Drug Testing the World’s Strongest Man – Nick’s Strength and Power

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#WorldsStrongestMan #Strongman #TheMountain
Should the World’s Strongest Man be drug tested?
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Fat Boy April 17, 2020 - 12:19 pm

Also what does a worlds strongest man competitor need to do to test positive to roids?? Literally take the piss test while injecting his ass 😂😂

T man April 20, 2020 - 1:07 pm

The point of the Worlds Strongest Man is to find the strongest man in the world, not the strongest drug

Sebastien Hurgon April 20, 2020 - 9:37 pm

I wish PED were legals, so that there would be more R&D, they would be more widespread and so the quality would be much higher, with probably a few close to zero risk. The dream. Because it is illegal and the quality is probably shit, I dont use any of that and dont plan to.

Gfors85 April 21, 2020 - 10:50 am

I totally agree, this should be for every sport. one natural and one enhanced league.

Zach R April 25, 2020 - 12:14 am

Jon Pall Sigmarsson would still be alive if it wasn't for steroids. Under no circumstances are they acceptable.

Dave Stinson April 25, 2020 - 12:58 am

Who cares what they r on. Of course they r all in something. However they are insanely strong to start with imo. I don't understand how their bodies can take that. But i screwed up my back yrs ago so i look at things diff now. I say it's their business not everyone else's!!!!!!

Blast Furnace April 27, 2020 - 5:46 am

it's called "Worlds strongest man", not "worlds strongest natural athlete".

totally agree with you nick.

Cody Miller April 27, 2020 - 2:26 pm


Jese Garcia April 27, 2020 - 2:53 pm

The cocaine is what made Mariuz so strong lmao

James J. McCombie April 28, 2020 - 4:27 pm

Read it like this…routine urine tests for certain illegal substances. Any competitor testing positive for illegal substances, meaning those that are not possible to obtain by prescription in any circumstances, for example, cocaine, will be immediately disqualified. The use of performance-enhancing drugs that are not always illegal is forbidden but we don't test for them

M Kinkade April 28, 2020 - 9:55 pm

A person can cut off their genitalia without adequate psychological evaluations but taking PEDs isn’t okay?

Someko Swe April 29, 2020 - 10:06 am

By your logic Nick you shouldn't test the world's fastest man either (ex. 100 m sprint)? Nor the most muscular man? … nor the highest jumping man in the world…nor the…

You're against using steroids in BB, the "sport" with the main focus of getting as muscular as possible? But you're pro steroids in a sport with the main focus of being as strong as possible. That's double standard at it's finest.

Mark Geoghegan April 29, 2020 - 11:43 pm

6:00 you could say that about anything… if people have to complete against drug users then competitive sport will be destroyed for everyone.. It's about the best of people and not the person with the best medical support.. crazy…! Competitive sport is about having heros and people to look up to and if those people are drug users, what example will that set for us all. "Use steroids if you want to be the best but seriously damage your body in the process or even risk death"…. Steroid users are cheats and fakes, plus they cause other good intentioned athletes to choose the wrong path….

Glenn Janot April 30, 2020 - 10:28 am

What they allowed in WSM is the competitors smoking weed. As Robert Oberst said, you rather want these guys eating oyxcodon like candy?

SwedishHouseFifa April 30, 2020 - 10:50 pm

Mariuz got busted for drugs after the 2004 competition. He would have been 3rd

Ark Addict May 2, 2020 - 2:47 pm

lmao if larry wheels cant lift close to the weights these guys lift, wtf u think how they get that strength???

Hadley Harris May 2, 2020 - 5:29 pm

What is going on with thor’s face in this vid?

BigGOLIATHFrog3 Thethird May 2, 2020 - 10:26 pm

Me: 0:42 I'm just surprised the world's strongest man is a white guy

TheRandomBikers May 3, 2020 - 10:13 am

Definitely should be drug testing, then you will find out who is the actual strongest man alive. Not who takes the most peds.

TheRandomBikers May 3, 2020 - 10:15 am

People can be this strong without steroids.. It just means they will actually have to train.

Iron Man May 3, 2020 - 11:43 am

I mean, I thought they followed the strict natty vegan code which Rich Piana pioneered.

sebulbathx May 3, 2020 - 12:49 pm

Worlds Ultimate Strongman = anything goes.
I see no problem without tests since the playing field is even that way. I'm fine with testing for illegal substances and steroids doesn't fall under that category anyway.

R G May 3, 2020 - 5:48 pm

It needs to be an open secret sorta thing (like it is now) for the sake of sponsorship and $$$. Once we can finally get some truly big cash prizes we will see amazing things due to the athletes increase in professionalism. You will also see a lot of younger potential athletes that would usually choose football or basketball or rugby will choose to lift atlas stones to be a millionaire and a star.

My dream is to organise the worlds greatest cash prize strongman competition.

Kenneth Sheehan May 3, 2020 - 7:53 pm

The majority? Every single top athlete competing in world strongest man is on PEDs

John Archibald May 3, 2020 - 8:12 pm

The laymen or mass public will switch off from watching drug enhanced competitions of any sort besides wrestling, I think?

