Did God make us in his image, or did we make him in ours? | Mike Rashid – Mike Rashid

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This was a real convo that happened between myself and a minister, (whom I respect). This was in Las Vegas during one of my #DirtyAngels event. This is when we go to different cities and go out and feed homeless. Here’s some links of Dirty Angel events below:

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About Mike Rashid:
Mike Rashid King is a professional boxer, entrepreneur, fitness & lifestyle enthusiast.
He began boxing as an amateur at age 12, and stopped at age 21. Picked up the sport again in 2017, and turned pro as a heavyweight a year later in 2018.
Mike has also competed as a power lifter, and played many sports over the years.
Mike is into optimizing his life, by means of stressing the body and mind, and learning to deal with the stress properly.  He meditates, trains, and uses the sauna daily.
Mike runs numerous companies, The Ambrosia Collective ambrosia.mikerashid.com
Snack House Foods
And is a partner with Trifecta 
(The fastest growing meal delivery service in America)
He also runs a very successful online training business and a 30 day transformation challenge monthly in which he helps people get in the best shape of their lives: Mikerashid.com

Mike considers himself to be a ‘conscience capitalist’
His business ventures are not directly associated with how much money he can make— what motivates him is how he can make a long term difference in others lives and within society.

Did God make us in his image, or did we make him in ours? | Mike Rashid

Mike Rashid


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Jayshawn Brown March 9, 2020 - 1:34 am

I think Mike was dead on and that's why it was hard to answer his questions dude just kept saying pray about it, and when you pray you just talking to yourself. God doesn't need to you to be a weak human and pray to him all the damn time and thank him for everything just like Mike said "I don't even want to be worshiped"

Lion Heart March 11, 2020 - 5:18 pm

Mike I appreciate that youre a real man doing real things, and you are interested in deep things. Im sorry you got that impression from the Catholic church, but I encourage you as an adult to take a closer look at the church and to read about Church history. whats more common in America are protestant churches, but not in the world. Catholicism is Christianity, and directly came from the apostles thats why in every place where Christianity first came about there is either the Catholic or Orthodox church (which are in beliefs essentially the same), not protestant churches. Jesus left us the aposltes and made Peter their heads (thats why hes the first in every list of the aposltes while Judas is last, though the order of the other apostles changes). He said to you do I give the key to the kingdom of heaven and that the church would be build on him. His grave is literally under the vatican, and the Pope is the sucessor of Peter in an unbroken line. I encourage you to look at this in greater detail.

Lion Heart March 11, 2020 - 5:23 pm

Also you have a some what false understanding of what praise and worship is. Its not about just praising God, its about being in relationship with him and understanding him, this naturally causes respect and praise when you realize how good and great God is. Also, if all of this universe in its immensity was created by God there should be a natural desire in all of us to want to connect with this God, and when we do and realize this God is pure love then life has meaning that we couldve never seen before. Also, jealous in the bible is a different sense than just human jealousy, it means something deeper, that God is the almighty and when you worship idols (material things) over him its like being unfaithful in a relationship, its a slight against this immesne love that God is offering us.

Lion Heart March 11, 2020 - 5:40 pm

Also, to what does it mean for God to die on the cross for our sins. Lets take an example. A man in his youth comes from a bad background ( like you said bad circumstances can create people who do bad things) and he grows up and kills a mans family and rapes his wife in front of him and then kills the wife and him. He later repents of what he has done and totally changes his life around. The fact is he still did what he did and nothing he does can change that. In maybe smaller ways (or bigger idk) we all are guilty and deserve condemnation for our actions. These things deman real justice, an "Im sorry" just aint enough to make the situation better again. God in all his love still loves each and everyone of us despite the things that weve done, but because He is just cant ignore this and just let it go. What he does this is come and take this sin upon himself and die for us so that we can all be saved. This is why we needed the crucifixion.

