by YouTube Team

#ArnoldClassic #Australia #Bodybuilding
The Arnold Classic Australia has officially been cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns.
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Nick's Strength and Power March 14, 2020 - 8:47 pm

What are YOUR ideas for an online bodybuilding contest to replace all these cancelled shows for the fans?

Mick Sowden March 15, 2020 - 9:04 am

It's not just bodybuilding that's suffering in the sports world, so let's just do the best thing for the health of the population and keep ourselves reasonably isolated. We're are all paying the price, in some way or another. Let's just get this year over this and think about resuming the bodybuilding scene in 2021. Sounds drastic but it surely isn't going away any time soon!

Steve Welsh March 15, 2020 - 9:48 am

Brilliant idea Nick. With people self-isolating, entertainment to keep spirits up is more valid than ever. Get these guys training hard and posing.

Radu Ardeleanu March 15, 2020 - 9:58 am

We can writte off all sports events this year . With everything closed , and mass hysteria the crisis that will follow will be much wors than what we had in 2009 . You can't keep the world economy going with all the people sitting in their homes ,and jerking off …

Douglas Guzman March 15, 2020 - 10:10 am

Great idea nick but I don’t think it should be fan voting . Everyone would end up voting for Patrick Moore even if he isn’t the rightful winner . Maybe have a few judges or other pros critique and judge the physiques on a live stream with you.

Ipoopedmypants March 15, 2020 - 10:57 am

Love the idea of an online competition but these guys are ifbb pros. IFBB comes down hard on its pros competing anywhere else

Elogamer March 15, 2020 - 11:25 am

332nd, Hi Nick!

Roland Soós March 15, 2020 - 11:37 am

Fak this Big ramy will never win:(

JPFitness March 15, 2020 - 12:20 pm

Man I have a show to do in April 11 I hope they don’t cancel it it’s in Vegas

keep going keep pushing March 15, 2020 - 12:24 pm

Bring together a panel of respectable judges, Nick, you included! And allow the people's vote as well. Way to contribute to the sport thanks for what you do

D RAVER March 15, 2020 - 12:29 pm

I think what ever you raise redcon1 should match very good publicity for them and would be a super kool thing to do from them

Ein EIne March 15, 2020 - 12:36 pm


Duncan 405 March 15, 2020 - 12:59 pm

Nick’s Strength and Power, great idea! It’s your money, you have your channel because of us and the body builders. We should have half the vote and you have the other half of vote because your the subject matter expect. Not so much the viewers for your channel, experienced maybe but that’s why we should split the votes. Keep it up Nick! Thanks!

Omri Sackstein March 15, 2020 - 1:28 pm

Man…I was hoping to see Blessing Awodibu…

Alex Miamorsch March 15, 2020 - 2:09 pm

Nick's Corona Classics incoming

wolololer March 15, 2020 - 2:23 pm

online competition sucks, if u cant see the athletes side by side, it is useless

zwick&zwack March 15, 2020 - 2:54 pm

Nick, Du bist der beste Mann!!!! Online Voting is the best idea to compensate the missing spring season. Kind regards from Germany.

DANA SAEED March 15, 2020 - 4:02 pm

It's Better For Everyone Stay Safe!

Nick Fury March 15, 2020 - 4:56 pm

For Josh it Dont matter. He Will be dead last again with thay baby baloon physique

Rushank Joshi March 15, 2020 - 4:56 pm

I think the way you did the golden era competition. Like you launched the clothing to raise the price money for that show you can do that same thing. Instead of golden era you can do anything from bodybuilding.

Rushank Joshi March 15, 2020 - 5:02 pm

In terms of award you can give
Most muscular award
Biggest freak
Most conditioned bodybuilder
Most aesthetic
Best posing
Best shape
Best wheels award
Best back award since most shows are won from the back like 2001 olympia

My pfp is what our phone sees March 15, 2020 - 5:03 pm

F in chat for those bodybuilders who trained so hard for this event.

