I actually train calves sometimes…. – Nick’s Strength and Power

by YouTube Team

Yes, I do train my calves. Typically 3x a week equating to 1000-1500 reps per week of calf raises. Be it machine or just bodyweight.


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peter olley June 24, 2016 - 6:01 pm

I stopped training a year ago but before that I trained on and off all my life calves was my obsession mainly because they are a serious weak point for me , over the years I have tried every possible heavy light high reps low reps heavy drop sets you name it and all with crazy intensity ,, my workout would always start with calves I tried every day every other day twice a weak three times a week I shocked them and give it 100%, pain and burning calves was what i strived for not ever did give up ,, my calve session was ten times more intense than anything ive ever seen anywhere and guess what they never really changed enough to stand out from the crowd I put about two and half inches on them but that wasn't all muscle it was water and fat from my fat to high carb diet . so basically it's so true when they say calves are a genetic thing 🙁 it's so annoying because without decent calves it looks stupid with the rest of the body looking good hence why I gave up training and lost all my gains but at least now my calves match my average body !!!!

Herbinator_88 July 22, 2017 - 1:34 pm

To paraphrase Arnold from Arnold's "Education of a Bodybuilder"…. who said that if you saw a guy at the beach with huge quads and skinny calves, you'd say that the guy had legs….but… if you saw a guy with mediocre quads and terrific calves, you'd say the guy has great legs. I agree 110% with that statement. While I realize that calves are genetic, I fail to understand why in the modern era, the calves are no longer emphasized and horrible calves (OMG…Dennis Wolf has the worst calves I've ever seen on a mass monster) don't necessarily cause a competitor to "lose points." Calves, just like the V-Taper, are a thing of the past it seems.

Junior Dolce August 26, 2017 - 8:02 pm

I'm only doing around 200. I Already have high insertions. No wonder my calves sucks. How often you train calves?
