The REAL Reason Your Lats Won’t Grow! – ATHLEAN-X™

by YouTube Team

If you ever wondered what the real reason your lats won’t grow is, this is a must watch video. Here I am going to show you what you likely have been and have not been doing when it comes to your back training that is leading to you not getting the back gains that you’re looking for. With just some simple modifications to your workouts, you will be on your way to building bigger lats.

The first thing you have probably been doing when it comes to your back workouts is that you’ve only been lifting heavy weights. This usually comes in the forms of rows, lat pulldowns, and weighted pullups. There’s nothing wrong with performing these exercises with heavier weights, but you are likely relying on something that comes with the heavy weight, especially in back training, and that is momentum.

Momentum is easy to take advantage of with back training in comparison to pushing exercises such as the bench press or a seated overhead press. In those two cases, if you can’t push the weight up, it’s not going anywhere. With a row or lat pulldown, you can use some body english and momentum to move that weight when you normally might not be able to.

While this can be helpful for building top end strength in the lifts that require it and may have given you some size to go along with that strength, the size of your lats might not have reached their full potential yet. This likely also has to do with the fact that you are also cutting short the range of motion in order to be able to manipulate that weight in space.

So, knowing that we are limiting our lat development based on the use of momentum and a shortened range of motion, we can introduce ways to fix these shortcomings.

First, let’s look at decreasing the weight we are using with our back workouts. While you might think that lowering the weight is counterintuitive, it’s actually going to be more beneficial than you realize. By lowering the weight, you will be able to have better command of it in space to create a greater stretch and contraction – realizing the benefits of full range of motion. With full range of motion of the lats, you can better unlock muscle growth by tapping not into just a greater contraction, but also achieving a greater stretch.

Now, when it comes to using lighter weights with your back workouts, it becomes even more essential that you start training your lats to failure in the higher rep ranges. I’ve mentioned before that as the rep range increases to include more than 12 reps, the more important it is that you train to failure on that exercise. Doing so will actually lead to better gains and more hypertrophy in the muscles you are trying to target.

We can also modify our training to not only include lighter weights, but utilize exercises that take your lats through full range of motion. The first exercise I like to mention is the rocking lat pulldown. This unilateral version of a standard pulldown allows for a greater contraction of the lats by being able to abduct the target arm.

The kneeling one armed pulldown is another great unilateral option for targeting the lats that will require even lighter weight to be used since you don’t have the assistance of the other arm to initiate the movement like you do in the rocking pulldown.

Next, we have the one arm high cable row (of my favorite back exercises of all time). Not only does this exercise allow you to target one side at a time, but the nature of the exercise takes you through full range of motion and a hard contraction with the elbow tight against the body as well allowing you put the muscle on full stretch at the top of each rep.

Another exercise option for your next back workout is the straight arm pushdown. Another exercise that allows you to target the lats effectively through a good contraction and allowing for the lats to be put on stretch at the top end in the range of motion while sitting the hips back. A slight tweak you can make to this exercise to further enhance the stretch on the lats is to simply perform this exercise in a kneeling position.

Lastly, an alternative to the standard pulldown to grow your lats is the underhanded version. Simply changing the orientation of your hands on the bar is enough to create to accentuate the stretch that you get on the lats at the top of the rep – again, going after that range of motion!

If you are looking for a complete workout program that help you to build bigger lats if you struggle to build them now, then be sure to head to via the link below and use the program selector to find the training plan that matches your exact goals now.

If you’re looking for more videos on how to build a bigger back, be sure to click on the link below to subscribe to this channel here on YouTube and remember to turn on your notifications so that you never miss a new video when it’s published.

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ATHLEAN-X™ November 13, 2022 - 6:29 pm

“FAST ACTION” Q&A* – Leave your most burning question about this video or any other training, PT or nutrition question within the first 2 hours of this video’s release (AS A SEPARATE COMMENT!!) and I will pick 8 to get a detailed reply from me right here in the comments. Answers will be posted within the first 24-48 hours of you leaving the question. Good luck!

Antoine Pierre-Pierre November 14, 2022 - 3:34 am

Hey, Jeff. Why is so difficult reaching you?

Jeremy Huston November 14, 2022 - 4:16 am

I didn't even know what I was missing. Thank you for your time and insight.

deedub November 14, 2022 - 5:17 am

Said so nicely 👌

All in one November 14, 2022 - 5:59 am

Hey Jeff feeling utmost pain in lower back while doing deadlift and can't able to lift even 70 kgs how to correct it

Nathan Beckett November 14, 2022 - 6:10 am

Who was he throwing shade at with the rocking lat pulldown comment?

