How to Build Muscle and Drop Bodyfat% – OmarIsuf

by YouTube Team




WHAT? I MEAN SERIOUSLY. I just put out a video saying how you can NOT lose a lot of fat and gain a lot of muscle at the same time. Now this shit. Chef Buff make up your MIND.

BUT HOLD ON. I said you can drop your BODYFAT % NOT LOSE fat. There is a difference. Confused? Lets look at numbers

Say you are 150 pounds at 20% bodyfat. You have 30 pounds of fat and 120 pounds of lean muscle

Then through sound eating and training, you add another 30 pounds of pure muscle in three years, along with 5 pounds of fat.

Well now your new weight would be 185 pounds and you’d have 35 pounds of fat. Your bodyfat would be….13.5%. So you actually dropped 6.5% of bodyfat and would appear leaner.

You see, you actually did not LOSE fat, you just gained so much muscle that your bodyfat percentage went down and as a result of your muscle taking up a lot of space in your body, you’d look better.

So HOW do we gain muscle and drop our bodyfat %?

Well as in the example, its over a VERY long period of time. I’m talking well over a year. Besides all the obvious advice, here are three useful tips for lowering that bodyfat%.

1. Strictly follow your eating plan
You have to be consistent with your eating, with at least 90% of it being clean. You can’t bomb a keg every weekend with your buds otherwise you’ll get man boobies and they aren’t cool.

2. Do anabolic cardio if you gain fat easily
This means doing my HIIT cardio, sprinting, sled work, circuits… something active a couple times a week to take care of any excess calories that are not being properly utilized properly

3. Train a high volume
You need to challenge your body. Train at least four times a week and focus on progress overload. This means getting BETTER at the movements you select, you should be lifting more weights for more reps over time. This is the most neglected rule of training

4. Control Day
If in your lean mass phase you’ve partied a little too much, you can do a control day. I have a video on this (link: Its where you eat no carbs and a lot of protein to flush out extra calories following a binge

With time, you will slowly get leaner as you gain size. I’m not saying you’ll lose 30 pounds of fat, I’m saying that you will have the best bodyfat % while gaining muscle, and thats a sweet deal.

Post below some questions for another edition of ASKTHETRAINER. Its where I’ll take ten of your questions and answer them in a new video very fast.

TOPICS COVERED: muscle muscles “build muscle “how to muscle” howto sixpack “body fat” bodyfat % “lose fat” “weight loss” howto advice fitness shape exercise health nutrition gyms gym motivation bodybuilding exercises routine workout workouts youtube training “chef buff” conditioning cardio results transformation strength food epic funny truth realtalk abs chest biceps core “working out”


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zombiekippen March 1, 2012 - 5:05 pm

@OmarIsuf yeah its alright! I appreciate your efforts to make the life of others better by supplying your knowlegde and experiences through your videos 😉

dancountyfc March 1, 2012 - 8:42 pm

hey omar, what advice would you give me for getting my lower abs to show, my top abs show really well but the lower abs not so well?

OmarIsuf March 1, 2012 - 10:12 pm

@LockonKun yes

peranehalsen March 6, 2012 - 11:50 pm

So what you'r saying if im 20% body fat it is going to take 3 year's get in shape?

OmarIsuf March 7, 2012 - 3:26 pm

@peranehalsen Not at all, it was just an example 🙂

OmarIsuf March 18, 2012 - 10:49 pm

@TheMeta1 thats fucked

Mr S Is the Best April 15, 2012 - 3:33 pm

to gain our attention and maintain it throughout the video ?

mondola May 10, 2012 - 12:06 am

Omar what kind of body type are you? You look kinda similiar to mine, I would guess Mesomorph or between Meso and Endomorph.

Josh August 22, 2012 - 10:02 pm

So using your example; If your body fat % dropped from 20% to 13.5%, would that body fat amount then be healthy? Because if having 20% body fat is unhealthy, then surely still having that amount of fat on your body but with more muscle ( Dropping it to 13.5% ) is still unhealthy? Anyone able to clear this up for me?

Vova Grenka July 7, 2013 - 7:38 pm

Good day! I'm Justin.I did -15 lbs past 1 week.Open

ShawnsTriple July 13, 2013 - 3:17 am

Some honest advice, good deal.

Jacob Burner July 19, 2013 - 2:40 am

Hello there, have you considered "MuscLeader" (just search Google)? There you can watch a good free video explaining how to develop visible muscle quickly whilst reducing unwanted fat as well. Ryan and many other guys had good results utilizing this method. It might help you out too…

Sid August 3, 2013 - 3:39 pm

omg this helped so much didnt think you can do this

MD. Rafiqul Islam August 22, 2013 - 9:49 pm

Hello, have you tried "MuscLeader" (look on Google)? On their website you can watch a smart free video demonstrating how to pack on noteworthy muscle mass really fast while losing body fat as well. Brandon and plenty other guys had amazing success making use of this strategy. I hope it works for you also…

NotOnlyAVoice August 28, 2013 - 11:06 pm

check ur display pix,its like ur looking at each other

Rahmi Junita October 6, 2013 - 2:05 am

If you desire to shed fat, you should do a google search Fat Blast Factor. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

kalana widuranga October 25, 2013 - 4:10 am

To people who want to get ripped some day. Just Google Max Muscle Method to find out more.

Ethan Osteen September 9, 2014 - 8:08 pm

Gotta admit I was confused at first. Learned something new haha

Alper Can January 12, 2016 - 2:58 pm

Hi I workout 3-4 times a week and eat clean BUT I drink heavily once in a week in friday or saturday. Does it set me back from losing my body fat? I have about 18%. Thank you

Shantell Amend February 16, 2018 - 8:28 am

I think you need to take some time and go to Unflexal to learn about workouts.
