How Heavy Should You Lift to Get Big (HOW MUCH WEIGHT!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

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If you want to get big, you have to lift big weights. That is the advice that you have probably been given by one of the trainers or meatheads at your local gym. The thing is, if you want to know how heavy should you lift to get big, it’s actually not bad advice if and only if you pay attention to one very important point. In this video, I’m going to cover the most important thing you should know when it comes to discovering how much weight you should be lifting when trying to get big in the gym. In fact, even when you just want to build better muscles, this advice still applies and always will unless you are competing as a powerlifter.

That said, the rule goes like this. If you want to know how much weight you should be lifting you only need to answer with the most you can lift without letting your posture succumb to the load. In other words, if your attempt to lift heavy weights makes your back crumble under a squat, or your knees cave in during a deadlift for example then you are lifting too heavy.

The main goal when trying to determine how heavy you should lift or how much weight to use on an exercise is to maintain proper posture under load. It is very easy to maintain a perfect posture on a squat when you are doing a bodyweight version of the exercise. Throw a bar on your back and add a couple of plates and everything could change. The big mistake you can make is thinking that just because your bodyweight squat is performed in good form that you are qualified to do weighted squats.

This isn’t automatically the case. If your posture rounds or breaks down as soon as you add a load you might want to reconsider the weight you are using if you want to stave off gym injuries. I’m not even talking about the injuries that happen on one single rep. I’m referring to those that occur over time as a result of the repetitive breakdown that comes from stringing too many ill performed reps together from workout to workout.

If on the other hand you can perform a lift while maintaining proper posture but feel comfortable with the weights you are using so you don’t add any weight to the bar, this is just as big a mistake. You must try at every opportunity to add more weight to your exercises if you want to develop into a bigger, faster or stronger version of you today than you were yesterday. If you add weight and your form breaks, then drop back slightly and work with the weights you can handle with good form as you aim to increase the reps you can do with it.

Once you get strong enough to handle the load of the new weight, you’re off and running and will have achieved progressive strength and likely size gains.

If you want a complete workout program that shows you how to build strength as well as how to get ripped athletic muscles, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System. See how heavy you should lift and get big by following the advice of a pro athlete physical therapist and strength coach through every one of your workouts.

For more videos on how heavy you should lift to build muscle or if light weights serve any benefit when working out, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at


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Aswin February 21, 2021 - 6:01 pm

Isn't he explaining about the bad form while deadlifts. Then why are people complaining that it is bad form when he demonstrates the bad form(just curious)? Is there something more?

Megabata3 March 1, 2021 - 8:34 pm

Yeah thats fine but how much reps should you do cuz if i do one level before my max ill probably be able to do like 2 or 3 reps

Mr. Screen Shot March 23, 2021 - 11:08 am

Woah Jeff is a Robot 🤖

Kyle Henaire April 1, 2021 - 1:41 pm

In order to diffuse the drama and hopefully ease the tentions that have been going on, first thing, the TRUTH behind the situation… Had Jeff been using the actual weight that was labeled on the plates, he WOULD have injured himself in some way. He used the false plates in order to demonstrate the form break-down as the weight increased. Plain and simple. Second, he even mentioned he's got "these weird 44 pound plates." The inflection of how that was stated might not have come across with the voice-over, which is understandable. I honestly believe Jeff orchestrated this video the way he did purely for demonstration's sake. Could the situation aftermath have been handled a little bit better? Of course, but there was no reason for the amount of animosity from this drama.

Dei April 7, 2021 - 1:17 am

Jeff looks unaging, this video is 5 years old

D. HARMS April 29, 2021 - 11:14 pm

I’ll ALWAYS BE A TRUE FAN OF YOU JEFF! All I can say is “thank you” for all of the years of your advice and knowledge you put out there because you have saved me hundreds of dollars is physical therapy appointments helping me overcome Iliotibial band syndrome and an ac separation!

Sau Pi May 14, 2021 - 4:40 pm

Even if the weights are fake… that's not the purpose…he clearly says he's deadlifting 500lbs around and he's no comfortable becos all shape is gone

KhueMinh Nguyen May 22, 2021 - 1:19 pm

3:20 I dont think so your technyque are terrible.

everasheron May 30, 2021 - 11:24 am

Great advice…. as always, Jeff!

Yani Dimitrov June 17, 2021 - 1:05 pm

That video is spot on!

MrBorderRat July 25, 2021 - 4:06 am

So this is what it’s like to have a supportive dad

Mammoth July 27, 2021 - 5:35 pm

I aint taking tips on how to get big from small guys

larsulrik1 August 19, 2021 - 6:47 pm

I've only been watching Jeff for a few weeks but you can just tell he's an honest and humble guy who knows a lot about the subject. I didn't know anything about "the controversy" so I looked it up. From what I've seen, Jeff has made like 1000 videos that are amount-of-weight-irrelevant and more specifically how-much-Jeff-can-lift-irrelevant. Why would this 1 video be the one where he tried to deceive everyone? To what end? This reminds me of the Mom and Pop Seinfeld episode.
Kramer: It was all an act, Jerry. They conned us, and they scored, big time.
Elaine: So. Mom and Pop's plan was to move into the neighborhood, establish trust for 48 years, and then, run off with Jerry's sneakers.

Kramer: Apparently.

Rai derz September 2, 2021 - 4:56 am

What trainers are those????

jmzsil September 8, 2021 - 3:23 am

Jeff Cavalier, would you say, control, form, & posture are equally important. Not a trick question, still learning.

FormatDriveC : September 12, 2021 - 3:02 pm

I do preffer metabolic trainning but eventually i do some strength sets, use the most weight you can to perform the exercises with a correct movement and posture, anything above is asking for injuries.

Frosted Phoenix 53 October 8, 2021 - 5:22 am

I’ve seen big guys use around 30 lbs for curls, what is the point?

Vinoth Raja October 19, 2021 - 1:07 pm


Dread to Think October 21, 2021 - 4:29 pm

It always amazes me how quickly he speaks through that intro

Abhi Nimhan October 22, 2021 - 2:28 pm

You are hurting yourself for teaching 💯👍🏻hats off bro 😑

Syrus November 21, 2021 - 5:22 am

SHORT ANSWER: As much as you can

JP 3rd November 22, 2021 - 7:36 pm

Ugh. That knee sounded like my shoulder.

Robert Kershner December 4, 2021 - 11:19 pm

Regardless of the controversial weight amount Jeff has very solid deadlift form and knowledge 👌 💯 form is not always about how much weight is on the bar!

sher aly December 15, 2021 - 7:48 am

Jeff, I have been following you for years now. I can’t thank you enough for helping me and saving me from having to do tons of research on my own. I would like to ask why you have NOT been able to work on your calves. Do you have any internal injury which prevented you from doing it ? Please share with us. Big calves or no calves, I love you anyways ❤️

urstrulythedon December 29, 2021 - 6:00 pm

1 to 1 ratio to your body weight. if you're 190, your default bench press should be 190