T I B I S T ob March 21, 2020 - 2:33 pm

I love that this is a conversation among men! But you have to seek God with your whole entire heart! I grew up in church forced , it wasn’t till I grew up that i sought after God for myself! I had to understand and I was shown through dreams, and even awake like a day dream and the feelings my body had was real, I told no one about it! I’m sharing this hoping you read it one day !
You want respect as a man , God wants that same respect u want !
Change the word “worship” to “” acceptance & acknowledgment “, don’t allow mans interpretations to deviate you from God ! It’s a personal relationship with God ,,
Your honesty on this topic is amazing! I will always be right here ! Ready to try planta peanut butter 😘

Barry B April 7, 2020 - 3:01 pm

Great video. I think the same way, Mike. Much respect, I have to follow you now lol

Carlos Cortes April 12, 2020 - 4:24 am

Mike, you sound a lot like me. Lots of thinking and lots of questions. I get it. I went to church for years and I still found myself shaking my fist at God because I didn't "get it." The problem with my thinking is that I am human trying to fit an infinite God into my 3 lb. brain. God is not human and is waay too big for our minds but He isn't trying to fit there. Open your heart and let Him in. After many years in church and decades of confusion, I had a huge break through and a man that would never cry cried for 2 days straight. He poured out His love and took so much weight off me that I couldn't help but to praise and worship Him. Why worship? Because He is a holy God and worthy of our praise. It is done out of love. He will fill your heart so much so that it will overflow. When you do this and give Him your heart, it is a commitment for life. He gave us life AND He gave us his life because He would rather die for us than live without us. What ever you decide just know that no Christian should ever judge you. We are not to point at anyone except Jesus. If you wait to understand everything, you might wind up much like I was, not serving or following him at all. If I knew everything He would not be worth serving and I would not need faith. It is impossible without faith to please Him. Seek and keep on seeking (for life) and you will find. Knock and keep on knocking (for life) and it will be opened. Praying for you Mike.

BK Ray May 22, 2020 - 3:17 pm

I still struggle with man being the center of the universe. If god is the creator of all things why would man kind be the center of anything. There are other beings other than human beings. Why are we so arrogant believing that god singled us out of all of the beings god created to be the one being that looks like god, really? If you don't belive there are any beings other than man kind that's okay. The church believes it. In fact the church goes out of it's way to conceal it. Ask the chatholic church, I mean the vadicant, if man kind are the only known beings in the universe. Publically they will avoid that conversation. Privately they have undeniable evidence that we are not alone. Not by a long shot. There are those who do not call earth home that exist amoung us.
Crazy talk? Really? Do your homework. The evidence is quite compelling.

Dbell May 23, 2020 - 8:53 pm

This video straight fire. Questions alot people want to ask but to afraid to.

Natalie Turner May 26, 2020 - 12:53 pm

You gotta think of it like this, we are breathing God's air, we live off of His water, His animals, His vegetables, we are functioning in bodies He created. the Bible says, every good blessing we get, comes from God, and we turn around and bow down and thank other gods…other gods made out of wood, or mere people who He created….We worship the creation, instead of worshipping the Creator…Just thank Him, that He woke you up this morning, that you are still in your right mind!!!

Natalie Turner May 26, 2020 - 1:06 pm

The wages of sin is death, but, the free gift of God is Eternal Life, in Christ Jesus. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the Life, he is the only way to the Father…..1 Corinthians 15:1-4. Simply admit, you are a sinner in need of a sinner (Christ Jesus.) Believe Jesus died for all your sins past, present and future. Believe Jesus was buried and rose again on the 3rd day, according to the scriptures.

Natalie Turner May 26, 2020 - 1:15 pm

Mike the Bible says, we have all fallen short of the glory of God….NO ONE is good, no not one. All of our righteousness is as a filthy rag in the sight of God….If you have committed just one sin, your have become guilty of them all….This is why you need perfect righteousness, God provides it for you…He knew we could never keep His laws, His laws were to show us we are not capable of keeping them…This is why Jesus was sent and Jesus willing died for all your sins. 2 Corinthians 5:21 God made Jesus who knew no sin to be made your sin, so that you would be made the Righteousness of God, in him.  JUST ACCEPT THE FREE GIFT OF SALVATION….BELIEVE ON THE FINISHED WORKS OF JESUS….

Romans 10:2-4  (KJV)

2 For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge.
3 For they being ignorant of God's righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God.
4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.

John 3:5 (KJV)
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Crystal Lawrence May 31, 2020 - 11:02 pm

Man is narcissistic. We definitely made God in our image, similar to way the sun revolved around the earth until we knew better.

maximusdoomed June 3, 2020 - 3:43 pm

Damn, this discussion is real and thats what folks really need; not outta the can shit. Credit to dude that keeps coming back to the scripture and stays calm vs offended.

