size gains as a function of overload and for some, novel stimulus.

As compared to time under tension it is complimentary and not a replacement. TUT however is definitely more focused on a goal of hypertrophy than strength. Rushing through the concentric and eccentric part of a lift is not likely to deliver any of the gains you are seeking unless you’re performing speed reps for a specific goal of getting faster on a movement. The 1-2 seconds up / 3 seconds down rep tempo is and always will be great for increasing tension on a muscle you’re trying to grow – at the risk of creating muscle soreness that can interfere with strength goals if you are pursuing them. This is what I pointed out with the other methods of eccentric muscle damage and metabolic stress in the video.

Bottom line, an athletically comprehensive workout plan will hit all elements of strength, size, conditioning and performance at some point in the progression. CAT and TUT are both “tension modifiers” but for different purposes and with specific applications depending on goal. Plan to use both because your training should and will always include elements of strength and hypertrophy in your ultimate pursuit to be the best version of you possible.

I hope this answers your questions but if not, I’m happy to answer any follow ups that may help any that still may have questions. Leave them in this thread so everyone can benefit. Meantime, thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

A. Jonkman November 30, 2021 - 9:54 pm

So what about time under tension ? I understand the explosion aspect of things but I thought the video on the left would’ve earned more gains because the muscles are working more. So I’m a bit confused and any insight would be very helpful. Thanks YouTube land.

Andrew McGee December 1, 2021 - 1:45 am

He was out

Mike KP December 3, 2021 - 5:40 am

Hello Jeff

I like your content and I follow you.
As an engineer with a physics background, I disagree with you on this topic.
You are overlooking the direction of the force. By adding acceleration to the weight you are reducing the total acceleration as it is: g-A
g is gravity.
By doing this you need less force to move the weight up and you can lift easily BUT, you are reducing the load on your arms!!! The load in your arm would be: F: M*(g-A)
Hence your body is under less stress and the result leads to less power needed.!!!
I can discuss this in detail with you if you like.


Mr. Truffles December 3, 2021 - 5:49 am

New lab rat lol

Leo Charles December 3, 2021 - 7:04 am

All of this hurts my brain… the ROCK on Instagram said that counting to 3 or 5 seconds on negative motion increases muscle mass…. Who SHOULD I believe!!!??? fuck!! Body building is more complicated than ALGEBRA!

Poose McPoose December 4, 2021 - 7:29 pm

Eat,sleep,drink water, lift and sleep ….. That's it

RuRazRaz Media December 5, 2021 - 10:15 pm

Good stuff. Thank you

Gina Ferraro December 7, 2021 - 11:37 am

Spot on. They were teaching this in my postgraduate cert in Exercise Science 20 years ago. Have been teaching this to my clients and students ever since. Love your info on your channel.

Jake Compton December 7, 2021 - 5:18 pm

What matters more, the force one is applying while lifting or the work one's muscles do? I'm inclined to think it's the work, and in that case I disagree with your point that moving faster is better.

It is true that F=ma, however, breaking down the first law of thermodynamics we can see that the work done is equal only to the change in potential energy, which is the same so long as the heights are the same (which is a fair assumption). You might say that work is defined to be equal to force*distance, and a greater force should lead to greater work, however that assumes constant force, which we know can't be true, since we have to start and stop the weights as we move.

I appreciate the desire to put the "science into strength" but I am questioning the "science" here.

Bam Bam Bam December 11, 2021 - 8:57 am

Loooong time subscriber. I do as u advise on just about everything. But what about time under tension. U taught me this phrase/technique. I picked the chest press on the left to be more effective due to a slow controlled movement that would result in less reps but more activation during each rep. I guess I’m wrong tho.

MrBreakBadHabits December 15, 2021 - 3:28 pm

Don't compare your 2. chapter to someone elses 20. You might think your story is not good enough but it is not over yet. Keep dreaming and putting in the work. I believe in you…

Joshua Bissell December 16, 2021 - 10:34 pm

I thought I was always told go up fast and down slow

Ice December 16, 2021 - 11:57 pm

POV: you're looking for Rodolfo Raya

Liam Reardon December 17, 2021 - 6:42 am

Can you do one ending people with a rock

Sheepy December 19, 2021 - 12:21 am

I only came here to find the guy in the comments asking this guy to murder someone with a rock

Jeric 47 December 20, 2021 - 12:15 pm

can you do a video on how Gunther can get some bitches

the grabbing fish December 20, 2021 - 4:12 pm

Rodolfo where are you

Dave Curtis December 21, 2021 - 11:49 am

One video says do reps slowly the next sats do them quickly

John Mink December 21, 2021 - 3:31 pm

Used this lesson plus the grip change one and more weight/less reps on db press yesterday. Totally works! First time in a month I’m feeling the lift the next day! Thank you

Cousin The III December 22, 2021 - 1:23 am

Where's Rodolfo

Unisu germ December 27, 2021 - 4:12 am

Joseph Joestar was here before fighting kars I garentee it

Jasper Chung December 27, 2021 - 11:54 am

Never thought of this it's so basic that so easy to overlook! I love this! I am gonna use it tomorrow mum!

死ᴚocío December 29, 2021 - 10:46 pm

Who else is looking for the rock comment lol

Leslie Wood December 31, 2021 - 8:54 pm

Great video thank you.

NewLandsDW January 2, 2022 - 9:19 pm

who else here for the meme??

John Obi Mikel January 2, 2022 - 11:23 pm

After looking through all 919 comments. The Rodolfo comment does not exist

Brian January 4, 2022 - 12:56 am

Can you do a video where you kill people with a roc

Pen January 4, 2022 - 3:10 am

Can you do a video where you kill people with a roc
