Get Bigger & More Vascular Arms & Legs “FASTER”? | BLOOD FLOW RESTRICTION TRAINING – ScottHermanFitness

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Is cutting off blood circulation REALLY an effective way to build muscle? Yes, the pump is insane…But what’s really going on INSIDE the body when we use this technique? Because that’s all it really is, right? “Blood Flow Restriction” (BFR) Training or “Occlusion Training” is a technique that helps you increase the intensity of your workouts, just like drop sets or supersets, by increasing the amount of metabolic stress we induce in a single working set. Well, today we’re going to take a closer look at BFR training to see what the science has to say about whether or not you can build more muscle and strength with this technique when compared to traditional training.

But even if it can, is this even safe? You’re basically using a tourniquet to trap blood in an area you’re trying to train. Well, it should go without saying that you should first consult your physician to ensure you don’t have any pre-existing blood pressure complications before trying this technique and even though I’m sure I could easily find “before and after” photos and testimonials swearing that BFR training works wonders, in today’s article, we’re going to let the science do the talking.

Blood Flow Restriction Training – What Is It Exactly?
As I briefly mentioned already it is a technique to increase the intensity of your working sets where you will be able to in theory build the same amount or just as much muscle training with lighter weight, compared to traditional weight training. But this doesn’t REPLACE heavy lifting, it’s just a technique.

For example, we all know that in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy, or muscle gains, our working sets should be around 8 – 10 reps using less than 80% of your 1RM. But the majority of BFR exercise and training uses lower intensity, closer to 20 – 40% your 1RM and closer to 15 – 30 reps per set.

But before we get to any conclusive evidence, I think we need to first talk about blood circulation so you can 100% grasp the concept BFR is built upon. You see, the human body circulates blood in two ways; The first is when blood is pumped out of the heart and into the muscles and organs via the arteries. The arteries then carry this “clean”, oxygenated blood wherever it needs to go. That’s why arteries appear red. But you can’t REALLY see them because they’re buried deep underneath the skin and for good reason. Arteries are characterized by “high” blood pressure, which is why slicing them open is generally NOT A GOOD THING to do! I’m sure you’ve all seen war movies where a soldier gets critically injured and blood just start spurting out everywhere. Well, that’s a severed artery and that’s why they’re buried deep. But VEINS are a different story.

Veins carry deoxygenated blood or “venous blood” from the muscles and organs back to the heart & lungs. Also, the pressure in your veins is quite low and the reason the blood can appear blue is because this blood is filled with metabolic sewage, including toxins and other garbage!

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ScottHermanFitness January 29, 2020 - 11:50 pm

I'm going to build out a new program that combines NUCLEI OVERLOAD TRAINING & BFR TRAINING in a FULL BODY type model over the next few weeks sI continue to do more research. Then I'm going to train with it and do my first bulk in what seems about 7 years. TIME TO BECOME LEGENDARY.. like my boy BROLY!! Anyone else want in on this?


Zulu_Echo_Airsoft January 30, 2020 - 8:05 pm

Leg pumps get real with no help, figure out how to pump the quads with this 😂. Maybe help out widdle calves to get them to full blown cows

Soulreaper January 30, 2020 - 9:24 pm

This seems to be in same category of running with a lot of coats to sweat more and lose more weight or using those pump devices to increase your pennis’ size (that escalated quickly, maybe?).
Just eat, work out and rest properly. Geez!

jmounce50 January 30, 2020 - 9:44 pm

I’m a ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, great video Scott – there are some great studies that indicate BFR has the potential to become a very good training method for patients with Osteoarthritis. It’s also a great method to get one heck of a pump! I have yet to try it myself but it’s defiantly something I’d like to try, especially with aging clients who can’t train with heavy weights. IronBull hook a trainer up! 🤩😂

Missouri Man January 30, 2020 - 10:04 pm

Power rangers ?nerd alert 🚨🚨🚨

J Z. January 30, 2020 - 10:21 pm

my favorite was the Yellow power ranger because it was awesome to see a fellow Asian be a prominent, non-racist character (although ironic how she was Yellow Ranger and the Black ranger was black) in a show!

old power rangers all the way!!

Arthur Barrañón January 30, 2020 - 11:01 pm

Favorite power ranger is … JK Alpha 5 is the real MVP; but really let's talk about the yellow ranger, I hope she can fight the coronavirus for all of us 😖

Anthropology January 30, 2020 - 11:59 pm

I think you're a clown. Goodbye.

Dylan Slachetka January 31, 2020 - 1:57 am

Could those blood flow restriction straps be tied below the knee to restrict blood flow to calves when doing calve raises? Wondering if that would be a good test. interesting video Scott.

