How to Get 6-Pack Abs | What’s Your Body Type? Fat? Fit? Athletic? – Joanna Soh Official

by YouTube Team

SUBSCRIBE for new videos every week! Want that perfect figure with 6-pack abs or bikini body? Watch this video! Learn what you have to do more of and what you may have to give up. What is your body goal? Let me know in the comments below. If you enjoy the drawing we did, do hit LIKE & SHARE this video with your friends. =)

Joanna Soh is a certified Personal Trainer (ACE), Women’s Fitness Specialist (NASM) and Nutrition Coach (VN).


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Men: more than 20% body fat
Women: more than 30% body fat

Men 15% – 20% body fat
Women 25% – 30% body fat

3) FIT
Men 10 – 15% body fat
Women 20% – 25% body fat

Men 6 – 9% body fat
Women 16 – 19% body fat

Men: under 9% body fat
Women: under 16% body fat

– What’s your priority?
– What are you willing to do?
– What are you NOT willing to give up?
– How frequent and consistent can you stick to your workout and food routine?
– Is it worth your sacrifice and will you be happy?


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John Clark October 13, 2017 - 3:37 am

Thanks for your thoughts. Realistically what am I willing to do? We'll find out. Thanks.

Marie Anne Apolinario October 13, 2017 - 3:52 am

Wow i really like this video so much information about correct dieting ..i work out everyday and i do HIIT 3 times a week and continue my healthy diet and give my self a treats every saturday is my cheat day but if i say cheat day i eat sweet but not more than my limit is also i watch what i eat especialy i keep on focus because i know this is not easy if i wnt a healthy and energetic life style thats why i keep on going to my goal and the very important is im very happy for who i am and what im doing now i enjoy my fitness journey because of you joanna ..

Mellissa L October 13, 2017 - 5:22 am

I think the title is misleading, it says "how to get 6-pack abs" and im expecting after knowing my body and health type, there will be guide how to achieve that best health type and getting that abs (fit). Hope there will be next video on this. Thanks

BenJam 17 October 13, 2017 - 5:25 am

Thanks for the amzaing video. Your videos are always inpirational & full of knowledge. Can you plese do a video on how to lose weight without exercise. I used to love doing workout but after being diagnosed with a Heart condition I can't workout anymore 😢

offtoneverlxnd October 13, 2017 - 5:43 am

you made some great points in this video!

Peter Locquiao October 13, 2017 - 5:52 am

Maam… what can you say about intermittent fasting?

Mylene Victor October 13, 2017 - 6:47 am

An eye opener to many for dreaming about model figure and the sacrifices they do to maintain so. Let's be realistic and be happy . Being healthy is the priority.

TheCrazieCat October 13, 2017 - 7:04 am

I know many people in the first category who eat lots of variety of fruits and vegetables, the problem is portion control, snacking and lack of exercise and usually sedentary lifestyle. Not that they don't like or ever eat fruit and veg. I also know people in the fit category who do not struggle with social situations and do not count calories. I don't see the point in these "put people into box" videos. You're videos are usually helpful but I really don't see where this has come from

Svtgm October 13, 2017 - 11:29 am

Well I'm vegan and I can tell you that if you struggle in social situations because of what you eat or don't eat it's not necessarily your fault. Focus on your health, talk to your doctor, but please don't let consumerism and peer pressure make you feel guilty for taking care of your body.

Ranu Tiwari October 13, 2017 - 1:01 pm

i want like athlit.. type ….i m new on this jurney ….

Deborah Hopper October 13, 2017 - 2:08 pm

Good video, yes I need to be more active!!

Carol Martinho October 13, 2017 - 3:34 pm

That's so wrong….I have 20,5% so I'd be fit and yet I relate to the first group, I don't go to the gym, my sleep is an absolute mess and I'm always tired…also I do binge, I tend to eat too much many times aaaaand I don't look thin at all

Dr. anusha setty October 14, 2017 - 7:53 am

well said

Farhan Mohammad October 14, 2017 - 8:47 am

I chose to be athletic…

Gaki Nima October 14, 2017 - 8:17 pm

Is there a way to calculate body fat percentages as I don't hav access to those machines that does that?

Christina Long October 14, 2017 - 8:51 pm

So i think im in the healthy category but i wanna be more in the fit. Like not too regimented but better health and body<3(and by better body i just mean more muscles and slightly leaner. Not necessarily better)

Rosabel Kuek October 15, 2017 - 12:41 pm

omg Joanna!! you are so close to a million! <3 thank you for being so amazing inspiring and helping so many people!

alankrita verma October 15, 2017 - 8:22 pm

Im mixture of both. .. what am i then?
I don't binge eat anything ,
have measured multiple portions ,
i eat little every 3 hours .
Walk about 2 hours everyday although thats not regular.. an hour in morning and an hour in evening .. coming and going to college
I am however a night bird due to my studies .
Yea i sorta have about 5-6 hours a day.
I binge sleep on sundays 😳
And i pretty much overweight …
Almost all people i meet talling me to loose weight…. should i or should i not u know get into gyms or exercise routines.. i dont know cz im not tired when i wake up and can be pretty much active throughout the day but then i get drained by d time i actually go to sleep… im doing something wrong ? Right!!

