Does aging affect exercise ability? – jessicasmithtv

by YouTube Team

STUDY – Age does not affect exercise intensity progression among women:

More on the anti-aging benefits of HIIT Training:

Got a question for me? Leave it in the comments below and I may answer it in an upcoming Q and A episode!

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YogaMom February 11, 2015 - 4:33 pm

Great question!
I definitely am in better shape at 47 than I was at 25, thanks to you! 
I used to be terrified of HIIT before I started working out with you last year (never tried it because of that). It is definitely a challenge, but it feels so great afterwards! It’s so good to know it has anti-aging benefits!

I plan to keep on working out as I age, Lord willing, because I want to be able to run around with my future grandkids.

My question is: Is there an optimal cut off time in the evening when we should not eat (meaning snacking)? I have heard various things about getting more calories during the daytime when metabolism is highest. I’ve heard that it is not good to eat after 7 pm. Is this true?

Cindy Acevedo-Vaughn February 11, 2015 - 4:50 pm

This is good to know. I was just telling my husband that I look and feel better in my 40s than I did in my 20s.
I used to work out when I was in high school and a few years after but when I got pregnant with my son I stopped working out and started working out again about eight years ago and I have never felt better.
I would like to thank Jessica for keeping me motivated to stay in shape!!!

babygirlmz1 February 11, 2015 - 5:42 pm

Hi, I'm 30yrs old and wanted to know if you would recommend running on a treadmill for cardio vs circuit training? Ive been advised and told by many that if I choose to run on a treadmill, my knees will end up being damaged. Is this true?

Elizabeth Doeing February 11, 2015 - 6:21 pm

You really have to work harder as you age. JAMA recently published an article about a couple of studies that suggest that 40 minute HIIT workouts are really effective for pre and post menopausal women. 

Kismet Jackson February 11, 2015 - 8:18 pm

Great Q/A!! I still like working out just as hard as I did when I was in my 20's. I like knowing the fact that I can still do it.

AJ AJ February 11, 2015 - 9:05 pm

Do you find compression exercise clothing beneficial? Does it help recovery?

Sherry G February 11, 2015 - 10:34 pm

This was so interesting! I mistakenly thought you had to do less as you get older, even though I'm in better shape now in my 50's, than I was in my 30's. I have noticed that my clothes are looser when I do HIIT, and I like some high impact. I enjoy your You Tube HIITs, as they are the perfect intensity for me. Thanks for the info!

venturegirl 2 February 12, 2015 - 2:46 am

Thanks Jessica.  Us older girls need all the encouragement we can get.  As the years fly by I realize that I am becoming more 'high maintenance'  (LOL) and I guess that goes for fitness too.  I have to work harder than when I was younger, but the benefits are worth the extra effort.

Marlene McKinnon February 12, 2015 - 4:55 am

I just started working out using the videos on your site about 6-weeks-ago. I've had chronic pain in my hips that I see a chiropractor for and I've noticed in the last couple of weeks that my hips no longer cause me pain. I haven't been to the chiro for a couple of weeks now. It's amazing to me, at the age of 50. that my body can heal itself if I treat it right. I just got your 21 day walking exercise video and I am really enjoying that, too.  I like that you focus on health and feeling strong. Like you say, it changes on the inside before it changes on the outside.  Your mom and dog are adorable, too! Thanks, Jessica. You're doing a great job.

Joan Ude February 12, 2015 - 10:03 am

Thanks, Jessica, for saying something so positive about ageing and exercise. I'm really fed up with folks, including my husband, who keep telling me to slow down. As you must know by now, I'm nearly 72 and have done some exercise for most of my life. I have certainly increased it since I found you on U tube. I did mainly cardio before but I now combine it with strength training, toning and a lot more stretching. I feel more energetic, healthy and strong than I did 20 years ago. I like your emphasis on form so that injuries can be avoided and I wear good trainers for high impact. I would encourage everyone to do what they can no matter their age as long as they have no major health issues and build up gradually.
Thanks again for this Q and A Wednesday which has made me very happy today.

Kay Tee February 12, 2015 - 2:43 pm

Hi Jessica, this is not a question but a suggestion.  I would really appreciate some short stretching routines targeted to particular parts of the body.  Eg if I did a lot of work with dumbells the previous day sometimes I would like to have a quick upper body/arms stretching routine, or if I did cardio that includes a lot of squats, just a lower body stretching routine etc.  Thanks for all your great videos, I am really enjoying working out with you!

Chiara February 14, 2015 - 10:58 am

TY, Jessica, I just watched your answer and your suggestions were really helpful. I've just turned 60 and I used to work out madly until 10 years ago. Menopause and other circumstances brought a great change into my fitness life. It's now more than two years that I exercise every day at home, mixing various routines (yours feature often). I have some issues with cardio, but now I'll try to do some LI HIIT more often and I'm going to try your LI HIIT Walk. Do you think that spinning may be a good substitute for cardio interval? Anyway, it's good to know that aging is a motivation not to slow down.

LadyWeasel Of VT February 14, 2015 - 6:15 pm

I'd like to add that if you're in pain when you exercise or pain is increasing in your daily life as you age, don't accept it as part of the aging process. Some of you have a back injury (like me) or bad knees but if you hurt for no reason you can determine, don't lay blame on your age…. go to your doctor. Chances are there are reasons, solutions and ways to get you back on track.

MJ Conner February 16, 2015 - 12:59 am

I have a question, possibly for Q & A Wednesday. Do you think it's helpful to set specific fitness goals? I'm currently exercising every day "with" you, but I don't have a specific goal (for example, to lose 5 lbs). In the past, I have set goals, but sometimes I find I sabotage them after getting discouraged that I don't reach them quickly enough. So…is it important to have goals to motivate yourself, or is routine enough? Thanks #jessicasmithtv

J Higgins February 18, 2015 - 11:45 am

Great Q&A info here.  I needed to hear this!  Some days are harder to get motivated to do the exercise that my body needs.  Got to remember those 15 min. workouts you have on those days when the motivation is low!  Gotta keep the body moving 🙂

Lisa r44inspector February 22, 2015 - 2:00 am

I have been working on my health since I turned 50 (2 years ago at 354 lbs). I cannot believe just how positively my 50+ body responds to exercising and eating healthier (now 222 lbs – 132-lb loss). At the present, I have discovered that I not only love the elliptical, but I'm addicted to it, and it really makes me feel way more energenic than coffee ever could – way way more, and no caffeine (btw, since I've cut out all caffeine, I don't have as much arthritis pain in my knees. It's still here, but not as intense, and the pain doesn't keep me awake at night). Thank you for being here Jessica! We'all need you!

khof123 November 14, 2015 - 11:21 pm

Thanks for the great article on age and exercise intensity. Along that line, do you have info on how aging changes your body-especially after menopause? I am 60, weigh the same as I did 10 years ago, have been working out everyday since in my twenties and have developed, in the last few years, a very unattractive "muffin top" and bra bulge-ugh! It is like gravity has taken over my body! I do weights, cardio, etc-nothing has changed workout wise. Is this something, along with winkles and bifocals, that I just need to accept and "get over it"? Any advice?
