Can You “Spot” the Problem? – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Did you ever wonder whether using a spot when lifting would have gotten you more gains in the long run than having not used one? If so, then this video is for you. Here I’m answering a common question of whether or not spotting helps to make gains or hurts muscle and strength gains over time.

To do this, I’m answering one of the viewer’s questions as part of AX Jeff.

Here, Albert Hansen asks:

“Jeff what’s your opinion on spotting? I’m a bit of an old school guy and I tend to never want someone to touch the bar when I’m lifting but am I being too stubborn for my own good?”

There are really three criteria that needs to be addressed when answering this question and those are the load, goal and the experience of the lifter utilizing the spot.

Let’s start with experience.

I’m a firm believer that beginners should never employ the use of a spot for any reason other than ensuring safety on a lift or to assist with perhaps the lift off portion of a bench press (the immaterial part of the exercise). The reason for this is clear. Beginners often times rush to get under a barbell without first having any control at all of even their own body in space. Attempting to control their body holding an implement is simply taking a step out of order.

What makes this really bad however is when this step is made and the person doing the lift isn’t even the lifter themselves – but their spotter. If your spotter is doing more work than you are then you are never going to build the foundational strength needed to make solid gains down the road.

That said, I often times recommend that early beginners spend a short time training with bodyweight and learning how to command their body in space before even moving onto weights. This doesn’t have to take a long time as I said. Sometimes, more athletically gifted trainees can speed through this period if they have great body awareness and natural strength. Too often however, this phase is skipped and the person winds up paying for skipping it in the form of unsafe and unstable lifting technique for the rest of their lifting lives.

What is even worse than having someone that spots too much however is getting bad spots from people. As we have seen many times before, this can actually take a situation that is ineffective and it can quickly make it downright dangerous.

Of course, the load being used is a critical part of whether a spot is necessary, since I believe there are definitely times when one is warranted.

At high loads, not only is it recommended but it is imperative that spotters be present in order to minimize the dangers if something were to inexplicably go wrong. All you have to do is look at the recent Ryan Crowley incident to see how fortunate he was that he had spotters in place to minimize what could have turned disastrous.

On the other end of the spectrum however is the overuse of spots on submaximal loads.

Beginners will often times have their workout partners spot almost every rep of every set. This is often times used as a way for them to feel as if they are lifting heavier and heavier weights. If the spotter is doing all the lifting though, it really isn’t increasing the overall load at all.

Which does bring us to training goal however.

If you are looking to build more muscle and wonder whether getting a spot can be helpful, it absolutely can. Having someone there to help you perform forced reps for example can be a great way to induce more overload and force new size gains.

When training for strength on the other hand the waters become a bit muddier. Some purists will say to never touch the bar other than to help get it back to the rack and prevent a disaster as noted above. Others will say, the slight assistance near the sticking point is a great way to help the lifter grind through this part of the lift and continue to build strength through the rest of the range of motion. This of course, would be used judiciously.

Ultimately, there are advantages and disadvantages when it comes to spotting during a workout. You are going to be the judge when push comes to shove. Be sure to sound off in the comments below and let me know your thoughts on spotting.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a complete step by step program to build muscle and strength at home (without needing a spotter if you don’t want one), be sure to head to via the link below. Start training like an athlete and build ripped athletic muscle in the next 90 days.

For more videos on how to increase your bench press and the best way to build muscle without spotting, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel via the link below and remember to turn on your notifications so you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ April 15, 2021 - 5:18 pm

NOTIFICATION SQUAD GIVEAWAY – It’s back!! Alright guys, I’m giving away a complete 30 Day Workout program to 100 lucky clickers within the first hour this video is published! Remember, this is NOT THE FIRST 100, but those randomly selected within the first hour the video is published. Click the link to see if you’ve won. No strings attached!

If you don’t win, no worries, you’re not going away empty handed. Just be sure you have your notifications turned on so you can get to my next video quickly and try again. Good luck and thanks for being a loyal subscriber…

Matthew Persaud April 28, 2021 - 12:34 am

This was hilarious!

Lorenzo Eguzquiza April 28, 2021 - 9:49 pm

Jeff I would like to tell you what to do if I want to move my back muscles in any exercise but I move my scapula and literally almost the entire spine is noticeable

Ivan Puebla April 29, 2021 - 10:55 am

Hi Jeff, I'm Ivan from Argentina. Thank you man you have changed my way of training. I have a question for this section: I know someone who has chondromalancia patella..does that mean he can't do squats anymore? What strengthening and therapy exercises could you recommend? Thanks again!

Academic English Skills April 30, 2021 - 7:13 am

That clip at 4.29m, does that guy's pec pop out!? WFT??

Amphilochus of Mallus May 1, 2021 - 1:13 pm

Running low on ideas huh?