Justin A May 5, 2020 - 5:26 pm

I'm 8 foot 6 725lbs 5 percent bodyfat

jack May 11, 2020 - 3:20 pm

If a natural athlete wins WSM then he's the legitimate WSM. Just because other strength athletes can cheat with drugs does not change that. Indeed, take the drugs away from the others or give the WSM winner drugs and we see the same results.

jack May 11, 2020 - 3:24 pm

HAHAHA!! Fuck sake, I don't wanna be mean but this video ticks all the boxes. This is stupid beyond measure. Nick, your usual quality is nowhere to be found here. You're basically saying that athletes should be allowed to cheat. PED are prohibited for two key reasons; the health implications and competitive fairness.

John Leduc May 14, 2020 - 5:28 pm

Well said 👏 👍🇺🇲

The BK Stank May 25, 2020 - 1:41 pm

My favorite take was Joe Rogans when talking to Robert Oberst, something to the effect of "drug testing? What, to make sure you ARE taking steroids?"

Chris Handley May 29, 2020 - 10:42 am

No, the WSM shouldn't be tested. The fact is that if it was, the guys would all be 25% less strong, the whole spectacle would be a lot less impressive, and its just an open door for 'what if', the guys did whatever they could do. The whole show is about finding the strongest person on the planet, doing whatever they need to do in terms of work, meds, diet, etc etc etc. There is no cheating, as its a level playing field. The best guy wins, end of. Would the best guy be the best if nobody used? Who knows.
Everyone knows that it's untested and that the guys are all using. That's why the worlds strongest man is never really that highly regarded, as per the worlds fastest man, the best boxer, the best at anything in physical feats. Surely the worlds strongest person should be classed as a totally elite athlete? For the above reason, they never are. Sponsorships and winners cheques etc, reflect that also! Same as Mr Olympia too. They are seen as dirty sports which big, mainstream sponsors don't want to touch a mile off.
In reality though, people don't want to see the WSM or Olympia drugs testing. People want to see the extremes. Jesus, people don't even want to watch an Avengers or X-Men movie without steroids, let alone such competitions.

DeadkingAZ May 29, 2020 - 4:15 pm

I mean. Duh.

MrAlthompson111 May 29, 2020 - 7:05 pm

FYI – I wrote 94 sports editors in America – including 14 who worked for ESPN – shortly before the 2019 ESPN article came out.
I had asked all these editors to cover WSM and the Arnold Strongman Classic properly. I asked them to bring up all the steroid use on the show and the complete lack of testing for steroids.
I asked them to bring up the lack of oversight into what events are used, making it child's play to manipulate any strongman competition to make sure the guy on "Game of Thrones" could win it and get coverage for a dying sport.
I also asked for coverage of the multiple allegations of domestic violence levied against Hafthor Bjornsson in Iceland and that he had been charged criminally.
The domestic violence allegations were covered somewhat in Iceland, but not in the USA.
A lot of coverage stopped but no where near enough was done. These editors are terrified of IMG and its influence. IMG is a form of modern day organized crime.
What did I get for coverage? You did this whole piece on it. An article with no author listed in an effort to keep me from bugging the networks to end this nightmare of programming and at least try and help curb the promotion of steroid use around the world.
You talk about all the other sports and PED use? At least there are credible drug testing policies in most other sports.
IMG Worldwide and Arnold Schwarzenegger won't allow drug testing, they make too much money from drugged events while paying these men to risk their lives for peanuts.
A lot of these men have died for no reason except for the lie that fame and fortune awaits. Just take another shot.
I truly believe Schwarzenegger, execs at IMG and LInda and Vince McMahon have their places in Hell reserved for what they have done to athletics in this world, all the addiction that have spawned and for the young lives lost. They are true monsters.
In 2012 we pushed ESPN to drop the show and they did. Long story. That's how it ended up on CBS Sports Network, a much smaller network, but we crippled the show. You want to know why Iron Mind walked away?
We are hoping currently hoping to get congress to strip CBS Sports writers of their privilege of voting for Major League Baseball awards if the network continues to air WSM and "The Arnold."
Since September 2019, I have visited over 30 offices of US Senators and member of Congress in Washington DC and around the country – in some cases directly with the senator or congressman and 100 percent are in favor of getting rid of these shows and their qualifiers – unless the sport joins the USADA.
Both of these shows have been condemned by the Pennsylvania House of Representatives for the their lack of testing for steroids. A third resolution in Pennsylvania – this time in the State Senate – is in committee. It also rebukes the WWE and Rogue Fitness.
IMG controls an enormous amount of the programming at ESPN and other sports networks. That's why it got on TV in the first place and was able to poison athletics in general around the world.
I can assure you the world has started to push back….you'll see. This video is bullshit.

Vince May 29, 2020 - 7:59 pm

let them use PED all they want as you say. the focus would then change on building a PED that cant be detected to one that works better and is safer. this would be actually beneficial to society in general for surgery recovery to stunt growth to dealing with muscle atrophy in handicaps. it cant be any worse than collagen, boob implants, and other medications that doctor say is ok. its not just PED, its the body's counter to the substance requiring more.

AwesomeGuy June 9, 2020 - 8:01 pm

paste the broken link into the search box at web.archive.org and look at the state of the webpage in 2005
