Ben Pakulski says not to eat carbs Pre-Workout – Nick’s Strength and Power

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Ben Pakulski says it’s bad to eat carbs pre-workout, what do you think about carb timing?


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Miicrowahvei May 24, 2015 - 8:51 pm

Ben Pakulski forgot the fact that people have different bodies; just because carbs before workout doesn't work for him, it doesn't mean everyone else should stop eating carbs before the gym. Plus, I really don't believe he is any more of an expert than any other pro bodybuilder.

Zack The PokeTeacher May 26, 2015 - 3:27 pm

Until pakulski beats Phil Heath or even cracks the top 6 in the Olympia I'm gonna believe Phil over Ben Pakulski

Jerome Simon May 29, 2015 - 7:31 am

Ben pakulski has the charisma equal to a science text book. And he winders why no one wants him respresenting shit.

TRAVISVANZUIDEN October 23, 2015 - 8:52 am

1) All of the IBBF PROS are on juice anyways so they can eat whatever they want. 2) 90% of the nutritional advice we have been forced to learn over the last 50yrs is scientifically wrong. So to have a bunch of hand-me-down information from old crusty training coaches they just teach what they were taught is wrong as well. Dr. Jacob Wilson has plenty of VLOGS explaining the science behind "carb timing" and he works directly with Ben. Further more think of the biological process. You take carbs preworkout to fuel your muscles with glycogen for energy, but if your are like 90% of Americans, you have plenty of stored glycogen already. So what is the point of consistently overfilling your gas tank if its already full??

Kimura February 9, 2016 - 7:12 am

People shouldn't base information on who says it, (like phil heath vs ben pakulski) but they should look behind the research, carbohydrates actually release more serotonin via insulin secretion, so the opposite of what ben pakulski said.

Jeremy Sommerfeldt October 27, 2017 - 2:11 pm

Ben advocates for intra and post workout carbohydrates. He also teaches this with the idea that we want to maintain an ideal body composition and not get fat. Carb loading as you describe it is after a depletion, i.e. pre contest for bodybuilders and wrestlers. For someone who is not depleting it would be optimal to only have carbs (fast digesting) intra and postworkout once muscular glycogen has been somewhat used and glut4 is activated. Insulin sensitivity is also very high here. The amount of glycogen used during the average guys workout is not nearly as much as people try to replace which is why "bulkers" get fat. Women use even less glycogen than men do. Now the argument for slow digesting carbs two or more hours preworkout is reasonable. But we also want our guts somewhat clear of food so that blood isn't being diverted to our intestines for digestion.

Shadowboxe December 1, 2017 - 4:29 am

Intra-workout drinks are for insulin users primarily, I would have thought. Pre work a light protein and carbs combo, post workout protein and carbs combo. Having protein and carbs available for the muscle both pre and post workout makes more sense.

Karen B. March 28, 2018 - 2:45 am

Nutrition is not one size fits all, what works for one person may not work for another person. Everyone’s nutrition needs are different depending on genetics, activity/life style and goals. I have carbs pre & post workout the no carb approach does not work for me.

Chuck Zamzow April 23, 2018 - 5:18 am

Tried and true for me I eat a majority of my carbs before and after, I do fasting cardio and I do remember after workout is crucial to eat a fast carb with protein so estrogen levels can stay low and test levels go up.

Mercy Black April 24, 2018 - 5:38 pm

Consuming energy before activities that require energy is always a good idea.

Zeus ___ April 26, 2018 - 6:55 am

bro i didnt even get no scientific shit he said but all i know and been thought is eat big to get big and train big to get big but in your training it must be an hour or 2 and that hour or 2 train big heavy watver suits BIG

Con Gavril May 1, 2018 - 4:15 am

I've been training without carbs for the last 15 months and have lost 46 pounds of mostly fat and water and I'm only 172 cms

R.E. June 18, 2018 - 4:28 am

You NEED carbs. Solid food source carbs should be eaten 2 hrs before a workout, BUT, if you take KARBOLYN which is a molecular carbohydrate, its absorbed in 5 minutes, and ready to use for your workout in 15 to 30 min AFTER. NO BLOATING!

Console Failure February 20, 2019 - 12:52 am

I always do high fat high protein pre workout no carbs. I find my focus and energy is far greater vs if I had carbs which usually resorts in me crashing half way through the workout and falling asleep. Ben is a very knowledgable guy and would choose to learn and follow his advice rather than Heath but that's just my own two cents 🙂

Michael Spencer December 26, 2020 - 1:53 am

Stop over complicating the process. Eat more to grow muscle. Eat less to shed fat. Train hard. Eat relatively clean. Carb timing is too nuanced and irrelevant for most people unless you are an elite level bodybuilder or athlete.