Tyler Legare June 6, 2020 - 7:35 pm

I think the creation of gods was an act of desperation by early humans, a sort of "rain check" on making sense of certain things. Like, wtf is lightning? We are never going to understand that for ages. What are we going to do, just stare at it in wonder? No it never goes away and sometimes it tries to kill us, lets give it a name and try to talk some reason to it, offer it some of our stuff, anything to make it stop! Caveman logical fallacies; I don't know what could've caused that so it must be a giant magical version of myself. Oh and of course my love one just died and the idea that I will never see them again is just too sad so there must be an afterlife

Gideon Israel June 8, 2020 - 7:56 pm

Mike, a false pastor DAT..
Visit Israelunite.org for proper biblical explanation!!!!

Maedrus June 8, 2020 - 9:57 pm

Have to agree to the guy in the green/blue shirt, if u wonna know what God is ask him yourself. He will let you know, if u seek for him, he says "If u take a step towards him, he will take ten towards you and if u walk towards him, he will run towards you." For me God is the programmer of the universe, the causer of every cause, the Devine Creator, we don't always understand him or his way of thinking but he can let you understand it, if u only ask him. Asking questions is ok, he will send u signs, all you need is patience and Love. The Prophets were the deliverers of the truth but we don't always keep it originally unfortunately.

JSF June 26, 2020 - 10:24 pm

What’s the minister’s name ?

Fulan Speaks August 17, 2020 - 12:03 pm

Mike..I attempted to answer your questions here bro. I hope its beneficial


Jose Velez Cuevas August 23, 2020 - 3:35 am

Imagine you give and show your child all the love you have. Then your child rejects you and tells you that he doesn’t want you to be his father anymore. Then goes to the lowlife down the street who lets them get away with whatever behavior they want: drug abuse, fornication, stealing, lying, violence, conning people, etc. and then calls that person their father. Then think of how you’d feel as their father. That’s not a lowly jealousy. It’s an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.

Jose Velez Cuevas August 23, 2020 - 3:53 am

What a missed opportunity to give Mike the Gospel… humans have fallen short to the righteousness of God. Think about it, have you ever lied, cheated, stolen, been angry or wished harm to another, lusted or fornicated, used God’s holy name in vain? A holy and righteous God must deliver justice to evil. Humans are all sinners, meaning evil, no exceptions. God is one and three at the same time. The Father, Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. To make justice God came as Jesus and was perfect before the Father. He took justice in place of us. The cup of God’s wrath (as the father) was poured on him when he died on the cross. Jesus had to be perfect to sacrifice himself because any sin would tarnish the wages needed to fulfill the debt we had. The Holy Spirit is sent down to us as a comforter to guide us until the return of Jesus. We no longer have to worry about justice being served to us as believers. However that doesn’t mean we should continue to do sin or evil. We turn away from our evil and sin because we see things the way God saw it, repenting and putting our faith in what Jesus fulfilled on the cross. We do good things because we are filled with the Holy Spirit the same way a sail is filled with wind. Carrying forward and battling our flesh until we come home to the Lord.

James Williams April 2, 2021 - 1:16 pm

Its more people walking around with some of your same feelings and thoughts about Christianity that have either been thought to not question God or taught themselves to not question. This can lead to a real confliction in how one should build upon their faith. I appreciate this video, because at first I didnt know how to take it but after I watched it to the end, I get it on both sides. We need more honest open conversations like this; One sided conversations do more harm than good.

Courtney Evans May 27, 2021 - 9:25 am

Nothing against that Pastor but throwing a bunch of scriptures at Mike might not have been the best approach. I'm a believer and it almost felt like nails on a chalkboard watching this. He needed to come from a more practical approach. Like "Yes God Is a jealous God, how would you feel if your kids were spending time with another dude and calling them daddy?" In The Word thats Idol worship. God said "I Will have no other Gods before me (Exodus 20:3). Keep seeking Mike. You are on the right path. Jesus is Definately The Way The Truth and The Life. No other name has been given to man by which we must be saved (Acts 4:12). NOBODY else died for our sins and paid the ultimate price bro. Seek Him while He may still be found my brother. With your head AND your heart. God Bless and be encouraged.
