Fix Your Bubble Gut | 1 EASY TIP! – ScottHermanFitness

by YouTube Team

How To: Stomach Vacuum –


I’m going to be teaching you guys some simple tricks to help you tighten up your core. Just like any other part of your body, if you don’t train those muscles on a consistent basis, they start to get a little soft. I’m sure many of you have had weeks where you weren’t able to make it to the gym, or weren’t able to target all your muscles properly. Let’s say you had to skip your arm day, then all of a sudden when you flex your bicep, you touch it and it feels kind of soft. You freak out, go to the gym, smash your arms as hard as you can, and then you’re back to normal. Sound familiar? It’s like a sickness, especially for us males.

What actually happened is the muscles just started to get a bit relaxed because they haven’t been training. Your body basically is always going to say to itself, if it’s not using something, why does it have to keep focused on it, or why does that muscle have to stay strong and hard and big? If you’re not using those muscles, I wouldn’t say they wither away, but they tend to get a little bit weaker because there’s no force being called upon them to do otherwise.

Why Isn’t My Core Tight & Hard Like The Rest Of My Body?
Well, the same goes for the core, and unfortunately the majority of us make sure we go to the gym every single week to hit legs, arm, chest, all the main muscle groups, but the core can sometimes be lagging. Aside from that, a lot of us sit down ALL day long, and from sitting down in our chairs we just kind of let it all hang out. We normally hunch over and the entire core area tends to get relaxed A LOT. Then as you walk around during the day, I doubt the majority of you are keeping it nice and tight, again you’re likely just letting it all hang out or maybe even pushing it out. I don’t know exactly what is happening, but there’s a problem there.

Now I have talked about this before and how you can utilize exercises like the Stomach Vacuum in order to work the transverse abdominis to try to help pull everything in nice and tight. However, doing stomach vacuums a few days a week, for a lot of you, isn’t going to be enough. If you’ve forgotten what a stomach vacuum is, it’s basically when you breathe all the air out of your system, suck in your stomach, and hold it for as long as you can, repeating that for sets and reps.

How Can I Rectify This?
What I want you to start doing is making mental checks throughout the day to pull in your core, and keep it tight. I guarantee you, if you start doing this every single day, you’re going to start to see a change in not only your waist size, but also in the shape of your actual core. The abdominal muscles, the muscles throughout your core including your obliques and serratus, the entire area will start to get tighter and tighter and the muscles will begin to look better and better because you’re basically forcing them to, by keeping them tensed.

Now I’m not saying you have to walk around flexing your core so hard that it looks like you’re about to poop your pants… that’s not what we’re trying to do. However, let’s say you’re at your desk, at work, and you’re typing on your computer. Instead of being hunched over, make sure you sit up straight, and flex your core so you get a nice tense going on so you can feel the muscles activating. As you’re walking around, whether it’s outside, at your house or at the mall, wherever you’re going, instead of walking around loose, just get a nice tensed core going on and feel those muscles activating so that the muscles themselves are getting worked throughout the day.

I’m telling you, this is going to make a major difference. At first, it might feel kind of difficult because the muscles are weak and aren’t used to being tensed this way, but as you start doing it every single day it will almost become second nature. What I started to realise is that when I was in high school in my early teens, weighing about 130lbs soaking wet, I thought I was huge. I would walk around sticking my chest out and flexing my abs whether I had a t-shirt on or off. But because I was doing that all the time, it kept my core trimmed and tight, it really does work.


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ScottHermanFitness September 27, 2017 - 10:48 pm

Can't wait to have you guys on my live show!! Don't miss the first episode 1pm EST this Saturday! Lots of AWESOME GIVEAWAYS!!!!! CLICK HERE to get notified when I go live! –

How To: Stomach Vacuum –

Stuart Bagley August 9, 2018 - 3:40 pm

Great video. Starting this . . .now!

