Don’t Forget about Justin Compton – Nick’s Strength and Power

by YouTube Team

A lot of people have been writing off Justin Compton but I think he still has potential.
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Anthony September 22, 2017 - 7:43 pm

6x Mr. Olympia lol 😉 …. man JC is fkn badass. Don't want to be a killjoy but is it really healthy at his age and all that muscularity , I just keep thinking of Dallas. Rip.

TheTexasViper September 22, 2017 - 7:44 pm

That Vette ruined the video bruh!

Thomas Jones September 22, 2017 - 7:52 pm

We all got muscle memory but to gain and repair so quick to that level gotta be ( insulin , gh etc that's just how they roll

Dark Matter September 22, 2017 - 8:10 pm

Jesus H Christ, I've never heard of anyone putting on that much muscle that quickly. Even with the juice that's superhuman.

Vw lover September 22, 2017 - 8:19 pm

Can a vegan be a Body builder!

PEPE September 22, 2017 - 9:49 pm

He should aim at classic physique fuck all that donkey all out bodybuilding shit it ain't healthy and it looks disgusting

Anth Scott September 22, 2017 - 10:17 pm

I've always been a fan of his , he has great lines a great dense muscle belly's , he will be back stronger than ever, look at what Denis wolf has been through and he's back training hard , We need these types of pleasing physics on stage.

Allan Bilodeau September 22, 2017 - 10:17 pm

Has a potential top 6 physique. Just has to continue making improvements; chest is a weak body part, for him.

Thomas Reed September 22, 2017 - 10:22 pm

Gaining size is easy when you're on a ton of drugs

DCJayhawk57 September 22, 2017 - 11:26 pm

Good opportunity for him to switch to classic physique before the bubble gut starts to show.

Rashid Omar September 23, 2017 - 12:07 am

Phil Heath 6x Mr Olympia..I see what you did there….Nice.

mike o'neill September 23, 2017 - 12:14 am

Nick, advert at the start of this vid for me, for Nickelodeon. Thought you want to know, I know your trying to figure how they got their paid vids ets.

sam the man September 23, 2017 - 1:36 am

No wonder he was sick because he was putting much mass so fast and we all know that you don;t put that clean mass fast by eating meat and chicken only….

Dave Blichmann September 23, 2017 - 1:38 am

What a lot of people nowadays don't realize is that lots of old school bodybuilders would only be big and in shape for a contest and some of them only once a year. They would come off all gear for long periods and then would respond fantastically when they went back on. Their bodys did not have to be stressed by year round gear use.

Mitchell Jack September 23, 2017 - 5:08 am

Do a video where if you put every Mr Olympia winner on stage in their prime… who would win???

Spartan Aaron September 23, 2017 - 10:15 am

his name is Justin Compton and his collar stays poppin'

Joakim Knutsson September 23, 2017 - 6:18 pm

I Think he had muscular development

TICecko September 24, 2017 - 10:14 am

He's done competing, he's called it a day because of that illness

TICecko September 24, 2017 - 10:17 am

He had an infection in his colon which was sped up because of the gear he was on, he can never compete again Nick so don't count on him coming back

A T September 24, 2017 - 2:01 pm

He put on loads of muscle and fucked his body physiologically. If he tries to do that again he'll wreck it more. Not sure why you don't address the connection to his ability to put on size quickly and the fact he's now ill!?

Pierced From Within September 27, 2017 - 8:52 pm

He was one of my favorites when he was on.. I wish him the best and hope to see him return

StrongIsTheGoal November 5, 2017 - 2:33 am

I remember first time i saw him at Fitness Solutions in Winchester ky. He was on the elliptical and he was huge i saw just his arm. Great dude talk to while he was winning his pro debut i was in Georgetown ky competing in a powerlifting meet and his friend was tracking him before we left for the night Justin had won and he and i both won our parts of the meet. I hope he does come back and in good health

Shadowboxe February 8, 2018 - 1:45 am

He was known for getting too big too fast, just like Dallas. He was heading in the same direction as Dallas, but unlike Dallas, he took his foot off the gas and lived, otherwise he would have ended up like Kentuky fried Chicken. And if he's smart he'll stay away and be healthy.

Cam David March 8, 2018 - 12:26 am

Got to meet this guy a few weeks ago. Great guy!

Brian Lloyd July 14, 2018 - 7:42 pm

I go to the same gym as him

richard bronger October 29, 2018 - 10:44 pm

agree 100, Justin has all the potential in the world , look forward to seeing him back onstage

johnie bobonica April 12, 2019 - 1:19 pm

Hanny and Justin never worked together.
And Justin gave up body building because he had enough of the politics … Not because of illnesses.
Justin had his house paid off and is very clever.
He doesn't need body building.

Mr. Monster November 18, 2019 - 8:10 pm

I train at a gym in Kentucky where justin used to train regularly. It was always impressive how fast his body would change from week to week.

Francisco Eukalyptus November 25, 2019 - 7:16 am

Have been wondering where JC gone?

NordicPride970 November 27, 2019 - 3:21 pm

Bodybuilding is FAKE! As soon as you stop the drugs, the muscle goes away. Gee what a revelation!!! Listening to you is like hearing someone state the obvious over and over and OVER.

Did you ever stop and think that just maybe these guys are broken down and want to try to extend what limited life they have left? Most of them actually look much better off the drugs. That said, you annoy me. Your Channel is pointless and promoting something that’s damaging to the youth of America.