Noah James May 1, 2021 - 10:43 pm

Jeff: Okay now Jesse back into the basement u go!
Jesse: okay. 🥰

Alain Hernandez May 2, 2021 - 3:19 pm

How to increase my vertical jump with gym?

akshat ayyagari May 3, 2021 - 10:11 pm

Hey Jeff….. Can you talk about agonist and antagonist muscle groups and how to pair them in making good training programs since allota muscle groups get overlooked in weight training

A C4th May 8, 2021 - 3:44 am

For me a spotter is only there to save my life if something goes wrong – I don't trust a guy standing over me to be any use – I need a person at each end of the bar. Never give me the bar, if I can't lift it off the rack by myself I've no business trying to rep it.

ThiefOfNavarre May 12, 2021 - 5:35 pm

I'm lucky enough to have spotters who actually know what they are doing 🙏

RyleyRehab May 17, 2021 - 11:18 pm

As rippletoe once said "For some people bench pressing is a 2 person activity. The man on the bench is working his chest, and the man standing up is working his traps"

terra___photo May 18, 2021 - 4:00 pm

THIS OPENING HAD ME DYIN’!!! Man! Watching y’all over the last 6 years has been such a treat! I’ve never gone to anyone else for advice and good comedic relief in the seriousness of Jeff’s mentality lol keep this stuff comin’! 😂🤣

Ismail Ridwan May 20, 2021 - 5:43 am

When Jeff overtrained, the weight got injured.

Someguyonyoutube May 21, 2021 - 12:58 pm

We all know Jeff is not a national treasure 😏
He's an international treasure!

Alex Young May 23, 2021 - 5:56 pm

Jesse is the Declaration of Independence, Jeff is the map to Gainesville on the back of it.

Piyush Sharma May 25, 2021 - 10:47 pm

Those intros are sick

BulletproofBasketball May 25, 2021 - 11:36 pm

I think a spotter is good when I going for a weight I haven't benched before and they only touch the bar when I say, I don't even wanna see their hands unless I say I need help

Luka May 28, 2021 - 3:50 pm

F tht weight right in the ass" xD

-B -k June 2, 2021 - 2:07 pm

If I have to make a purchase between incline bench press and common bench (the horizontal without incline) … which would be better? Not in price but in number of exercises?

Lee Ljubic June 5, 2021 - 9:37 pm

This is SO fucking true. If I have to ask strangers for a spot they're always eager beavers. Like dude, get your hands off the bar, and don't grab and lift the whole thing the moment you see me exert myself the slightest bit. This is my set, not yours.

Leslie Wood June 8, 2021 - 9:57 pm

The best intro ever.

Jeri Yonka June 8, 2021 - 10:24 pm


SCOTTSON June 12, 2021 - 12:09 pm

This video is brilliant! “Don’t ever put your balls in my face again” 😂

Bonanza And Son June 12, 2021 - 3:06 pm

F*ck those weights right in the A$$ – Classic.

Jay Hooks June 14, 2021 - 1:17 am

He dried scooped him. Lol 😂

the Grunch June 16, 2021 - 4:37 am

4:12 urgh that chest tear damn

Axel Smolen June 17, 2021 - 2:27 am

Hey Jeff and Jesse im just getting into working out in a gym setting with free weights and compound lifts. Im doing the Perfect PPL series you guys have recently released and was hoping for input on the underhand DB bench. It seems like my wrists don't appreciate the bend and i struggled really bad with it. Actually I scrapped it for a normal DB bench. Is there an alternative lift i can throw in that spot??? Thanx for all the videos and inspiration. Athlean X is the best channel for information, education, AND comedy. Keep it coming!!

Don Woodward June 21, 2021 - 9:47 am

Can you spot me? I hate asking that (somewhat awkward) question to a stranger. It's like saying "can we spend the next 10 or 15 minutes together?" 😆

Giovanni Foulmouth June 27, 2021 - 10:54 am

How do I get someone to spot me during my push-ups?

Giovanni Foulmouth June 27, 2021 - 10:57 am

I need a spotter like Jesse to tell me to *** that weight in the *** ***

solat hussain June 27, 2021 - 11:16 am

Kindly put a powerlifting splits for powerlifting beginners, I have never done powerlifting, and have a bodybuilding experience of 2 years. Thank you

yağız yalçıntaş July 4, 2021 - 8:51 am

May be the first time i laughed my ass off, you guys are getting better! after 12 million subs it was about time😅

jrch mgn July 8, 2021 - 4:36 am

Don't let the spotter steal your rep.

Juliano De Carvalho July 8, 2021 - 12:23 pm

LMFAO 😂 😂 😂

Machew July 10, 2021 - 2:34 am

I don't fail reps…

Mike July 20, 2021 - 1:23 am

Balls in the face resulted in Jeff attacking Jessie's beard with garden sheers LOL

Cartman July 29, 2021 - 7:07 pm

Around 10 years ago my workout partner who was one of my best friends, is a bit deaf so he don't hear too well. So while I'm benchpressing the man started looked around and while I was in need for help and tried to let him know he didn't hear me 🤣 that was a weird situation but in the end he did look at me but it was almost too late