Calum September 4, 2018 - 1:19 pm

It does actually work, I had poor posture for many years and being aware of your overall posture from day to day really helps with these simple tips.

Afrika Bruintjies September 15, 2018 - 7:10 am

Hi scott.
This was very informative. Manyof my clients are concerned about their core. the bellyfat and how to reduce it.but this video and the techniques will surely be a great help and good start off position. .thanks

Adam Rasmussen September 26, 2018 - 7:42 pm

"Get some nice tenseness" haha. Tenseness….

David Forth October 10, 2018 - 4:40 am

are you from basstown?

Or Saban January 15, 2019 - 5:01 pm

thank you!

JEFF FRANKLIN March 25, 2019 - 1:45 am

When you “sTaT” to flex your core

bug a boo April 9, 2019 - 2:46 am

Wtf is that inconsistent accent

Alex Sparks-Bakota April 17, 2019 - 11:12 pm

every "start":
2:50 (this one he actually pronounced it like "start")
3:37 (same here)
4:19 (and we're back to "staht")
4:28 (and we're back again)
4:31 (a hard turn here)
6:28 (i'm done commenting abt the changes he's too inconsistent)

Reks_19 July 26, 2019 - 1:22 am

Will this help me get a flatter stomach?

Alex Davis August 1, 2019 - 1:12 am

Instructions unclear. Dick got stuck in a vacuum.

MyMediaTube August 22, 2019 - 10:04 am

Essentially suck in your gut all day

sunshinemodels1 September 9, 2019 - 3:55 am

this guy is so full of shit, how in the hell did he amass 2.2M subscribers?? jesus christ you all are fucking gullible

Mike P January 7, 2020 - 9:07 pm

Hate my small bubble gut. I do vacuums every morning but I want more

Jonathan Wilson April 3, 2020 - 11:48 pm

Thank you for the advice you gave me yesterday

I-V-l April 27, 2020 - 6:27 pm

This guy has the classic Boston dialect going on. Pretty cool and hard to find. Haha

Spandan Baral July 7, 2020 - 4:23 am

Phil Heath wants to know your location

P Anagenesis July 11, 2020 - 4:26 pm

I train abs and lower back once a week like every muscle. But this "vacuum" daily exercise is an excellent suggestion in addition to maintaining good posture.

Dev Dhanak July 29, 2020 - 6:47 pm

Wait so how do we keep our core activated? Do we just vacuum our stomach? Cuz thats what im doing rn

skeletorrobo September 21, 2020 - 8:30 am

Chest out. Stomach in.

Nico Spiral November 15, 2020 - 4:50 pm

What if I got bubble gut despite doing heavy labor day in day out and my bubble gut is actually hard and toned? How do I reshape muscle instead of fat? Lol nobody seems to know the answer to this

Steven Sjonat January 7, 2021 - 4:32 am


Jerico Cura January 9, 2021 - 9:06 pm

Will including ab strengthening excercise s in workouts help?

العقيد معمر القذافي April 15, 2021 - 4:15 am

when i do vaccum my heart feel like is gonna explode so im scared to push it

Kittikatkat June 20, 2021 - 6:30 am

2:21 Skip the intro.

sneaky cheeky August 2, 2021 - 5:32 pm

you have good chest genetics bro

Anthony Clark August 13, 2021 - 4:53 am

why would i want to fix my bubble butt?!

we know his voice August 19, 2021 - 12:56 am

Turn to Jesus people he died for your sins, Repent of what the New Testament describes as sin. Believe the gospel obey the teachings of Jesus documented in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus is the only way to be saved, be baptized if you have faith in Jesus then you will live life with him as your example. If you need prayer i'll pray for you. If you want to keep contact with a brother in Christ i’ll keep contact with you. The love of God is beyond our understanding. God bless

Isaac Gary November 29, 2021 - 4:06 am

Looking at my abs…damn I really let myself loose…

Rhiyan Setiawan December 28, 2021 - 10:59 am

I'll practice it now