ArlineWit October 17, 2017 - 8:17 pm

Love this video. Understand myself more what type I am. Thanks for the information!!

lilly rose October 18, 2017 - 2:17 pm


Lerong Ouyang October 19, 2017 - 9:47 am

Thanks Joanna. All of your videos are so amazing and I had lost 10 pounds following all these videos in my summer break. However I have gained the weight back because I was so stressed after the school began. I wonder if you can make a video about how to get back on track after giving up the healthy habits due to some reason as it can be really frustrating.

Maram Am October 21, 2017 - 6:14 pm

I am healthy and I would like to be fit

hui gin Ang October 23, 2017 - 1:49 pm

i think being healthy is a best category, why give up on food and social life just for the nicer body ? haha i think we should just appreciate how the way we look like and love ourselves and our bodies . life is good ,

Talitha Amalia October 23, 2017 - 2:51 pm

Thanks Joanna. I think most of your videos is worth to call fitness with purpose

Tammy Ko October 23, 2017 - 6:51 pm

So proud of you Joanna! Your channel has grown so much! I've been subscribed when you had 300k now you are close to one million!

Tiny Owl October 24, 2017 - 3:55 am

I'm a bit stuck between everything!

I love to exercise and give myself one or two days off from exercising a week (though I may do light yoga), I drink two litres of water a day, I eat oatmeal for breakfast, eat vegetables almost every night, get eight to nine hours of sleep most nights, and I have three fruits and some yoghurt per day.

Bit confusing! Love this vid, Joanna! Please keep posting these amazing videos!

Tina October 25, 2017 - 7:25 am

why are you talking about me joanna? You even drew me. That unhealthy person is me !!!!!! lol

Vanessa Wong October 25, 2017 - 11:01 am

My habits are exactly like “fit” but I’m just “healthy” 😢😪 Do I have to have habits like “athletic” before I can achieve a “fit” body 😪

CheïmawithanE October 26, 2017 - 5:33 pm

I started a programm diet + 3/4 times running-little fit since 3 month now (before I was careful of what i eat) and I feel like i'm in the fit category (i restrict a lot and get easy guilty). I sociallly become an issue for family but the results I'm waiting for is still not here… I feel that i'm in a healthy way but I'm too stressed and not relaxed…Don't know what can I do…Have I to be patient and keep going ?

Hooria Amar November 1, 2017 - 9:14 am

I thought this video was about the secret behind 6 pack abs!

Madi December 7, 2017 - 6:19 pm

well I gave up all pasteries, candy and sweets.. my last time " less than a month " a cheat meal was a 3 scoops of chocolate ice cream and I didn't felt happy after craving during 3 weeks "I walked a long distance after that.
my fats are about 39% but I do workout strength and cardio 6 days a week mainly 2 days cardio about 30 mns or more. I eat veggies and fruits as much as I can and I pay attention to my intake calories even I do weight 74.9kgs with height 165cm.. I settled a goal to have a 75 cm waist line and now I am 83.8cm… I wish belone to less than 30% body fat as a girl even it is a long journey.. thanks for telling us the truth as always and yes I have to sacrifice the social meetings as my friends are eating and drinking always. 😔

Chezamayu Kitsukanii December 22, 2017 - 8:18 am

Well, I´m trying to become something in between the fit and athletic type 🙂 I´m almost in the weight range I want to be in now, but I want to start doing more muscle toning in 2018. Up until now I have just done things like aerobic dancing, swimming and running. I hope I can learn to love strength training as well. Is aerobic dancing with weights effective for toning?

Miscellaneous January 8, 2018 - 2:14 pm

I'm in the healthy range. I'd like to get to fit/athletic. I'm at 22.3% body fat now, I'd like to reach 19%.

Prisoprano March 21, 2018 - 10:20 am

This is accurate.

Vivian Agyekum March 25, 2018 - 9:51 pm

I am athletic. My goals are to have 6 pack abs and to eat a balanced diet.

Vivian Agyekum March 25, 2018 - 9:53 pm

Thanks for your explanation of the truth behind 6- pack abs. 😊😁😉

HossSwayerpr March 22, 2019 - 5:28 pm

According to this video and a body fat calculator, I experienced 3 categories at different ages.

10-13 yo > Unhealthy
14-26 yo > Healthy
27-29 yo > Fit


30-33 (or present time) > Healthy

I want/plan to maintain it, because Unhealthy is … unhealthy.

Thank you for this video 👍🏿

Vera Santos June 17, 2020 - 6:19 pm

I have 15% of body fat but I'm not riped at all. Just eat well and swim once in a while. So maybe it's just my body type/metabolism, right? as I don't see myself as an active person.