Bryan BlueFish November 14, 2022 - 6:34 am

Do you think genetics could also influence the shape of your lats and, therefore, make it harder for some individuals to develop V-shaped lats?

Al C November 14, 2022 - 7:02 am

You are the best

Shawn da Bizkit November 14, 2022 - 7:08 am

Jeff inhales through both his nostrils and mouth to prevent muscle imbalance

user sony November 14, 2022 - 7:28 am

where is the guy from the last video, who said the Rocking Pulldown wasn't any good? ignorant.

Jasper Chung November 14, 2022 - 7:38 am

Athlean-X, Sean NaleXXXj, Mario tomic and Jeff Nippard are the best fitness youtube you can learn real stuff for free, even better to pay for personal trainer haha

Alexander Selivanov November 14, 2022 - 7:58 am

I can do chin-up style lats pull-ups!!!!!😮

etofok November 14, 2022 - 8:23 am

hey Jeff I've been watching your content for 7 years (and applying it successfully) and I never bought anything from you. Why don't you have like a patreon or something – it's free real estate

Rocky Dhar November 14, 2022 - 8:26 am


Caleb Beckett November 14, 2022 - 8:32 am

My main focus in training is increasing my strength overall, how do I incorporate deadlifts/squats/bench into a routine where I train it enough (to improve) because I find at moment it’s hard to improve on all 3 (as rest, recovery ect) just means frequency on all 3 isn’t as high

Siberius Wolf November 14, 2022 - 8:33 am

Is the answer, "because you're unknowingly also training your mid-traps at the same time"?
Nope not in this video.

Kool MC November 14, 2022 - 9:32 am

I feel pulldowns in my forearms

Fauerholm November 14, 2022 - 10:07 am

I just wanted to thank you for putting these videos out here, they have been life changing for many.

Nsg Nsg November 14, 2022 - 10:07 am

side delt, pull ups, abs.

aarrya saraf November 14, 2022 - 10:35 am

How do I recover and restrengthen after a bulging disk?

RyandeVil23 November 14, 2022 - 11:15 am

Reinforcing the importance of full stretch and full contraction🙏❤‍🔥that one arm standing high row.. also one of my favorite exercises ever😅 bold statement but true

Kristofer Ogg Castanié November 14, 2022 - 12:20 pm

By far one of my favourite channels on YouTube and one of the reasons I have YouTube premium.

Raajpal brar choudhary November 14, 2022 - 12:20 pm

Fitness is important in life but fitness is not everything, every thing is temporary in this house of sorrows , life is short.

Carrie Rueden November 14, 2022 - 12:21 pm


chryssoie November 14, 2022 - 12:27 pm

It would be great to have some lat exercise suggestions for dumbbells and bands. Not everyone has access to machines. 🙁

Peter van de Meent November 14, 2022 - 12:49 pm

Jeezz, seeing Jeff workout makes me wanna get back to the gym. Since working as an arborist and making long days I haven’t got energy to get back at it.

Four Big Guys November 14, 2022 - 1:20 pm

bcuz i dont find the time to go to jim

Charles Dutkevitch November 14, 2022 - 2:49 pm

How well would rowing with an oar hit the Lats?

xImDagiBee November 14, 2022 - 3:19 pm

Please do a video on how to train without gaining muscle. I want to be skinny but keep my strength/get stronger. I build too much muscle too fast because of my genes but as a boxer is not my goal… please

James Woodall November 14, 2022 - 3:22 pm

Thanks for continuing to hammer the basics home. Comes at a perfect time for me. I'm changing gyms so why not the way I've done things?

Raja Shekaran November 14, 2022 - 3:24 pm

How to cure injured serratus anterior due to heavy lifting or overuse I think . It's paining while breathing and lifting my arm. But I could lift heavy with that pain . 70 lbs per hand

Raja Shekaran November 14, 2022 - 3:25 pm

How to avoid these kinds of injury even though we work out in perfect form. How to impact or strengthen these unknown muscles

David Riddell November 14, 2022 - 4:06 pm

You would make so much money selling that extra long tricep rope for face-pulls

вася тёркин November 14, 2022 - 5:01 pm

I don't need full stretching for lats😃

Thom Run November 14, 2022 - 5:29 pm

As always, great info to use. Thanks!!!!