Mitos Flashen March 15, 2020 - 5:12 pm

Human decitions is killing more then the actual virus

WillColeman1992 March 15, 2020 - 5:35 pm

Great Idea! You would be an awesome and unbiased judge of the entries. Therefore, I'd be for you judging the bodybuilders. My only concern is the problem that not having the athletics in the same frame for side by side comparisons would present. Just a thought. Thanks!

Reyes Automotive March 15, 2020 - 6:31 pm

Bodybuilding is dead anyways

Omkar Patil March 15, 2020 - 6:53 pm

cool man..

Og Milosevic March 15, 2020 - 6:54 pm

Great idea Nick! Full support!

Omkar Patil March 15, 2020 - 7:00 pm

Do a posing competition in which make all the mandatory poses compulsory..
Don't give 100% voting in the hands of people..
First you see all this athletes give your your votes..
and then in the same video tell people to start voting..
I'll be killer computation that way..💪😎

Munditimum Mosu March 15, 2020 - 7:16 pm

Nick..this is a brilliant idea…however, one has to be careful of the "camera tricks" when posing…so maybe to have a "live" platform in order to line the boys and girls up to do this will be great. Again, not to put a hamper on your thought, which is awesome…but it has to be developed a little bit. In my humble opinion, this People's Champion suggestion of yours is a much more powerful representation of the truth regarding who we think is the best, rather than a few fudges/judges who have to abide by their own beliefs and political agenda that may not be apparent on the surface to us mortals. Cheers.

Ussama Tayub March 15, 2020 - 7:33 pm

i say first reach out to the lineup and see whos up for this comp. so you have a rough figure then if it is 5 or less just get a posong rputine from them hittong the mandatproes and we can vote

Marinus Van Stolk March 15, 2020 - 7:48 pm

I don’t know if you know yet but the expo was canceled a few hours ago as well.

Coby Stonecypher March 15, 2020 - 8:34 pm

Doherty's gym is a good place( Dave Pulombo) his idea is great.

Sahil jainwal March 15, 2020 - 8:41 pm

Corona Virus is spreading out everywhere, so it's time to take a step back n relax.

Zahnarztification March 15, 2020 - 9:23 pm

„Corona Pro“ making the icon a sun 😄

Luckas March 16, 2020 - 12:57 am

Brazil has been postponed… 😐

Mike Churchill March 16, 2020 - 2:28 am

Do 2 separate videos with 5 bodybuilders in each then cut it down to a third video after the top 3-5 have been voted on and proceed from there. I’d love to watch it online.

ViPERUCIA March 16, 2020 - 6:45 am

hehe…if the fans can vote Big Ramy have a chance to win :)))

Herculs Satan March 16, 2020 - 7:17 am

One way of getting all the bodybuilders involved could be to have them all submit a posing video, and then, you can do the inital judging and separate them into "callouts", so to speak, and then allow the fans to judge the order within the callouts. If there was an overwhelming push to have a bodybuilder shifted from one callout to another, that wouldn't be too hard.

Adding to that, you could potentially have a two round system where the bodybuilders submit two videos several hours apart, as well as a posing routine, etc, and they could all be judged. That might be a bit much tho for an impromptu online competition, so maybe just stick to singular posing videos.

MrProject100 March 16, 2020 - 7:50 am

Dude if we all donated a dollar we could make it worth their while ! I think an online version of these guys competing would be perfect

CodMan951 March 16, 2020 - 10:36 am

I think this is a great idea having the internet competition. It is too bad you could not get some sponsors to partner up with you to offer more money and prizes to the winners. I'm not saying that what you are offering is not more than generous, it would just be nice to see a bigger amount of prize money for these athletes. Heck, the IFbb should get involved too, it would help compensate these bodybuilders for all their work and effort. Maybe Redcon1 and other supplement companies may be interested in sponsoring something like this, you do get a lot of people watching your videos.

Mark Foster March 16, 2020 - 12:28 pm

I applaud your initiative on this, Nick.

Bryan Klaus March 16, 2020 - 9:45 pm

We doing this online or what, Nick?
