GET STRONG NOW!! – MattDoesFitness

by YouTube Team

After a long time with no serious strength work, I’ve decided to stop being pathetic and get stronger – starting with bench press and shoulder press (military press). I’m currently in the USA and am trying a strength programme given to me by a guy who has benched 430lbs (195kg)!

It basically consists of a pyramid whereby you work at a percentage of your 1 rep max. It goes – 5 reps@70%, 3 reps@80%, 2 reps@90%, 1 rep@95%, 1 rep@100%, 2 reps@90%, 3 reps@80% and then finish with a set to exhaustion @70%.

This is my first time with the new programme but I plan to do it consistently from now on. Today I benched 255lbs (116kg) and shoulder pressed 130lbs (59kg) which is pretty awful but I plan to smash these numbers and go a lot heavier in the next few weeks – I will keep you guys updated with my progress!

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