Best CORE Exercise You’re NOT Doing (9 out of 10 miss this!) – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

Forgetting other key core exercises? Stop doing that.

There are so many core exercises for you to throw into your abs and core workouts, but you’re likely missing this one. You see, most think that the only way to work the abs and get a six pack is by doing the traditional crunch and core exercises. They overlook the value of exercises that don’t actually involve crunching or even moving the ab muscles!

In this video, I show you one of the most overlooked killer core exercises that you can be doing. The best part? It involves only a couple dumbbells and some room to walk.

With the farmer’s carry or walk, you hold two heavy dumbbells at your side and contract your abs and obliques to maintain an upright posture and core as you attempt to walk as far as you can. The thing about this under appreciated abs exercise is that most are missing out on how to make it even better!

You can improve this core crusher by holding dumbbells of differing weights in your hands. This challenges your abdominals to stabilize against the asymmetrical loading and the tendency of the trunk to bend towards the side of the heavier dumbbell.

Want to make it even more of an insane core challenge? Alter the elevation of the load as well. You can do this by holding one dumbbell over your head and the other one at your side while attempting to walk the same distance. You may want to start off a bit lighter on this if this is your first attempt.

For more complete ab workouts using exercises that you may never have seen or tried (while building a ripped athletic midsection and core) head to and get your athlean x training system.

For other core exercises and complete ab workouts, as well as nutrition tips to lower your body fat, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at


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陳思安Adams May 15, 2018 - 5:49 am

Jeff in this video you had demo on left and right hand imbalance dumbbell weight. so does this theory work on i only carry a dumbbell on one hand and do the farmer walk ?

Paul Ladendorf June 23, 2018 - 3:41 pm

That overhead version looks extremely dangerous.

Paul Ladendorf June 23, 2018 - 4:20 pm

Just did this and it definitely works the upper traps and the delts too.

wellito92 June 25, 2018 - 6:00 pm

#Noceilings S/O weezy F

Prasant Chetry July 26, 2018 - 2:00 pm

this is the best jeff i have ever seen

Jhon__ August 20, 2018 - 1:55 pm

what could i use for dumbbells at home

Nguyễn Sơn Hải September 30, 2018 - 2:20 pm

This guy really has a huge passion of what he’s doing @@

Mohammed October 4, 2018 - 7:24 pm

Ok i hope someone sees this. So i have this thought of having a weak core. I do a lot of core workout and im rly good at them. Another point is i can easily take a full force punch from anyone to my abs, and not feel pain at all. I mean it is good and all and i've been assured that my core is strong but the issue is, i am about 17% body fat, and feel like my abs are just one big flap. Is it because of the fat that i see no visible abs whatsoever? Or is it that my abs arent defined due to weakness in my core? Help please

Aldair Dilone October 15, 2018 - 2:12 am

Hey Jeff, do you extend the elbow all the way or just slightly bend it a little?

Arthur Curry October 17, 2018 - 10:24 pm

Great benefits from this simple exercise. Thanks for the video.

Daniel Madar December 2, 2018 - 11:55 am

Need to do another video on farmer's walk, being more explicit about back/posture/core.

Edward Leas February 2, 2019 - 4:23 pm

Youtube keeps suggesting abdominal workouts like it knows I'm just vegitating on the couch!
How does it know?

Anonymous squirrel March 14, 2019 - 10:53 pm

what are thos

VietNoodleSoup April 8, 2019 - 2:46 pm

Does this excersise train your traps too?

arch stanton May 5, 2019 - 11:46 am

This man is a fitness genius plain & simple

Orlando Lindsay May 11, 2019 - 3:43 am

Jeff look mad different now

SvitjodTV July 17, 2019 - 9:22 am

Jeff is just great! Ordered a t-shirt, but it was unfortunately sold out. However he just took the shirt he was wearing, stuffed it in a box and shipped it straight away. I'm told it's a regular thing. #goodguyjeff

swami dude July 27, 2019 - 11:12 am

I always workout close to the dumbells, guess Im now gonna workout further from them and use the walk as a training as well xd

Marc Ramirez August 6, 2019 - 4:15 am

one of the benefits about being short is you are not to tall for things.

Hoon Sohn August 12, 2019 - 9:36 am

Jeff @athleanx could you please weigh in – – are farmer's carry dangerous to the spine as this video states? Thank you.

J.M .B September 25, 2019 - 12:17 am

I wonder if I could do the farmer's walk with a herniated lower back disc, I workout regularly but I have my limits.

Zetsuke4 November 21, 2019 - 11:08 am

2:08 jeff hits the ceiling funnier than every new video intro combined

Phillip Fogle December 6, 2019 - 12:29 am

Why is Jeff so tan in this lmao

Anita Verma January 23, 2020 - 6:50 am

For great abs
Just hit your ceiling with a dumbell
Like Jeff

Isaac Taylor May 21, 2020 - 2:11 am

The fact that he keeps his videos short and gives you a lot of information is great

T- REX July 23, 2020 - 7:36 am


A August 29, 2020 - 5:55 am


Troy TheMighty September 4, 2020 - 2:21 am

Okay? Asymmetrically load myself? I’ll put two 45s and one 25 on the bar on my bench

R AR October 14, 2020 - 7:54 pm

Do you need to do the walk back? Or can I do this on a treadmill?

MemeLegacy October 31, 2020 - 7:21 pm

2:10 very important tip

WeenerDawg November 25, 2020 - 12:56 pm

is this better then the Unilateral DB Farme Carrie?

Fikunmi Ajayi March 28, 2021 - 7:27 pm

Gold solid gold

Thomas Re September 7, 2021 - 9:46 pm

u forgot single farmers walk to work your oblique and core. But this is a old video

gregg hardman October 10, 2021 - 2:18 am

How much less effective is the carry if you don't walk? I have dumbbells, but very little walking room in my apt.