Tyler Wolf January 31, 2020 - 2:40 am

I think every power ranger series from the 90s was good……Tommy is obviously my all time favorite

john lopez January 31, 2020 - 2:56 am

David Carradine did it first. It helped a lot in his martial arts skills

Chief Von January 31, 2020 - 3:06 am

After Dino thunder I stopped watching. I know it's for kids but Maaan, the new shit is dumbbbbb

David Shaw January 31, 2020 - 3:35 am

Old school rangers for the win!

Mark Gutekunst, DC January 31, 2020 - 3:53 pm

There is NO physiological or performance benefit to BFR. Of course you will seem more vascular. You are restricting the return blood flow which pools in the veins engorging them. There is no benefit to this. That blood is nutrient and O2 deficient and the veins only purpose is to return blood to the heart and lungs. Blood has already been through the capillary beds and completed perfusion. The danger is damage to the capillary beds due to blood flow restriction especially under load. Not to mention possible damage to the blood vessels. Sure maybe you look cool to the unknowing in the gym but outside of that there is nothing.

Toxic masculinity January 31, 2020 - 8:39 pm


Jake And Sarah Health Nuts January 31, 2020 - 9:05 pm

great video

Thomas Dubé January 31, 2020 - 9:05 pm

Great video man. Really interesting, I think i will give it a shot

Matt C January 31, 2020 - 10:06 pm

Fuck blood flow restriction !

mariam bashir January 31, 2020 - 10:26 pm

you have a huge fantastic neck veins 😍

D W January 31, 2020 - 11:32 pm

For the average lifter, BFR training is nothing but a pile of horse shit. Really, you want to put your heart and vessels at risk for no benefit at all?

Ricky Pedia January 31, 2020 - 11:56 pm

So it's best used for finishers? That should be nice and interesting for me, I like to use drop sets to failure as my finishers.

chris February 1, 2020 - 11:12 am

I saw some dumb ad in a gym selling these things and at one point the guy was all tourniqueted up on both arms doing lateral raises

GAT123ism February 1, 2020 - 11:41 am

This is a dangerous method because increases blood pressure and stop it in a specific area. It increases cells pressure. Be carful.

Saika February 1, 2020 - 11:45 am

I use blood (and air) flow restriction technique when training my neck hangs.

timshel Leo February 1, 2020 - 6:27 pm

I need a translatah.

K0gashuk0 February 2, 2020 - 12:12 am

I always like the red ranger. Blue is my favorite color but I really dont like that dude. I only saw the originals and the stuff bootleged from Japan. None of the new stuff. The pyro was what made it cool.

Hugo Valdez February 2, 2020 - 5:49 am

What is this BFR nonsense? 🤦🏻‍♂️

Jim H February 3, 2020 - 1:16 am

I tried this south of the border..
Works great.
But I couldn't feel a damn thing.

Rocky Maher February 3, 2020 - 6:11 am

Been watching your videos since the royal blue Adidas shorts days and I'm STILL waiting on "How to train yahhh neck veins"

SRidge February 4, 2020 - 11:31 pm

Black Ranger was the best. He was a champion of the underrepresented. Black, check. Missing half a finger therefor repping the handicapped(HA, get it?… sorry), check. Plus his axe was awesome.

Jonti O'Neill February 7, 2020 - 1:10 pm

I dont know what power rangers history I love there were to many to decide so I pick the best ones I love and they r jungle fury, samurai, megaforce, super megaforce, and ninja steel. I'm learning their skills so I can get better at it

JaM February 10, 2020 - 11:10 pm

Blue power ranger! He was a bad ass and I was him for Halloween one year a lonnnng time ago! Lol I want to try the BFF training straps! Great video as always Scott!

JaM February 10, 2020 - 11:11 pm

Premium Muscular strength member also! 😃💪🏼

Hoang Nguyen February 20, 2020 - 4:27 am

Yellow ranger. Gotta represent the Asians.

Tony the Pod Boss May 2, 2020 - 6:54 pm

He’s still on YouTube? So Pessimistic

YoGlev May 20, 2020 - 6:17 pm

Im not super advanced, my arms were stuck at 14". I finally got them to 15" after a month of nucleus overload pullup+push-ups. After the break 14 days:
Now ive started doing BFR 3 sets until failure of curls followed by overhead extensions. I do this in the morning and then evening.

I also do pullups and pushups in the morning and side raises 2x per day too.

Feeling like i might hit 16 " cold soon!

Daniel Long July 2, 2020 - 5:50 pm

so the blood leaves the hot, and enters the otteries. Got it.

palani rajeshwar September 12, 2020 - 5:49 pm

Is BFR training only for biceps??

jizzyb87 September 26, 2020 - 11:01 am

Dude you dropping some straight knowledge bombs here, awesome video!

mathi kumar January 18, 2021 - 7:23 am

Good information thank you

Vlad Vlad October 24, 2021 - 8:08 pm

Can i also do wrist curls/extension with it?

wakawaka1976 November 19, 2021 - 7:41 pm

I like the Yellow asian power ranger because I’m Asian and the ironic racism is hilarious! Love the humor
