Brian’s new tri-sets HIIT workout is three times the fun of a regular HIIT routine 😉
Each tri-set in this routine touches on strength, core, and cardio. You’ll work through both plyometric and strength-focused exercises to target your upper body, lower body, and core. Warning: this workout contains a fan-favorite exercise. Here’s a hint: 🐻
#shorts #workoutcomplete #workoutmotivation #fitnessmindset
Great family of trainers! Great growth in this channel over the years!
Still recovering from my ankle injury… to be honest, I thought it would be healed by now… I guess I was wrong. I have to wait a little bit longer to start training again!
My goals are to be a bit gentler to my body this year. More mobility/stretching, breathing, and trusting that the strength gains will follow!
My 4 month old hasn’t given me a lot of time to train this year but we’re starting to do sit ups and stuff together and I’ve done a few bodyweight plus baby legs
I used to do a lot of high intensity/high impact workouts. And find I have no energy after that to do anything else. I’m going to pace myself a bit this year. Aiming for more sustainable growth 💜
My goal has been to increase strength while maintaining a consistent core / mobility routine.
This time last year, I got way overly-ambitious with pushing myself to lift heavier without having the core strength to do so safely. I hurt my back, and had to step back from lifting weights for a bit as I healed. That back injury took over six months to heal, but it was a blessing in disguise because I learned a valuable lesson. Core strength and stability isn't "optional", you need it to do more compound movements safely. I spent several months doing the "boring" core work and focused heavily on strengthening my lower back as my injury would allow. Now, one year later, I am not only back to where I was before the injury but can safely push myself to get stronger little-by-little, always making sure my supporting muscle groups can handle the load and ensuring my form is *perfect*. If either of those things are missing, I back off. One year after my injury I hit a personal record for squats 🎊🎈 It felt amazing!!!
My goal for 2023 was to create a sustainable exercise routine for myself. I'm always starting and stopping. I'm now on week 10 and exercising 3 times a week with Fitness Blender! So proud of myself